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2nd Lt JacobD

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Posts posted by 2nd Lt JacobD

  1. The new first lieutenant Jacob Duncan had finally made to the shallow water crossing that he had been hoping for...although...it was a few more kilometers than he had expected.  Taking a few of the fashioned blowguns and two stinkies from his pocket, he had fashioned a trigger device using some of the vines that were there.


    This all made for a very odd slingshot type of weapon, but it would be un-noticed and untraced by normal tricorders.  Duncan had already made sure of that fact.  He didn't want any chances nor did he want anyone to miss out on the fun.


    After he finally got the blowguns situated and hidden nicely in the undergrowth, Duncan crossed the river and started heading back toward where he thought the colonel and the captain might be.

  2. Stardate 10309.03


    Yannow...It sucks sitting up in a tree all alone.  But...I'm a Marine...so I don't mind it really that much.  It's been quiet since we've landed and I've informed the major of a blue haze that was a tell-tale sign of a nacelle on a shuttlecraft coming down.  


    I'm still trying to figure out exactly why ::sniffing the air:: that I smell pork coming from where I left the rest of the group.  Did someone not get the memo that we were trying NOT to get caught by the other team?


    Thankfully, I'll be able to prove my worth against my fellow marine Lt Black.  It's been rocky and I think he thinks that I can't hack it.  If he only knew what it was like growing up, he might understand that I can do everything that he can.  Note...I did not say that I can do it better.


    Another message just popped up.  God...I love these devices.  I've been promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant.  Still leading charlie company.  That bunch of guys is probably the best bunch of Marines that Starfleet has seen in a long time.  I feel pretty unworthy to be serving with them.


    Mental note to self:  Whoever's cornball idea it was to have roast pork.....or furthermore light the fire will so get a Marine survival handbook in their stocking for Christmas.


    End personal log.

  3. Duncan looked down at his padd as he walking though deck 22 and felt that now is as good of time as ever to let out his feelings.  


    A lot of people haven't noticed that Duncan is a private man with his feelings.  It's not in his nature to go and broadcast exactly how angry or sad he is at any given time.  He's not very stoic, but there are times that he lets his guard down and enough people can see what was going on.


    "Computer, access personal log. Authorization Duncan Sierra 77."


    "Personal log database accessed," the computer replied...almost sterile..back"


    "Begin log recording through this padd."


    "I can safely say that a load has been lifted from my shoulders.  I've gotten word that I won't be written up on charges for what happened on Lodi...which to me is a big sigh of relief.  The only thing that I can expect is a note in my record and a "drop it soldier" coming from the colonel."


    "It's been slow adjusting here on the Arcadia.  It's probably because I'm used to a different type of people than what's here.  Maybe I was sheltered too much for my own good.  With Dad gone to who knows where and doing god knows what, Mom would make sure that the real world in some form or fashion would not affect me as I grew up on the ranch.  To her, she wanted to see me grow up and take over the ranch and not make my way into Starfleet  or any of its animals.  I can't really say that she had a lot of influence on that decision.  As much as my father and I have had bad times, I can safely say that wherever he is, he is proud of me."


    "I've made my way onto probably the flagship of the fleet.  I spent the extra time to make it as a Marine and I can say that I've been rewarded with what can potentially be a very bright career.  But, I know that there's a lot of my dad in me and with that comes a lot of the attitude that he has."


    "It was good to finally get out what I felt about Lt Black.  I honestly believe that it would have been a nasty experience for us both if I had confronted Black before actually airing my feelings to someone that I hold in the highest regard.  Major Stardust and I are alike.  We both come from a different type of people.  A more laid back society of friends and people that will give you a hot meal and a warm bed if you're stuck out on a stormy night.  We share that common bond, even if he is a higher ranking officer than I am."


    "What I said to the major, I can hold in confidence that it won't be repeated...and I think it's time that I let go of that myself.  Lodi is over.  People got sick and we went and saved the day.  It's time to move on and leave it behind."


    "I don't know if I'll be able to look at Lt Black the same again, but I have to make a conscious and tough effort to let it go."


    "It's over and time to move on.  I had just gotten word that McHale was having to transfer off of the Arcadia and go on hiatus for some training.  I wish him the best of luck in his endeavors and hope that he finds what he's looking for."


    "Maybe along the way...I'll find what I'm looking for."


    With that, Duncan finally reached the turbolift, after taking the long way and walking to the farthest end of the ship.


    "Computer, encrypt and store personal log."


    The computer chimed and the padd returned to the reports he had been looking at as he entered the turbolift.


    "Duncan to Honeycutt, I'm on my way to sickbay."

  4. There are some instances, albeit few, sitting on an asteroid in bio shelters that can prove to be a little too much for one's own good.  You almost have to thank the gods of fleet technology that there are ways to keep yourself pure from the multitude of sickness and disease that seems to run rampant throughout the universe.


    2Lt Jacob Duncan and well over 100 marines, Colonel Quest, Doctor Telano and his med staff had piled onto the Belleuewood for an evac that he continued to think may have been contained in the beginning.  He had already sent the 5 marines that were exposed to the virus into the shelters and had quietly suggest to Colonel Quest and Doctor Telano that they join them there.  The other marines were ordered to recharge their battle packs and not to remove their rebreathers.  


    The only other order that 2Lt Duncan could give them was to sleep.  By sleeping, they weren't using the pure, clean air that apparently now was in much demand.  Duncan himself had decided to keep watch on the colonel and Telano who both finally gave out from sheer exhaustion...not completely the effects of the virus.


    Duncan quietly thought to himself about the events of the past week.  On his first assignment, he had been in a barfight, which constituted a charge of conduct unbecoming an officer.  Next charge was disobeying direct orders to remain on the Arcadia in quarters until his punishment.  It wouldn't have been fair to him to let the colonel go back down to the planet alone.  Third charge was leaving the ship without authorization.  Once again, Duncan justified it simply as the colonel in his mind would not be able to leave the ship unescorted...and the captain...for that matter had the same ranking about leaving the ship unescorted.


    Duncan had studied the information on the Arcadia and the captain before boarding the ship.  He wondered exactly when the captain thought he was Wyatt Earp stepping into the OK Corral without his brothers and Doc Holliday.


    Duncan's mind slipped back to the thoughts about his charges and possible punishment.  He then quickly thought to himself, it may be a wise decision to consult a legal advisor before he is in too deep and sinks hard.

  5. I kinda think that the logs are also for character building.  In some of my logs, I have explained a little about a mysterious box that I carry with me all the time and why my character's father has disappeared.  Hopefully, with Captain Moose's permission, I can develop a little more character as far as why my character's academy entrance was accelerated and a few other things.


    Logs are helpful in the fact that you the player have the chance to push the envelope and develop an inner story for yourself, as long as it's within reason.  If the logs were simply a retelling of what everyone did in the previous week's sim, they would be very boring and a lot of new people would lose interest in joining such a diverse group of players.


    I try to make it a point to read some of the sim logs and the logs from various players, as it helps me learn a few things.  I have especially been interested in the court martial proceedings that are happening aboard SH Aegis.  (Note to Fred: Sorry for taking up a spot last night...I forgot I was still signed on in the kitchen :D).

  6. If you haven't been able to fix it, it's a simple fix to get you back online.  You have to be offline for this fix to work.  So, unplug your ethernet cable or don't sign onto your dialup provider.


    1) For windows xp users, hit ctrl + alt + delete and hit the processes tab and end the process for msblast.exe.


    2) Now...go into Windows explorer to your C:\windows\system32\ folder and delete the msblast.exe program.


    3) Then hit your start button, then run and type in regedit and go to the edit menu when it pops open and click find and type in msblast.  Once found, click on it and hit delete on your keyboard.


    4) Reboot, patch, virus scan.


    This is almost as easy as lather, rinse, repeat.


    Oh...and this is based on my own experiences with the worm...not our good friendly peoples who run stsf .  If you need more help, feel free to find me on aim at mIRC Packet.




    Jacob...not sure where you are in the state. But... when I was living in Lubbock, about 7-8 years ago, there was a major power outage.


    Some idiots at one of the major plants between Lubbock and Amarillo forgot to turn off a grig before doing some kind of cleaning ro something. Blew the grid, which brought down the next.... and on down the line. Took power out for northern Texas, and browned out all way to Montana.

    Just outside of DFW.  The best it gets is when it rains and the winds blow a little...the power flickers, but comes right back on.



  8. ...I think it would be cool if Lucas Arts purchased the rights, then you'd have some weird irony thing going on.

    There's probably some sort of contract thing going on where Lucas Arts can't make Star Trek games.


    Part of the reason why the Star Trek games didn't do well on console is because they are so friggin hard.  You had to jump through all sorts of hoops to get past the first mission.  It just wasn't realistic along with the series.


    I believe the only two were one for TNG and one for DS9.  Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that...I'm not including anything newer than say n64.

  9. "Report here on the double for extract," Lt Black barked over an open comm link.


    2Lt Jacob Duncan looked around the dark room with the flashing lights from several different computer stations as he heard the order from Black.  Duncan had already isolated every crucial system on this planet and was going to target the specific systems used by the water reclamation plants for filtration.  As far as he knew, the virus was still being spread via the water and now a new strain was being spread via the air.  


    The information on the new strain through the air was a little different.  Duncan could only naturally assume that anyone was not in Marine gear could potentially become infected with the virus, and without any type of protection it was starting to be easier to say that any other personnel still on the planet were potentially infected.


    As Black was spouting off orders, he finally received a secured communication from the Colonel.  Luckily, the battle gear all carries an alternate encrypted communication system called the "Light" system.  Inside the helmet, there's a viewer ported just in front of one eye and a light similar to a laser, but not with the same properties, can beam information to you directly and the brain can decrypt the information carried by the light.  It's basically similar to ancient Earth communications among warships at sea using a large spotlight.


    Duncan focused on the light long enough for the short message to come across.  "Duncan, I have located the doctors.  Belluewood has arrived at Tarawa.  Secure Tarawa.  No personnel leaves via that shuttle or the Belluewood unless under my direct order.  Bring company C to medical facility to begin facilitating possible evac. Quest out.


    Lt Black had just finished barking an order to return to some shuttle somewhere for an extraction.


    "Lt Black, your order has been noted.  I am under higher orders and will be staying on the planet until further notice. Duncan out," Duncan snapped back into the open UNSECURE comm link.


    With that, after gaining access to the main power station and information on the colony's power systems, Duncan slapped his comm badge and closed the channel before Black had time to even blink.  He turned on his heel, secured the computer stations in the control room and strolled out of the building to meet up with his company.


    Duncan had already sent the two squads, which was about 20 men back to Lt Black without really thinking about the fact that they were technically not under his order or command on this particular operation.  Colonel Quest had 2 squads with him and there was a squad guarding the Tarawa.  He resigned himself to fact that Black and Duncan were going to have it out, but today was not the day for that to happen.

  10. Hi :D


    I'd like to first say that I'm not attempting to ruffle any feathers ;D.


    Maybe I've been to too many academy sims lately.  I don't know.


    I do understand the gm view that Blurox and Fred gave.  I can see that you guys definitely have a lot on your plate when the academy sims are being conducted.


    I have a lot of ideas, and I'm one of those types of people who at times will throw out his idea without thinking it through thoroughly.  But, I assure you...there will prolly be many more ideas to come ;D

  11. I've spent the last 24 hours in somewhat of a timewarp.  I released myself from sickbay since I couldn't seem to find anyone to sign the orders to do it.  I went back to my quarters and quietly thought...what the heck was I doing?


    As far as I knew, there wa a marine who was missing in action and one was stuck in sickbay...who I seem to develop a stronger bond with.


    Now, I'm looking at a reclamation plant on a planet and listening to a bunch of people babbling on about how they are getting into the plant.  I have disobeyed the direct orders of a superior officer.  Even though he's not a marine...I guess I can't hold that against him.


    He had taken it upon himself to leave the ship without a marine escort and put himself in danger.  That wasn't bright.  I haven't heard from Colonel Quest's squad...they were searching for the captain.


    I've decided that I'm taking my squad and we are going to blow our way into the building if we have to.  It may just be easier if I took the squad over to the power plant for this hunk of rock and blew it into a nice crater.  There's enough of them here already.


    One of the logs before my father disappeared had him saying "Court martials are akin to a really long conversation that can be summed up with two words."  If I'm disobeying orders now...might as well see it through to the end.

  12. Here's a thought.  I know that you gm's might sometimes have a hard time coming up with plot lines for the academy sims.  I know with the advanced sims that the plots are a little more structured, but it seems like in the academy sims, we are visiting the same planets over and over again to do basically the same thing.


    What I would suggest is maybe set up like a sim submission page for people to submit plot lines.  Now, I'd recommend maybe leaving this something for those that have graduated the sims to submit plots to, but it could be something for everyone.


    I came in on the tail end of a very good sim about a week ago or so in Moose's academy involving a changeling murderer on the ship and no one really knew about it.  I like to sim where I have to think a little more than normal.  I think with a few more of those type sims, you guys as gms can see some of the creativity that comes out of the good group of people that we have here.


    Anyway, that's my two cents...I'm always looking for something that's a little different.