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the doctor

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Posts posted by the doctor

  1. sorry for the whate




    ...continues down the coridor walks into tubo lift +lift+ holideck+lift+ vrrrrrrr... beep ::dores open walks down to holedeck +holo+load doc. bata 3+hol+ beep please walk in+ ok ::walks in and sees a new ship model ahh I missed you my proto type all looks good now all I got to do is get you to starfleet and they might bild a proto type +model+ 6 nesells 8 phaser banks 3 transporters 4 torpedo shooters on front of sacer section and 2 on each other side+model+


    end log... ti'l next time :P

  2. dissclaimer:I don't do advanst sim.




    uhh... ::walks in to quaters:: takes off shoes sits on soffa relaxis walkes into kitchen +rplicator+ramen noodles shiken hot!

    ::replicate::pickup and starts scarfing puts back in replicator refill picks up the noodls walks into main part of the quaters and tuns on his padd with clasic tv shows like star take with captian dirk. laphs a little gits up and puts in replicator and ses refill eats what is in it and then puts back dun. walks into living room area then walks into the coridor ... to be continued

  3. Ok..I am new here..and have no idea what areas are also available..so...is there other chat areas to go to and chat with ppl...I went to the chat areas here and they are blank..anyone have any Idea? :)

    they are all right one of the cool things is that whine you are on and other ppl are on if ppl what to you or they can do there own sim.(does not count for enything)but it is still fun :D