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Posts posted by Scandle

  1. Ty Sir.

    i look foward to your teachings


    Welcome to Starfleet Academy.


    There are 11 possible permutations. If you try out most of them, you'll never get bored waiting to graduate.










    Please read Tips From The Moose often.


    Memory-Alpha.org is a good place to learn technobabble.


    Live long and prosper.

  2. TY i just sent him a pm TY


    looking forwarder to work working with you in the future


    Welcome Scandle.


    Firstly, you would need to lose the STSF in your name (send a PM to forum leader Atragon 9 and he can re-do the name, or just re-register yourself); the only players that use the STSF call letters are those that have reached the ranking of game master. Typically, that will take a couple years as you put your time in and move up in the ranks on the games/ships.


    Check out the Moose Tips http://www.stsf.net/forums/index.php?showforum=34 and the Help section of the main page http://www.stsf.net/forums/index.php?showforum=34


    Both of these sections cover whatever questions you would have.


    And then there is the Schedule http://www.stsf.net/schedule.php for when you're ready to jump in and start simming.


    Have fun and catch you later Cadet.


    - Kansas >^..^<

  3. Good afternoon my fellow trekkies i new to the stsf but a long time fan of Startrek, anyways i need someone to advise me or give me some tips how to begin my work on the sim


    i plan to start from the very bottom and work my way all the way to the top


    any advise

