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Dave Doss

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Posts posted by Dave Doss

  1. The series had some serious potential; I don't think we've heard or seeen the last of Firefly/Serenity.

    I think we have. When Firefly first came out, I didn't watch it. If I did see ads for it, I tuned it out thinking it wasn't something I'd like. What they failed to do in the ads was promote the comical side of it, which is what made it as big as it is. The same goes for StarGate SG-1. I saw Serenity come out, but never rented it or saw it for some reason. When I did, I instantly loved the show. I did end up watching the series when it was shown on Sci-fi at some point and I picked up the whole series box set.

    However the movie was the last throw. They can't go back to it even if they wanted too. Too many problems were resolved and other issues would arise. It just wouldn't be the same.

  2. As I said before - Is it safe to say that the Mirror characters are only as evil as their good counterparts "allow" them to be? I believe this to be true.

    Then one must ask, which universe has the choice? If you really want to think about it, from the "mirror" universe's perspective, the other universe is the Mirror. Are those people only as good as the non-good ones allow them to be?

  3. As I see the "mirror" universe, it's all about choice. When it was first put into existance in TOS they made their characters just plain evil. So this was an actual "mirror" universe at that point. However we know that spock tried to change that. As a result the empire fell and the aliens did a "let's opress them now" thing. It ceased to become a direct "mirror" and became simply another alternate universe. But for some reason it's still the one they travel too with transporter accidents. Probably something weird like the phase shift of the matter stream is in tune with it or something. Needless to say anything in the DS9 "mirror universe" episodes is accurate. It simply isn't based on the choices the normal universe cast made but rather how their lives would have turned out given the history. Although this causes issues since it's likely most people wouldn't even exist(I'm pretty sure ben sisco's mother was a under the control of a prophet alien), but we can ignore that.


    My RP is actually devoting a season to alternate universes. We're keeping away from strictly "mirror" and simply using alternate universes as just that, alternate. They developed differently based on choices. For example: Our Chief Medical Officer is a ruthless agent of an interdimensional organization that wants to conquer the galaxy in all universes. We introduced it by having the daughter I never had from the girl I never married come from one universe, followed shortly by the evil CMO from another. We also lost our Captain and gained his ensign counterpart. Again, not strictly evil or exactly opposite (the evil CMO doesn't know medicine) but they are genetically the same. And since the infinite possibilities theory thingy allows us to bring in anyone we want, it opens up a nice set of possibilities.

  4. Hello. I was scanning the web for other trek sims and I found yours. I run a forum based sim called the Poseidon and I wanted to see how others simmed and perhaps take some of what I learn there and help it stay alive.


    You seem like you have a good player base as well as structure so I would like to join your group as a cadet through the academy. I don't know how long I'll stay, but if I don't feel I can be a productive and active member, I will be sure not to move on beyond graduation.


    I have 3 years of forum simming experience. I've also RPed with the RPG-X mod for Elite Force several times and I've been running my forum simm for the last 2 years.


    I hope I can get a good grip on your system. I will attempt to join the academy RP thursday. I know I need to put cdt in front of my name and I have read all the information on the main page.

    Anything else I should know before I start?