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Posts posted by CdrDeGenza

  1. BIO: Commander Saul DeGenza


    Age: 39 (172)

    DOB: 01 September 2121

    Sex: Male

    Birthplace: New York, NY. Earth

    Race: Human

    Height: 6'4"

    Weight: 240



    Rank: Commander

    Graduation Date: 07 October 2142


    UES Rio 08 October 2142 until 23 December 2146 (Ensign- LtJG)/ Tactical

    UES Manfree 07 February 2147 until 12 August 2150 (LtJG- Lt)/ Security/ Chief Security

    Star Fleet Security (Earth) 20 August 2150 until 21 July 2152 North American OIC (LtSG)

    Star Fleet Strategics & Planning 28 July 2152 until 10 December 2156 (Borg defense committee) (Lt Commander)

    *****Classified activities until 26 April 2157***** (Lt Commander)

    UES Challenger 27 May 2157 - January 2161 XO position. (Commander)

    January 2161 until January 2294, In Stasis.....

    January 2294 reanimated and assigned as XO to USS Challenger.



    Ensign: 08 October 2142

    LtJG: 27 March 2144

    LT: 10 January 2148

    LTSG: 18 May 2151

    LCDR: 28 July 2152

    CDR: 23 May 2157




    Age 11 Broken Left wrist medically cleared

    Age 19 Pulled ligaments in severe left ankle sprain- Medically waivered until age 21 at SFA when medically cleared

    Age 27 Injured in combat against an unidentified assailant later revealed to be an Andorian scouting party while on a Classified Mission. Laser blasts to chest arms and legs. Medically cleared 10 weeks later. Star Fleet Purple Heart was Awarded.

    Age 39, Severe injuries to brain, spine, chest, lungs, and eyes while manning his post during the final battle of the Romulan War over Earth in 2161. Put in stasis as a result of his injuries by members of Star Fleet's security and science divisions.




    Star Fleet Purple Heart- Awarded on 13 November 2150 for wounds received during Classified Mission.





    End Record





    Commander Saul De Genza

  2. Saul DeGenza entered the San Francisco Star Fleet History Museum.

    He figured this would be the best way to catch up on History.


    They let him in for free, ofcourse, because he had a uniform on with credentials, not because he was a living exhibit...


    He saw the journey's of Captain James T. Kirk and his crew. The marvelous diplomatic works by Sarek of Vulcan. Klingon wars, the assassination of Gorkon, the signing of the Khitomer Accords. He looked through the computer to catch up on the many known alien races, members of the federation, and he even watched the videos of The NX-01 Decomissioning ceremony, the warp 7 trials, the founding of the federation speach by an old acquiantance, Jonathan Archer.


    He walked around the Museum. A replica of the phoenix was there. a mock-up of first contact. It was truly amazing. Something he wished they had when he was a kid some 160 years prior.

    But here it came, a special room. It was a Tuesday afternoon, about 1400 hours. no one was really in the museum. Saul walked in, the signs on the door saying "DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING IN THIS EXHIBIT"

    As he walked in, the ceiling came to life, displaying a video. He saw two NX class ships, several corvettes, a few destroyers, Andorians and even Vulcan craft all fighting Romulan vessels.... As the camera panned in on one of the NX class ships, he recognized it before the ship's registry was visible.... Challenger. Saul's heart sank. But here it was, before him, the final battle of the Romulan War playing itself out.


    Challenger, severely damaged made a pass by the more heavily damaged Atlantis. He remembered this is where they beamed the crew of Atlantis to safety and had her towed by the Sh'rann to block against incoming nuclear missiles from the Romulans.... Explosion... Atlantis errupted in a fireball.... Challenger sped on, continuing to fight what Romulans she could. several volleys of torpedoes were taken to the ventral side moments before the ship lost power... Saul remembered this part. He watched..... A red torpedo slammed into the ventral side of the Challenger. This is the impact that killed Aaron, and almost killed him.... Red, the romulans fired green torpedoes.... he went to a view screen and backed the video up... A stray torpedo from the Pride had missed a Romulan ship and landed on the Challenger. "Friendly fire," muttered Saul, "go figure... but whats done is done no changing the past"


    Saul went further into the exhibit, and noticed a few very familiar items. One of his old uniforms was displayed, he recognized the spaghetti sauce stain on it that no one could get out from the right leg, a photo of him and Kimiko, and his paper-bound journal... Saul crossed the line marking the exhibit and reclaimed his photo and journal. When he turned, he saw a board with the names of those lost in the battle. He walked over to it, and saw under NX-05 Challenger that his name was there.... He grabbed a knifre he kept in his pocket and etched his name out.


    As he walked away, a security guard ran up to the board, saw the crossed out name, saw the backside of DeGenza and the articles he had in his hand...


    "Hey! You! you can't take those!! those don't belong to you! stop now!!" screamed the guard. He moved quickly to DeGenza.


    Saul turned around holding the photo in his left hand and the journal in his right. "First, this is my picture, son. Second, this journal... I'm not done with it. And about your board... I'm not dead....." with that, Saul turned and walked out of the Museum.... He was sure he would hear about this from Admiral Therilis, but it didn't matter. He had the two most important things to him right now. His journal, and the picture of the girl he could never have...

  3. 3 days had passed since Saul DeGenza woke up. Which was 4 days since the surgery. He felt better. Not as good as he used to feel, but physically he felt better.... He had a meeting with Admiral Therilis, Admiral Corke, and Captain Louis in a minute.

    He was wearing his hospital clothes. He had no access to any electronic information, news, or the outside. He hadn't even seen a uniformed officer.


    "Commander," said a deep, strong voice, "I am Admiral Therilis. This is admiral Corke and Captain Louis"


    Admiral Corke was a petite woman. blonde hair, blue eyes, stone cold face. No warmth to her appearance. Captain Louis was about medium height, 5'7" or so, brown hair, blue eyes, stone cold face... Admiral Therilis was 6'5" or so, blue skinned... Andorian.... they all had the same uniform on, but why would an Andorian be wearing an Earth Uniform.....


    "Admirals, Captain, I have questions," said Saul.


    The small woman replied. "Yes, we know you do. first off, the year is 2294, and yes, you are alive and well"


    Captain Louis chimed in. "Earth is now part of a great interstellar alliance, and organization called the United Federation of Planets." Saul pointed to the Adnorian "And yes, we have non-human officers as part of it"


    Saul sat down at the edge of his hospital bed.


    "Commander," said Corke, "I don't know how you did it in the 22nd century, but in the 23rd, we stand up in the presence of superior officers"


    Saul, who had his head lowered, trying to let most of this sink in, lifted his head and looked Corke dead in the eyes. "Admiral, your people put me asleep. Your people woke me up. All against my own will. I was content to die on Challenger, having saved Earth. So don't you ever think, for one miserable second, that I give a rat's behind about form, military bearing, or 'good conduct' ya got that? I've been asleep for 133 years and for the last 3 days I havent even been allowed to watch the news."


    Corke was shocked. So was Louis. Therilis expected this reaction.


    "Commander, never, ever talk to me in that tone of voice or in that manner.... ya got that?" Corke snapped back. Evidently angry.


    Saul got enraged, and stood up. "Who the hell do you think you are?? You are not my CO nor are you my Admiral. This is not my Star Fleet. This is not my time. What do you hope to gain from waking me up? Ask me some questions and let me 'gracefully retire' or parade me around for some anniversary special on the network news?"


    Admiral Therilis threw his hand up at Corke, signaling for her to back down. She wouldn't have won anyway, Saul figured.

    "Saul, we are here to give you a chance to finish out your career. Space is not a safe place. War with the Klingons left us hurting. Romulans are perceived as another threat, but they are so isolationist, we see them briefly, and they dissappear. We need someone out there to be a heavy hand, someone who is not afraid of conflict if the situation calls for it, but someone who can be diplomatic and strong enough as an XO. In your 3 1/2 years of the UES Challenger, you proved that. You manned your post to the end of the Romulan Invasion of the Sol system, and according to accounts, if many of your recommendations hadn't been followed, Earth would have been lost. Saul, we need you out there."


    A young Lieutenate walked in to the room, with a uniform in hand.

    "Commander," Louis chimed in, "welcome back to the Fleet. You are hereby re-instated into Star Fleet as of 1800 hours, 25 January 2294. Congratulations." Captain Louis extended his hand to shake Saul's.


    "I, I don't know what to say. I'm 133 years out of the loop. I'm sure i'll catch up, but there is alot thats happened since I was put in stasis...... I assume I have some time to get re-acquainted with society?"

    Therilis jumped in. "Commander, you will have some time, ofcourse, but we have an assignment for you.... Kind of ironic actually, but, you will be the XO of a new ship. Still be worked on."


    "And whats so ironic about it, admiral?" saul said.


    "New ship, old officer, and the ship name... USS Challenger"


    "Challenger? this aught to be good....."

    When the trio left, Saul put on his uniform...


    "God, I feel like I am wearing a clown suit. What ever happened to the old fashioned coveralls we used to wear....."

    Saul walked out of the medical facility, and went to do the first and most important thing he could.... scope out San Francisco....

  4. Kimiko.......


    That was the last thought that went through Saul DeGenza's mind before he was put into stasis in San Francisco in 2261.....

    His former CO in special ops came to the medical facility he was being treated at for the wounds he suffered while defending Earth against the final Romulan attack that had claimed soo many lives, and ultimately claimed his ship, the UES Challenger.


    Here his stasis pod lay, over 130 years later, doctors waiting on a way to repair the damage to his spine, brain and eyes. He lost all motor functions and most of his reasoning capabilties as a result of the console exploding while he was using it.


    "Are we ready, doctor?" said a strong, deep voice. Admiral Therilis, an Andorian.


    "Everything is set. Are you sure you want to proceed?" a raspy voice responded.


    "Doctor McCoy," replied the Admiral, "open it up."


    The pod opened, its inhabitant was quickly loaded on to the surgical table, and the procedure began.

    Dr. McCoy was able to keep DeGenza physically in stasis during the procedure and began to bring him "back to life" once the operation was complete.


    Looking in from the viewing room, Admiral Therilis and several other high ranking officials were discussing the plan.

    "It'll be an adjustment for him, but he will be able to adapt. In time. If the surgery is as succesful as we believe it will be, we will get him up to speed on history and give him a position worthy of a hero."


    "Why are we doing this admiral? why not just pull the plug?" said a female voice


    "Because, he saved an ancestor of mine fighting for Earth. He is all we have left of that time peiod. We owe him atleast the dignity of finishing out his career, not just letting him die like a vegetable"



    Several days later....


    "Commander, can you hear me?"


    Saul looked up for the first time in over 130 years. He opened his eyes to see aliens he had never seen, technology that was so futuristic he was amazed, and at the same time afraid....


    He moved his legs. then his arms. "Who, what.... whats going on?? Kimiko? is she alright??"


    Doctor McCoy walked in.


    "Commander, its been over 130 years since you last saw her..... welcome to the end of the 23rd Century"

  5. Personal Log: 26 May 2157Saul De GenzaXO, UES Challenger, NX-05 Saul entered his quarters on the UES Rio. He was big. Standing at a staggering 6'4", he had to often duck just to come through the doors to his quarters. His frame was wide and strong. He had short brown hair, spiked in the front, deep brown eyes and tanned/olive skin.

    The Rio was outdated. A slow "clunker" that had been through alot. She had recently been re-fit with the biggest engines they could put on her, Warp 4. Slow by modern standards, the trip had taken some time. Infact, the Rio picked him up from his last mission 2 months ago and was recently diverted to the Challenger.

    The Rio was en-route to the Challenger, NX-05. The fifth one of her line started, but the second completed. Advanced technology, the likes he had only experimented with in simulations, was coursing throughout the Challenger's veins.

    Saul was excited. He looked in the mirror as he placed on his new uniform. He had recently been promoted to Commander after just having come off a delicate Classified Mission, during his debrief.

    He stared into the mirror. Only a few more minutes before he would be shuttled aboard the Challenger and meet the crew. He was nervous, excited, and scared, but he had one thing going for him. He KNEW he was in the moment. Everything was going right. Nothing could go wrong, and he was going to make sure it stayed that way.

    As he gathered the last of his belongings, a young Ensign came to the door and took his bags to the Shuttle Bay. Saul took one last look in the mirror, and this time, he smiled.

  6. BIO: Commander Saul DeGenza


    Age: 35

    DOB: 01 September 2121

    Sex: Male

    Birthplace: New York, NY. Earth

    Race: Human

    Height: 6'4"

    Weight: 240



    Rank: Commander

    Graduation Date: 07 October 2142


    UES Rio 08 October 2142 until 23 December 2146 (Ensign- LtJG)/ Tactical

    UES Manfree 07 February 2147 until 12 August 2150 (LtJG- Lt)/ Security/ Chief Security

    Star Fleet Security (Earth) 20 August 2150 until 21 July 2152 North American OIC (LtSG)

    Star Fleet Strategics & Planning 28 July 2152 until 10 December 2156 (Borg defense committee) (Lt Commander)

    *****Classified activities until 26 April 2157***** (Lt Commander)

    UES Challenger 27 May 2157 Assumed XO position. (Commander)



    Ensign: 08 October 2142

    LtJG: 27 March 2144

    LT: 10 January 2148

    LTSG: 18 May 2151

    LCDR: 28 July 2152

    CDR: 23 May 2157




    Age 11 Broken Left wrist medically cleared

    Age 19 Pulled ligaments in severe left ankle sprain- Medically waivered until age 21 at SFA when medically cleared

    Age 27 Injured in combat against an unidentified assailant later revealed to be an Andorian scouting party while on a Classified Mission. Laser blasts to chest arms and legs. Medically cleared 10 weeks later. Star Fleet Purple Heart was Awarded.




    Star Fleet Purple Heart- Awarded on 13 November 2150 for wounds received during Classified Mission.


    End Record