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Posts posted by Darius927

  1. Ya, Google worked fine before and after i tried...


    Its now 11:10 AM PST here, and i can access the site, don't know what happened. Reboot and stuff didn't fix it, but i can get to www.StarTrek.com now.


    That's digital for ya. Change a single 0 to a 1, or vice versa, and nothing works right. Hey, I actually learned something from my engineering classes! :(

  2. I tried to get to the chat rooms from all possible points. Regardless, I could not access anything on www.startrek.com on March 9, 2005. I still can't, and it is 10:45 PST on my end. I wanted to be at the chat, but could not get there through www.startrek.com, or www.stsf.net. Can't get anything on www.startrek.com actually, just a DNS error.

  3. Hey all, I can't get to www.Startrek.com! I don't know if it is my computer or the net, but i am on the message boards, so I think it is Startrek.com. I am missing the Agincourt chat! Nooooooooooooooo! Uh, is anyone else, or do I not know what I'm doing :( ? Thanks.




    P.S. Oh yeah, I guess I need a new avatar, what happened to my old one :lol: ?

  4. Sending a human being back to them moon would be in the best interests of mankind. Granted, the Columbia loss was a tragedy. However, none of the proposed NASA programs will solve the USA's, or any nation's current space dilema.


    Anyone ho keeps up on the NASA's endevors has heard of the aerospike engine. The aerospke engine, coupled with NASA's plans to eliminate the orbier's jetisinable fuel tanks, was and is the future of space travel. However, due to budget cuts and other reasons, the program was halted.


    Now, after the Columbia disaster, the future of space travel has been left in the hands of fate. The US plans to produce a resuable space orbiter, which barely advances the capabilities of the shuttle. Bear in mind the shuttle is the only orbiter capable of lifting the remaining ISS (internation space station) components into orbit.


    NASA's budget has been nickled and dimed to death. Politcians have chipped away at NASA's finances for years, attaching riders to bills from NASA's budget to finance their own pet proects.


    I hope that humanity is truly contemplating a return to the moon. It will demonstrate, how far we have digressed since 1969. And also, how much further we are willing to go. We must correct the errors in the space program now... otherwise we will never progress to the "beam me up, Scotty" stage.

  5. Hello all, Ens_Darius927 here,


    For those of you who remember me (only graduated a few months ago), I was slated to join the I.K.C. Qob Lakota. Unfortunately, issues came up which prevented me from starting an advanced sim, or even continuing to help (or hinder ::chuckle::D new academy recruits.


    But as for now, I am back. Beware Pandarians, your evil reign of acadamy terror is over! HAHAHAHAH!!!



  6. Hey, for anyone who's interested and owns TNG:Tech Manual, I think that the aft Environment station has been switched with the Mission Ops station. Wasn't the Enviro pannel next to the Engineering pannel(furthest right), not in the middle? I've wondered ever since I was there myself.


    God I'm an ST nerd ain't I? :P

  7. Hey HD, congrats on your recovery. I only wish a dermal regenerator exists so you could have avoided those stiches. When I was about 6 (I'm 24 now), I'm told I fell off a retaining wall and had about 20 stiches in the back of my head. I remember nothing... except pain.


    I just want to say this... It's amazing what humanity's primitive medical technology (at least compared to ST) can do. And it's only going to get better from here.


    May you have a speedy recovery.

  8. For those of you who do not know, Walter "Matt" Jefferies passed away on July 21. He was the original creator of the saucer and nacelle design of the Enterprise (which almost every other Federation, maybe EVERY ship since, has been based off of) .


    I consider Mr. Jefferies to be one of the true genuises Star Trek. This post is meant to honor that man.


    "And they shall not grow old, as we who remain grow old. Their pain is gone. But we shall not pity them. Only when we look back upon the fruits of their labor and find those gone, THAT is when we shall truly miss them."


    ::AA:: Warp speed, Mr. Jefferies.

  9. Hey, is the Holodeck down for anyone else? I have been unable to get into it since Wed 7/2 acadamy (which I graduated from :P ).


    The screen pops up, but where you see the names of people in the room, I don't even see myself, and I can't type anything into the chat area.


    Oh yeah, how do you change your screen name too? I thought it would be a good idea to get an Ens_Darius927 going or something, but can't figure out how.


    Thanx everyone.

  10. Heheheh, which ship has the still built into ENG dept (checked sites but forgot) ? Hood I think? I bet I could modify that baby. Assuming everyone likes minimum 151 proof minimum (hehehe, ain't graduated yet, or else it would be higher) . In fact, stills shoud be standard on all STSF vessels, none of this synthahol stuff :D .

  11. Gods, I was the cadet at OPS that night, and I just want to say this... "Huh, what, what's going on?" Thank gods I want to be a TAC officer (dodges incoming phasor fire from current OPS officers, and a few paranoid TAC officers :D .)

  12. Oh, and the Pandarians too (nevermind) :D .



    The existence of this species can neither be confirmed nor denied by STSF. However, should you encounter a giant white Panda type creature flying a starship, we would suggest you run...not walk...as far away as possible.

    Just a question, who are these crazy invicible Pandarians anyway?!? Would like to know, since they seem to be quite dangerous. Especially since they destroyed my acadamy vessel once :laugh: . Sounds like somebody owes THEM a bloody nose :D . Heheh.

  13. Ok, I'm still a cadet, but I agree with most everyone else. If you cannont meet minimum role playing standards, then GET OUT. I know that many people (who can't STSF role play) find this rediculous, but the acadamies are the best way to find out who can function with the respective GM's and advanced sims, etc.


    The acadamies show the online role playing skills that each person has learned up to that point. If you cannot meet the minimum requirements (which I don't think are that hard, even tho I haven't graduated yet), don't waste your time. Just don't trash everything for committed players.


    Oh yeah, who told me NOT to yell at the hackers that night? You were right   :D  !