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A. Black-Knight

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Posts posted by A. Black-Knight

  1. I chose "Other".


    For the most part (due to fiction, movies and games) I consider Trolls as grayish skin, tall, heavyset and or muscular, long black hair, and carrying a large club.


    However - I also consider Trek's Ferengi a type of Troll as well (if anyone needs me, I'll be hiding from Muon now. ^_^ ), so that's why I chose the Other option.



    Well, theres always the Marine on Agincourt, and then theres teh one in Harry Potter one. I always personally thought of the troll in Harry Potter the 1st, and agreed thats what a Troll looks like, might be a little bit shorter but thats waht i always thought of. Now put a club in instead of the bags or whatever is in the Trolls hands.



