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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Starfleet Personnel File


    Name: Xandrex Xoril


    Age: 54

    Sex: Male

    POB: Shi’Kahr, Vulcan


    Immediate Family:

    Father: Xasra Xoril,

    Chair of Meditative and Philosophical Studies, Shi’Kahr Academy

    Member, V’Shar Decisions Council

    Mother: Telana Lori, – Deceased

    Professor, Telapathic Studies, University of Betazed, Vulcan

    Siblings: Leoli Xoril – Deceased


    Physical Description:

    Ht: 6'2”

    Wt: 275 lbs

    Eyes: Black

    Hair: Brown, Short Cut

    Race: Vulcan, Betazoid

    Scars: None

    Marks: None


    Past History:

    Xandrex’ mother died at an early age from an outbreak Kash’Ral fever on Vulcan; acutely affecting her Betazoid physiology.


    Xandrex was reared at Shi’Kahr Academy by his father until the age of fourteen. While at Shi’Kahr, Xandrex received extensive training in Vulcan meditation and mindfulness due to problems conforming to Vulcan social standards of emotional suppression and detachment. Initially the training was successful and Xandrex was able to properly control his mind and emotions in order to pass in Vulcan society. However, upon reaching puberty and coming into his Betazoid telepathic abilities and heightened emotional sensibilities, he became unable to maintain a proper level of control over his Vulcan emotions coupled with the Betazoid trait of release and honesty. Late during his teenage years, due to stress and possible genetic abnormality relating to his Vulcan/Betazoid heritage, Xandrex began to experience the psionic symptoms of Zanthi fever despite having no physical ailment. When this psionic manifestation began to pass onto students at the university, Xandrex was sent to live with his paternal grandfather, Thompkin Lori, on Betazed, outside Medara.


    Xandrex’ grandfather, formerly the Head of the College of Telepathic Studies at the University of Betazed, enrolled Xandrex in telepathic control and refinement courses at the University in addition to providing him private lessons. There, Xandres was able to learn to control the dual sides of his nature using a combination of Vulcan mind training and Betazoid telepathy training.


    After receiving three degrees, one in Inter-Species Telepathic Study, another in Xenobiology, and the last in Psychology from the University of Betazed, Xandrex returned to Vulcan where he assisted to improve practices of training inter-species children in the Vulcan mindfulness.


    Medical and Psychological Remarks:



    Due to Xandrex’ unique genetic and resulting physiology, he has been subjected to a great number of medical revisions. The most unique part of his physiology is his brain. Due to the fact the Vulcan and Betazoid areas for telepathy are in different areas of the brain, Xandrex’ brain seems to hold no center for true higher consciousness or reasoning. It seems, rather, that his mind has imposed those functions on his dual telepathy centers. It is not currently know how this is possible or how he functions.


    Most likely due to the abnormality of his genetics as well as his upbringing, Xandrex possesses a dual nature. While calm and controlled on the outside as is the Vulcan way, Xandrex is in constant internal turmoil and struggles to keep his emotions and psionic abilities in check. Despite this duality, due to his extensive training and practice, Xandrex has reached a stable condition and is fit for duty.


    Service Record to Date:

    At the age of fifty Xandrex applied to Starfleet Academy, where he was accepted.


    During his third year at the academy, Xandrex received award for achieving the rank of Sharis The’Ra (Strength of Will), in Suus Mahna, a form of Vulcan martial arts.


    Xandrex graduated the Academy with high honors in inter-species communication, interstellar sociology, and neural biotechnology.


    Xandrex is currently assigned to the Science department aboard the USS Excalibur.