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Posts posted by Sumo

  1. A Long Long time ago in a SFOL galaxy far away, I designed a ship for the sim I used to help run. Sketched it out and even went as so far to start to do floorplans for the decks. Could only use window's paint at the time but it worked for me. Please excuse this shallow attempt. =0)


    I promised that I would show it.



  2. And here I thought I was the only anime otaku on the boards. ^_^ :(



    Wait! There are Otaku on the Boards? Where?? =0)


    I also liked Akamatsu's Stories though some of Negima's Anime is a bit......well yea..

    I do like most of the Music from Hina. ::would even trade places with poor keitaro if I thought I could survive::

  3. Oh, Kitteh, you GOTTA see it. I watched it last night on CBS.com, and O...mg. It was soooo close to home.


    And those guys weren't actually playing video games. When their mom, or housekeeper, or whoever it was let the CSI team in, one stood up and shouted, "NOT NOW! We're debriefing!"


    And the fantasy sequences? Oh yeah, gotta watch!



    Oh yea.. Acutally watched it that night and it was a great show.. The Lady in question was MOM. As she opened the door. "He's in his room, where else?" and yes she had to put her hand on a palm reading device to open said door to the bedroom/command center.

  4. To me at first glance, the design of the Kelvin has roots back in the black and white Starfleet: Technical Manual (can't recall the author) book/schematic manual that was out in the mid to late 1980's, containing information and schematics and diagrams and uniforms based on the Original Trek (and yeah, pre-Internet resource material can still rock out :-P)


    I *think* a couple of starship designs within the manual were along the same concept idea as the Kelvin.


    Your might be talking about the Jackill's Star Fleet Reference Manual written by Eric Kristiansen. I have all 3 of em but they do not include Uniform stuff. Just Ship Data and Sketches. From the Workbee pods and torpedo's up to Dry Docks and Stations. Not an Official Paramount thing so that's why there aren't many out there.