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Posts posted by ens_keraz

  1. Ok this is mostly a message to my fellow simmers on the Hood(I play ensign Sivok) and the Reaent but you other people can look if you want :D. Ok first off my reguler computer contracted the win32blasterworm virus  :D so its been out of commision for the past few days. So I got a old laptop set up but it dosent really like me and keeps freezing and refusing to turn on and stuff :). Thirdly I was putting items on ebay and completly lost track of time and before I knew it I had missed the Reaent sim :D. Iam really really really sorry about this  :D. I have taken my computer in to a fixer upper person and it should be repaired tommorow (Friday) or the next day  :D. Also I am going on a vacation Sunday-Wendsday so to my fellow hood simmers I expect to have internet but am not 100 percent sure so just warning ya that I might not get there. Anyway I would have sent this message by email but at the moment I am using one of those web mail services and it dosent show me my address book  :). So anyway again I am really sorry for missing the Reaent tonight and hopefully this cascade of problems falling on my simm life will soon come to an end  :cool:.

  2. Sivok sat in his temporary quarters on the station contemplating the medical quarantine that had just been announced. Sivok knew that Starfleet regulations clearly stated that there must be a 30-minute warning period before full quarantine status comes into affect. Sivok decided that the best coarse of action at this time would be to attempt to contact is senior officers. As Sivok had left his uniform and communications device on the Hood he walked over to the small message panel placed on the other side of his quarters. Sivok tapped the panel to activate and it quickly came online but instead of displaying the normal “please submit your message and location” order it displayed “this panel is having technical difficulties please try another” in red. Sivok did not believe this could just be coincidence and therefore decided to inspect the panel. After taking of the cover and inspecting the panel Sivok found that not only this panel was offline but all the stations communications external and internal. Sivok stood still for a few seconds contemplating the next course of action and then decided that because this medical quarantine did not follow regulations the station’s guards could not legally arrest him for exiting his quarters.


      Sivok walked over to the door to find it locked as he expected but the locking mechanism was primitively simple and Sivok opened the door within seconds. Looking around the corner Sivok saw nobody in the corridor except one lone guard looking in the opposite direction from Sivok. This guard proved that this was not a medical emergency, if it was the guards also would be quarantined. Therefore Starfleet regulations stated that if a officer could not get in contact with his senior officers and he deemed the situation possibly dangerous to the crew and the ship he could use and force necessary barring causing fatalities. Sivok walked quietly up behind the guard measuring his breathing so it was not audible and pinched lightly on the correct points on the guard’s neck. The guard immediately fell to the floor with a soft thud. Sivok stood in the same place not moving until he discerned that no other guards had heard there associate being incapacitated and then turned the corner into the next corridor which was completely deserted.


       Sivok decided that the best place to get answers to this complicated situation was the office of Louie Bevino. Sivok walked quickly down the corridor and into an access shaft. Sivok crawled down the shaft for about 10 minuets before arriving at the conveniently located panel above Mr. Bevino’s office. Sivok extremely carefully and quietly moved the panel over a few inches so he could see into Bevino’s office. Sivok saw Mr. Bevino sitting in the middle of his office in a large padded armchair with a expression of extreme happiness on his face. In front of Bevino there were a large array of security monitors which showed on their antiquated screens many parts of the station and to Sivok’s surprise many parts of the hood as well. Why and how would this station manager have security cameras inside the Hood? Alas Sivok did not have time to look more at the specific sections the cameras were monitoring because three of Mr. Bevino’s large probably genetically engineered guards had walked in completely blocking Sivoks view. Sivok closed the panel as it was no more any use and decided that the next best coarse of action was to attempt to find the senior officers or any of the crew and inform them of Sivok’s dark suspicions that the Hood was being stolen.


    “Regulations log of ensign Sivok”

  3. Keraz sat at a table in the lounge in the Reaent's lounge slowly sipping at his prune juice and contemplating the day. The advents of the day had moved so quickly that Keraz was just now collection his thoughts and reviewing his actions. Keraz remembered being in the cargo bay and breathing a quick sigh of relief after finishing operating the cargo transporters and was ready to start the comparatively relaxing job of repairing the burned out transporter. But Keraz found his break to be short lived, almost immediately after finishing the transporter repairs he had learned that the base had exploded, a large chunk of moon was heading toward New Rigel and it was Keraz’s job to get a transporter working, get the warp drive working, and get weapon power to 100 percent.


    Keraz took another sip of his prune juice, still amazed that the Reaent and all of its crew had come out of this dangerous predicament alive. Keraz was looking forward to the few hours rest   he would be assigned between repairing the Reaents’s power drained fried systems. Keraz had not had a chance to talk in person with anyone of his home world (if you don’t remember my bio Keraz is human/klingon but was born and raised on the klingon home planet) for almost a year now and after checking the stations personnel and visitor he realized there was many klingons working and taking shore leave on this station including a few he knew from his childhood.


    Keraz walked out of the lounge thinking that many of the crew had been very brave today and many klingons’ views of humans as being weak were wrought from inexperience and long lasting prejudice, Keraz had found the crew of the Reaent and most humans in general to be strong, trustworthy and extremely honorable.


    “Thoughts” Log of ensign Keraz



    Height: 6.4

    Weight: 185 pounds

    Age:   22  

    Eye Color: Blue

    Hair Color: Brown

    Race: Klingon/Human  



    Ensign Keraz was born on the Klingon planet quo’nos in the year 2358. His mother was a Klingon diplomat who was part of a team that helped negotiate the post treaty agreements between the Klingon Empire and the Federation.  Keraz’s father was a federation diplomatic contact posted on quo’nos to be a middleman in federation/klingon diplomatic issues. Keraz was one of the first klingon/human children to be born on quo’nos.   From a young age Keraz was interested in engineering. He would take apart the machines around his parents house and attempt to put them back together again on a regular basis, this did not amuse his parents. It was not until he was in his mid-teens that he realized that he was actually good at it. When he was 18 he decided he wanted to work on a starship. Keraz was hoping to join the Klingon defense force but found that Starfleet academy had more advanced and challenging engineering courses. He graduated from the academy at age 22 and was immediately posted as an assistant engineer on the USS Reaent.

  5. Keraz sat in engineering running diagnostics when McLean ordered him to report to cargo bay 1. Keraz entered cargo bay one, doctor Matthews and chief McLean were their standing by a large amount of stasis units. “Please move these stasis units very carefully to holodeck 1” doctor Matthews ordered. Keraz picked up the first stasis unit, “the cario’s dead are in these units please treat them with respect” doctor Matthews said. Keraz walked out of the cargo bay carrying the unit and inadvertently remembering the death of his brother. Keraz,s brother had been a warrior in the Klingon defense force and his ship was ordered to give protection to a small military research facility on the edge of Klingon space. Somehow a Romulan warbird had passed through the Klingon tachyon network undetected and immediately launched a cowardly surprise attack on Keraz’s brother’s ship, destroying the vessel and all aboard before they could even fire once.


       Soon Keraz arrived at holodeck one. The room was dark; all the power had been turned off. Keraz walked in slowly and stood in the room for a few seconds letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. Soon Keraz saw other stasis units against the back wall and Keraz set down the one he was carrying next to them. Keraz found himself wondering who these people were that had been living mere weeks ago and now were unmoving, unfeeling bodies piled in a dark room. Keraz promised himself that when he got off duty he would look up their names in the computer database and learn about them. It was a Klingon tradition to judge a person by how they died but Keraz felt that the only way to really know a person was to judge how they lived.          


                                  "The dead" log of ensign Keraz

  6. Keraz obediently sat in McLean’s office waiting for the chief engineer to come in and discipline him for drinking blood wine in his department. Soon the chief walked into the office with the usual dementedly evil look on his face and said, “ The degree of your punishment will be based on your blood alcohol content”. Keraz had to use all his energy to hold himself back from laughing, he had drunk synthahol blood wine not the real stuff. Keraz left engineering and walked down the corridor to the turbo lift and stepped inside, “sickbay”. The lift soon arrived at the correct deck and Keraz walked out   and down the corridor into sickbay.  


         McLean had obviously already informed doctor Matthews because she was standing in the doorway waiting for Keraz when he got there. Matthews took out her scanner and pronounced Keraz to be alcohol free, “wait till McLean hears this” Keraz thought. Doctor Matthews tapped her combadge and informed McLean of the results but the chief did not seem phased at all and said something about Keraz cleaning the engines. Keraz said thank you to doctor Matthews and exited sickbay. After a few minuets Keraz walked into engineering hoping McLean had more important things to do then torment him. To Keraz’s surprise and happiness McLean was not in engineering. Keraz walked over to engineering’s replicator and ordered prune juice, a human drink doctor Matthews had suggested. Keraz found this drink surprisingly good and finished it in one swallow before returning to his console to continue his diagnostics.


            “Prune juice” log of ensign Keraz

  7. “The attack” log of ensign Keraz


    Keraz was working on restoring forward shields when another 2 torpedo hits struck the main shuttle bay disabling the rear shield generators. He immediately assigned repair crews to get them back up and running, he knew that if the ship took another hit there the hull would be ripped apart. Next he rushed over to another panel to assist the chief in rerouting power to the forward shields which were now positioned toward the moon from which the Reaent had been receiving a heavy torpedo attack for the last 15 minuets. Just then the chief got an emergency call and had to go to the main shuttle bay, forcing Keraz to deal with the damage alone. Tapping panels as fast as possible Keraz sent repair teams to damaged sections, rerouted power, and kept on a constant look out for more incoming torpedoes. Finally the captain decided to pull the ship out of the battle, if you could call it a battle because the moon was doing all the shooting.                                                                                                                                                                      After getting out of range the captain took the ship to a full stop and Keraz with the help of the repair teams led by lieutenant junior grade Revolone started repairing the fairly widespread damage caused by the multiple torpedo hits. After just under 20 minuets Keraz had the shields up to 85 percent and the captain decided to go back to the moon. After dropping out of warp above the moon the ship was soon met with 2 incoming torpedoes. The ship jerked violently to the right to avoid the torpedoes and a damaged shuttle was dropped out of the shuttle bay as a countermeasure for their homing devices to follow. After a few seconds the torpedoes picked up the shuttle and started shooting through space towards their target. The shuttle was instantly obliterated and before Keraz could breath a sigh of relief 2 more torpedoes were launched from the moon happily heading toward the destroyed shuttle, after hitting there eliminated target they exploded in space. Ahh it was finally over, but then McLean walked in and noticed the slight smell of blood wine in engineering and told Keraz in a not so nice tone to wait in his office. So Keraz reluctantly entered the chief’s office to await a different kind of attack.

  8. “ It just gets worse” log of ensign Keraz      


    Computer open personal log Keraz. Today I met the Reaents chief engineer. At first he seemed just to be very harsh which was normal to Keraz because Keraz was part Klingon. But after spending just a few minuets in the chief’s company he started attacking me with words, the attack of a coward. After I nicely asked him what I should do in engineering, he asked me to scrub the plasma manifolds with a “ tooth brush”. I refused and was thrown in the brig. But soon the security chief came by and I explained to him what had happened and he let me out with a  “warning”. Times like these I begin to wish I was on a Klingon ship where killing a senior officer is normal procedure especially a week cowardly pt,ach like our chief engineer.


        Then just to make things worse while I was sitting in the brig the ship was attacked by torpedoes from some kind of moon. After I got out of the brig I ran into engineering and started routing power to the shields. It apparently wasn’t enough because the ship was shaken violently many times. There didn’t seem to be much serous damage. And now its shift change again and I have to go into engineering and follow that brainless human’s orders, it just gets worse. End log.

  9. First graduate from the acadamy which may take a while (took me seven times) but is very helpfull for preparing for the advanced sims. After you graduate you should write a biography for your new character. Bio writing is lot of fun after you get a hang of it and there are many people on the site who will be glad to help you with it if needed ( me included I am posted on 2 advanced sims with each sim having a completly diffrent charcter and bio. Anyway good luck in the acadamy!