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Posts posted by JMRAMOSNX1701D

  1. To the entire membership of the Star Trek Simulation Forum:


    After two years and several months of being away from the STSF due to pressing needs and my plans for immigration to the US in order to work my dreams there, I am offically resigning, effective today, September 28, 2014, from all activties of the STSF including the Academy and the ship simulations, reaffirming the decision I made two years ago, and thus, effective today, I am leaving the STSF altogether.


    I am thankful to all of you for having been my friends and buddies who have been with me during my short stint here. Because of you all I am ready to face a future that is uncertain but will be a hopeful one again.


    Thank you all for being with me and for your understanding. As I've said before, I was, am, and will be, your friend and fellow Star Trek fanboy till the end.


    Live Long and Prosper. \\//


    John Emmanuel C. Ramos


    Makati City, Philippines

  2. Thursday, July 26, 2012


    Makati City, Philippines


    Fellow members of the STSF,


    For over 2 months I've been training in the academy simulations in the Star Trek Simulation Forum. But today, I've come to deciding either to stay on or to resign.


    As a starting up Star Trek fan, joining the STSF was one decision to futher enhance my Trekkie spirit, aside from reading Trek novels and watching ST videos on Youtube and following it on Facebook and Twitter. But my destiny of serving the United States as a naval officer, active or reserve, has been the ultimate of all these dreams of mine, and I'm gonna start up by enrolling in Valley Forge Military Academy and College, a military junior college in Wayne, Penn., next year. As a beginner Trekkie, it has been a tough decision to make to study there and to prepare to fly out into "the land of the free"... even through it means preparing to risk all for what is truly worth defending.


    Star Trek reintroduced me to the world of science fiction, and now I'm also a fan of other sci-fi on television and the movies (and not just ST and Star Wars, even Harry Potter) and it's gonna be hard following one franchise at a time. BTW I'm waiting to watch the upcoming ST movie next year.


    With the Olympics fast approaching with only a day left, I also have the task of supporting my favorite sports athletes in the sports that they'll complete in London, especially those from the US, the UK, and the Philippines.


    So now, even through gonna be suprising to all of you, with all these reasons I've decided to resign from the Star Trek Simulation Forum effective tomorrow, July 27, 2012, the opening day of the 30th Summer Olympic Games in London, United Kingdom.


    I'm gonna miss all of you dearly. Hope you all consider my choice, because being a Trekkie means boldly going where no man, where no one, has gone before. I will always be a Trekkie until the final moments of my life, either I'll be here with all of you or not.


    This is the final time I'll be simming with all of you as a full time cadet. But I hope to come back anytime soon.


    I was, am, and will be, your friend and fellow Star Trek fanboy till the end.


    Live Long and Prosper. \\//


    Cadet John Emmanuel C. Ramos

  3. (Computer, begin log)


    The events of yesterday's simulation shocked me so much. After a long debrief, I promised to do better in the next sim, but the sim itself was a disaster. I was devastated and because of these I've decided to skip tonight's simulation due to these events so that I'll have time to recover. Hope that I'll be more better as I end my summer class and be back there in September.


    It was a trial by error for me... but I'll never forget that day.


    JM Out


    (Computer, end log)

  4. (Compter, begin log)


    One simulation after another, summer class is getting better. I hope to do well when the regular classes begin in September.


    It's been great and I'm improving well. Receiving periodic reminders from my instuctors strengthens and motivates me. Hope to finish it well in flying colors.


    JM out


    (Computer, end log)

  5. (Computer, begin log)


    Whew. Summer class in Starfleet Academy is getting better.


    The past few days, I've seen and read books about Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his great journeys as commanding officer of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701D (Galaxy Class) and the USS Enterprise NCC-1701E (Sovereign class). Now, I've come to admire this man of honor. He's the best captain of them all, and I hope to meet him one day.


    Make It So.


    (Computer, end log)

  6. (Computer, begin log)


    Whew. What a great night.


    It's been 3 months when I first entered the Academy on late enrollment and I'm now on summer class. I should be continuing on, and training simulations have been great.


    Being a future Wesley Crusher's gonna be hard indeed. I hope for the best to come.



    (Computer, end log)


    P.S. Let us ensure that history never forgets, the name, Enterprise. Picard Out.


    - Captain Jean-Luc Picard, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701D)

  7. Well, it's been almost a month since I first started out. Here in San Francisco, CA, the birthplace of the United Nations, The United Federation of Planets, Starfleet Command and Starfleet Academy (where I'm a cadet full time) I'm able to explore the city in off hours, and participate in full time simulations when I'm needed. I'm kinda becoming a future Wesley Crusher.


    It's been great ever since I started out. And I hope my future simulations in the Academy Holodeck will prepare me to be a full time or reserve Starfleet officer.


    (BTW my profile pic here is indeed that of my favorite Trek character of them all... Ensign WESLEY CRUSHER)

  8. By the way if I'll be at a Internet cafe nearest the People's Coliseum tomorrow (where the fight will be aired live, PST) I'll be online and shall be chatting to all of you if I'll push through with my decision or not at the Holodeck.

  9. Stardate: 20126.9 (Midnight, JUNE 9, 2012, updated Morning of the same day ET)


    Fellow STSF Academy cadets and instructors, may I inform all of you that I'll be absent for Red Star and the Saturday midnight academy as I'll be watching the Pacquiao-Bradley fight tonight (Sunday, Philippine Standard Time). As a proud sports fan, I'm surely proud (as the only Filipino participant of the STSF since May of 2012) of Philippine sports and the athletes who bring glory and honor to this nation of 7,107 islands in Southeast Asia. I'm ready to support Manny Pacquiao all the way and hope that he wins this boxing fight by all means and bring glory, pride and honor to my Republic.


    Hope you all consider my decision. I'll be back for the Monday Academy simulation.


    Live Long and Prosper \\//


    Cadet 3rd Class JM Ramos