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Posts posted by T'Prehl

  1. United Federation of Planets – Crew Biographical Files




    General Information:


    Name: T’Prehl

    Race: Vulcan

    Place of Birth: Shi’Kahr, Vulcan

    Gender: Female

    Age: 62 Earth Years

    Marital Status: Bonded/Married

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Brown

    Height: 1.76 metres (5’8”)

    Weight: 50 kg (110.2 lbs.)



    Service Information:


    Rank: Pending

    Assignment: Chief Science Officer, USS Excalibur-C

    Years of Service: 23

    Residence: USS Excalibur-C

    Off-Duty Residence: Nice, France and Shi’Kahr, Vulcan


    Specialities: Exobiology, Astrology, Stellar Cartography, Astrophysics, Archaeology, Alien History and Cultures.


    Educational History:

    2327-2340: Vulcan Educational System

    2340-2345: Vulcan Science Academy

    2345-2347: Starfleet Academy, Science Program


    Service Experience:

    2347-2352: USS Antares, Science Officer

    2352-2370: USS Hudson Bay, Chief Science Officer

    2370-2386: Retired from Starfleet

    2386-Present: USS Excalibur, Chief Science Officer


    Promotion History:

    2348: Promoted from Ensign to Lieutenant Junior Grade

    2352: Promoted from Lieutenant Junior Grade to Lieutenant

    2360: Promoted from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander

    2370: Retired from Starfleet




    Albert Einstein Science Award – 2350

    Federation Cross - 2355

    Starfleet Medal of Valour – 2361

    Silver Star of Courage - 2368


    Family Information:


    Father: Rear Admiral Sivok – 142: Commanding Officer: Epsilon 9

    Mother: T’Sal – 136: Head Instructor, Vulcan Science Academy (Held rank of Commander in Starfleet before retiring in 2319)

    Siblings: Saroth – 68: Civilian, Director-General, FEDESCO (Federation Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization), Paris, France

    Bond-mate: Sopal – 66: Vulcan Diplomat

    Children: Syral 15, T’Ress, 11




    Hobbies & Interests:


    Like most Vulcans, T’Prehl’s hobbies centre on stimulating her mind and engaging her logic. She is an expert on the Vulcan game kal-toh and plays the Vulcan lute at a professional level. T’Prehl also engages in playing the Terran games chess, and checkers and also poker, as it is a game of “sublime logic” as she puts it and “not of blind chance”. Due to her logical nature and ability to calculate odds swiftly in her mind, T’Prehl makes an excellent poker player, and as an expressionless Vulcan, possesses the perfect poker face.


    T’Prehl also appreciates natural and man-made beauty and is an avid collector of art and sculptures from various cultures. She also enjoys travelling and recording natural landmarks and architecture. This interest runs in her family, as her older brother heads FEDESCO, the Federation organization that succeeded UNESCO, which preserves and raises awareness of natural, artificial and cultural wonders and landmarks in and around the United Federation of Planets.


    Medical Information:


    Allergies: None

    Blood Type: T (A) Positive

    Physical Condition: Excellent

    Psychological Condition: Excellent


    Psi Rating (out of 10):

    Telepathy: 8.5, Empathy: 6.0


    Overall Heath Rating: PASS – Subject is medically cleared for Starfleet Duty.


    Signed by: Dr. Marie Lalonde, Starfleet Medical. San Francisco, California

    Star Date: 11111.01 - 14:55:38




    T’Prehl spent most of her early life on Vulcan, learning the ways of logic and the teachings of Surak at an early age. At age two, she was given her first pleenok, given to her by her grandmother to begin training her in basic logic skills. In school, T’Prehl learned to suppress her natural emotions and embrace logic. Like most Vulcans, T’Prehl took to her training well and quickly learned the teachings of Surak and the importance of logic and an emotionless mind.


    At the age of seven, T’Prehl’s parents arranged a mate in a special ceremony. Her mate, Sopal, is the son of high-ranking Vulcan officials; they married 14 years later and now have two children together. In addition to her logic training, T’Prehl learned to dance like some of her classmates. In school, T’Prehl scored reasonably higher than her classmates and took to sciences, chemistry and physics, scoring extremely well in these courses as well as mathematics. She also had a pet Sehlat, like most other Vulcan children, of which T’Prehl had a good relationship with.


    After finishing schooling, T’Prehl was admitted into the Vulcan Science Academy where she studied exobiology, astrology and astrophysics. After graduating with honours, T’Prehl enrolled in Starfleet Academy. Due to her grades at the Vulcan Science Academy, T’Prehl was able to fast track and graduated two years later near the top of her class.


    T’Prehl had an exemplary service record, showing resolve, courage and a deep knowledge of the Sciences. She quickly rose up in rank, eventually becoming the Chief Science Officer of the Ambassador Class USS Hudson Bay. Learning and exploring much in science and other fields, T’Prehl decided to retire from Starfleet in 2370 after the Hudson Bay was decommissioned that year after 26 years of service.


    After retirement, T’Prehl returned to Vulcan where she worked as a civilian scientist as well as to raise a family with her bond mate Sopal. T’Prehl gave birth to two children, who currently live with their father Sopal in their home in the French resort city of Nice.


    After giving birth and caring for her children, T’Prehl began the rigorous process of attaining kolinahr, the state where all emotions are purged and only a state of pure logic remains. Training in the Vulcan wilderness and in the rebuilt ancient monastery of P’Jem, T’Prehl learned the ways of Surak to achieve the desired state of pure logic.


    After eight years of intense training, T’Prehl completed the final ritual and attained kolinahr in a ceremony attended by her family, friends and some of her former colleagues from the Hudson Bay and Antares.


    Now, with all of her emotions purged and only logic dictating her decisions and way of life, T’Prehl has re-enlisted in Starfleet on the advice of her peers and her father, Rear Admiral Sivok. On 2386, T’Prehl reapplied for active duty and was assigned to the Akira-Class USS Excalibur-C as their new Chief Science Officer after her 16-year hiatus from Starfleet.


    T’Prehl has a pet cat at her home in Nice as she finds that owning a pet is logical, due to the health benefits of pet ownership and the teaching of responsibility to her two children in caring for the animal. She also has a pet Sehlat, that she has owned since she was a child. The Sehlat currently resides at her second home on Vulcan, as owning a Sehlat is illegal in France.