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Daniel Davidson

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Posts posted by Daniel Davidson

  1. Computer, Begin Assistant Engineers Log, Primary Entry.


    ::listens to the familiar beeps of acknowledgement from the computer::


    I finally met the Chief today, it went well but I got the impression something was on his mind that was preventing him from getting sleep or perhaps he is under the weather slightly. I was excited by his interest in my method of determining a longer term solution to the problems plaguing this world we are currently visiting. I've been assigned to assist the science department with this most daunting of tasks.


    Computer, End Log, and file appropriately..

  2. ::enters his quarters, happy to be alone, roomate obviously out somewhere:: Computer, access my personal log ::such a long day:: and begin recording for this stardate..


    ::moves toward the replicator and taps on the display, dinner already programmed from earlier today, in anticipation:: I did not anticipate being in charge of the away team on todays training mission, It kind of came at me from third base, ::slightly chuckles, relieving the days stress:: I think I handled it alright but I admit it wasn't exactly an easy assignment. ::looks at dinner materialize in the bay of the replicator, picks up plate and moves to the table near to the center of the room::


    Computer ::sits down, picking up a fork:: End personal log, and save file.

  3. ::enters his quarters, instantly notices the mess left behind by his roomate:: Computer, begin personal log.. My first week is completed and I think its going well. I've had to man the Helm, Ops and Engineering stations in three seperate Academy simulations. ::moves toward the couch, taking off his outter uniform and throwing it on the furniture:: I haven't got the opportunity to try Tactical yet and look forward to the next simulation where I hope to try it.



    Computer, ::takes a deep sigh/breath, its been a long day:: End personal Log and save in my directory..

  4. Hey everyone,




    I used to sim a long time ago in UAP / UIP ... I think... I am interested in simming again as I have very fond memories and made great friends all those years ago.


    I used to sim under the character SevenOfNine


    I am wondering if anyone here used to sim with me all those years ago on the USS Gold and the Starbase Tranquility?




    I'm going to be playing Daniel Davidson, a jump start cadet fresh out of the Academy. Pure human and full of spunk.


    I look forward to meeting all of you

