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STSF Jorlis

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Posts posted by STSF Jorlis

  1. Babylon 5 is the greatest. Beats all the Treks hands down. Well, TNG is kind of close. :lol: And there could very well be a feature film in the works, so I'm pumped for the return.


    The first two seasons of Farscape were great, but it took a turn south from there. Too bad Sci Fi axed it.


    And the original Star Wars trilogy.

  2. Jami and I are also pleased to announce the graduation of Cadet Miral Paris to the rank of Ensign.


    Shield modifications, deflector dish bubbles, and ships being torn apart by nebular turbulence--the stuff of engineers, and Mr. Paris, as assistant engineer, showed tonight that you don't even need to be the chief of all of that fun stuff to warrant graduation. :P


    Congratulations Miral, and may your career in space be successful, productive, and above all, fun!

  3. Better late than never. :P


    Jami and I are pleased to inform you that Cadet McNight graduated from the Academy one week prior to tonight.


    His piloting skills helped him land a shuttle in a swamp (not an easy task), and he tried his best to wrest it free of the tentacled swamp beast that took ahold of it. Most importantly, he followed the actions and worked superbly with his sim mates to help resolve the evening's problems.


    Congratulations Arian, and may your career in space be successful, productive, and above all, fun!

  4. I'm pleased to announce the graduation of Cadet Tachyon to the rank of Ensign.


    Tonight, Tachyon valiantly lead an away team to a ship that was plagued by phase shifts, thus proving that he is capable of the blatant disregard for his own and others' safety that is needed at the advanced level. ^_^


    Congratulations Tachyon, and may your career in space be successful, productive, and above all, fun!

  5. To an extent, that's the case. Creating a character and writing logs during the summer construction period doesn't guarantee that that character will be posted and get the spot he/she wants when the live sim launches. The only thing that will decide where everyone is posted is the application process, and that's still three months off. There's no telling where the play-by-mail process will take us by that time. And not everyone can get their first choice for a position, especially if it's a Bridge post. That's why we're encouraging you to keep your options open. You're free to create as many characters as you'd like until then, and you're not required to use any of them on the live sim.


    Once you receive a position on the live sim, then you can decide what character you want to fill it, and Moose and I will be very flexible there. Even if, say, hostilities were to break out between Earth and Andor, there would still be ways to bring an Andorian character aboard. As a defector, perhaps.

  6. What parts are out of date? The list has been edited several times. I've only excluded characters who appear to have supporting roles in the logs. If any of the authors feel that one of these characters should be mentioned, let me know.


    Also, the list is not meant to have any bearing on who is eventually assigned to the live sim. Anyone joining the sim may use a character they've already created here, but posting will be handled separately. This roster is only intended to help new contributors choose roles and existing contributors find someone to write a joint log with.


    There will certainly be more than just engineers. On this list, everyone from Rawel down to Travis has a role that is either not limited to engineering or doesn't involve engineering at all. Those people might join the sim... they might not... people not on the list may join. Who knows. ::Shrugs:: The only position it seems that no one's gone after yet is medical. :D

  7. Along with my partner in GMing, Jami, I'm pleased to announce the graduation of Cadet Smooth23 to the rank of Ensign!


    Tonight, Smooth played excellently in the science department and proved to Jami and me that he is quite insane enough to participate at the advanced sim level. :D


    Congratulations Smooth, and may your career in space be successful, productive, and above all, fun! :P

  8. Along with Jcin and Kbear, I'm pleased to announce the graduation of Cadet Powreal to the rank of Ensign!


    During tonight's Academy session, powreal demonstrated the skills needed to progress to the Advanced sim level.


    Congratulations powreal, and may your career in space be successful, productive, and above all, fun! :D

  9. I'm not aware of any reference books that have been published... and I don't think the Encyclopedia has been updated with Enterprise info. There are some reference materials on the web, but it's mostly on fansites, nothing cannon


    Hence the reason we want to put this reference together. Maybe we can take an encyclopedia approach... anyone who wants to contribute can write up an entry.

  10. Once again, thanks to everyone who's contributed logs to Challenger. There are some other ways you can also chip in...


    One of the things we want to do for the sim is to put together a reference file of the differences between the 22nd century of Enterprise and the later centuries of TOS, TNG, DS9, and Voyager. As is the case with the design of the ship, we want the forum's input on this.


    This thread is the place to discuss what separates Enterprise from the rest of the Star Trek's. It can be something about Earth and Starfleet, a certain technology, an alien race, or just any general difference you can think of. You can point something out, comment on something that someone else has mentioned, ask about something you aren't sure of, or discuss any discrepancies that have arisen on the shows.


    By the time Challenger launches, we'll sort everything out and post the completed reference on our website. :D