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Federation News Service

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Posts posted by Federation News Service

  1. ROMULUS – A month into his first term as the first democratically elected Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire, Destorie N’Dak finds himself facing a variety of challenges that would daunt an experienced executive, let alone a newcomer to elective office.


    On Monday, representatives from the Dargol region, located in the outer reaches of the Empire and composed of approximately three star systems, presented N’Dak with a proposal aimed at, in their own words, “accounting for the years of struggle and oppression brought on by the subjugation of the Dargoli people.”


    Meanwhile, the Soltan attacks on the Federation have rippled through the Federation economy, and have started to hit home on Romulus. The Romulan Mercantile Exchange (RMEX) has recorded six straight weeks of gradual losses, dipping to its lowest levels in the post-Civil War-era. Compounding this, Federation exports have dropped nearly 35% over the last month as the Federation’s industrial sector recoils from the near total loss of the manufacturing sectors in the Sol system, and as goods from the various Federation worlds are diverted from export to the reconstruction efforts, which are still in the very early stages. All of that has had the cumulative effect of a steep rise in commodity prices, coupled with a steep rise in dilithium prices as Soltan attacks have damaged numerous refinery and mining facilities.


    Additionally, N’Dak has had to deal with nagging protests from some members of the main opposition party, the Uhdan'Euar (Moving Ahead), who continue to push for a more expedient investigation into the death of the his main opponent in the election, Senator Aekal Donatra, just days after the deadline had passed for a replacement to be put on the ballot, leaving N’Dak with a clear path to the Praetorship.


    All of this while being faced with a series of natural disasters around the Empire, and the usual grind of running a large, multi-ethnic space-borne empire spreading across hundreds of light years.


    Despite these challenges, N’Dak and his staff remain upbeat. According to a long time confidante, “Destorie [N’Dak] has always liked a challenge. He’s used to the sort of adversarial flow of being an executive.”


    Within the administration, sources say that he plans on addressing many of the issues, especially the ailing economy, the Dargoli proposal and Imperial Security in the wake of the attacks in his first joint address to the three houses of the Romulan legislative branch early next week. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, as they were not cleared to discuss specifics of the Praetor’s speech, senior staff members indicated that he would present “a clear, concise portrait of his plans to bring Romulus into the next century as a strong, rebuilt Empire with a robust economy and a proud, unified people.”


    Romulan policy expert Jael Klhan of the non-partisan think-tank New Century, a cooperative between Federation and Romulan scholars aimed at providing cross-cultural analysis, says that the address will give N’Dak the opportunity to turn momentum his way.


    “The attacks on Earth, and then her [Donatra’s] death, were real game changers for the N’Dak camp,” Klhan says. “Before those two events, the main plank of N’Dak’s campaign revolved around keeping the status quo, but those events have really seemed to force them to think forward. It will be interesting to see which direction his people go.”


    Early leaked draft copies of the speech present an ambitious agenda for N’Dak’s first term of office, including massive investment in modernization programs and infrastructure spending. Some experts say that the price tag of the proposal, which most estimates place at nearly 13 trillion credits, could hamper any momentum he does pick up from the speech, however. Administration officials admit that while they have considered that possibility, they’ve encouraged detractors of the plan to focus on the good of the empire, not just defeating his proposals.


    One of the most vocal critics of the administration, Senator Aeji Faeil is remaining cautious. “I remain optimistic that the Praetor understands he is going to have to modify his approach from the hard-line rhetoric of his campaign. There are certainly things that the Praetor is asking for that I think even his most vocal critics in my caucus will be willing to agree upon, but the bottom line is, we will do what is right for the entire Empire, not just the elite few.”


    The administration’s chief information minister, Hvarol Ulon balked at the suggestion that the Praetor is catering to the empire’s elite class. “I think when you look at what we’re going to propose,” he said. “You’ll see a lot in it for the lower and middle classes – the people that the Senate has traditionally overlooked.”


    The speech could, however, be overshadowed by another event on the Senate schedule for next week. On Tuesday, the new director of the Tal’Dian, the successor agency to the Tal’Shiar, will appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee for the first time since being appointed by N’Dak. The high-light of that testimony is expected to be the agencies report from their official inquiry into the death of Donatra.


    Ghanein Lkhal the new director, who had previously served as a deputy director in the Galae’s own intelligence wing, the Gal’Shian, is expected to deliver the report and respond to questions from Senators. The inquiry, which was initiated by N’Dak’s predecessor Praetor Vahin Klaeneth, has occupied much of the new directors time.


    According to an aide close to the director, they are aware of the political impact their findings will have. “Everyone knows how big this could be,” the aide said on condition of anonymity. “There have already been allegations that our report will be tainted by political desires, but that simply isn’t true.”


    The aide went on to say that the report would be “thorough and painstakingly vetted.”


    Lkhal himself addressed some of those concerns. “Listening to the various pundits, some of the fringe elements have said that this report will be little more than propaganda for the Praetor. I am sorry, but those are delusions. While the Praetor and I have spoke about the report, I’ve never felt he was meddling in our report. It will be an unbiased assessment of the events that led to her unfortunate death. I encourage those who’ve suggested otherwise to look at my record and rethink whether I would ever be influenced by politics when it comes to the security of the Empire, because I won’t. My only goal is to serve and to protect the Empire; the organization I head will not be a political tool – we fought a war because the Tal’Shiar did not uphold these values.”


    Though his report may or may not be politically influenced, it certainly will have political effects as there remains a great deal of acrimony and anxiety over the sudden death of Donatra, that despite his best efforts have complicated the early days of N’Dak praetorship, a praetorship already engrossed in a myriad of conflicts.


    “The truth is that with everything that has happened leading up to now – the attacks on Earth, Donatra’s death – combined with the tumultuous first month,” Faeil said. “If he’d won the election against Donatra outright, perhaps it would be different, but his leadership is in question. I don’t think he’s a craven man, but he’s got a lot of work to do before he will be able to lead with any consensus.”

  2. ROMULUS—Tragic news emerged early this morning when a spokesman for Senator Akael Donatra announced that the candidate for Praetor was found dead in her capital city home by an aide.


    The cause of death was immediately unclear, but early reports suggest that the Senator did not die of natural causes. At least one source close to the Senator, who asked to remain anonymous, speculated heavily that foul play was involved but couldn't confirm any details at press time.


    Word of the Senator's death spread quickly throughout the Romulan Empire and caused the Romulan Mercantile Exchange to drop sharply by over 18% before being closed by regulators by mid-morning as a noticeable pal descended across the entire planet on the eve of the first democratic election for the position of Praetor in the history of the Empire and in the shadow of the devastating attacks on Earth.


    Noticeably absent in the immediate response to the news was the Senator's chief rival, Admiral Destorie N'Dak. The Admiral, trailing in some polls and in a dead heat in others, was off world at the time the news broke, campaigning in the toss up system of Alpha Jahari. Upon hearing the news, the N'Dak campaign canceled all events for the rest of the week and began making preparations to return to Romulus. A spokesman for the campaign said only that like all Romulans, the Admiral was "deeply saddened by the loss," but would "wait for more information" before making an official statement.


    In recent weeks the campaign had taken on a feverish pitch as it waned into the final days. Both the Senator and the Admiral had renewed their attacks on each other after a short, unofficial truce as both candidates joined in unity to support the Federation in their time of need. Acting Federation President T'Kaal added to the call of sympathy for the House s'Donatra, but like Admiral N'Dak kept her remarks short until more information can be confirmed.


    "The Federation has lost a true ally today," she said from her office on Vulcan. "Having experienced the loss of President Swaggert so recently, the people of the Federation extend their condolences to the people of Romulus."

  3. Federation News Network


    Earth, Northeast Americas Province: Like other locations across the globe, general disgruntlement continues to ripple throughout the geographic areas of this province; state residents have become frustrated with the lack of clean water, the conditions at the temporary refugee camps, and the dwindling foodstuffs and clothing supplies. Relief from various Federation member cargo and transport companies, notably the Klingon and Vulcan governments, are inbound to the Earth planetary system with various supplies and foodstuffs, but the effort may be too little and too late.


    Local police and civilian militia forces have increased their patrols in order to discourage looting and the growing problem of physical violence that results from the flaring tempers. In extreme cases, firearms have been confiscated and general curfews have been enacted at a few of the geographical refugee camps and neighborhoods where residents are attempting to survive after the devastating Soltan attack.


    Earth, Colony Planets, Alpha Quadrant Airspace: Local Earth police and Earth atmosphere patrol militia ships have reported a decreased number of freebooter raiders attempting to breach the atmosphere planet. However, these freebooters are still breaching and raiding the out lying alpha colony worlds, and then relieving the planetary bases of supplies. Starfleet has asked for patrol assistance from the Federation member worlds at large. Andoria answered the call and immediately dispatched a patrol fleet of their vaunted and respected Royal Guard Troops.


    Federation Starfleet: The Starfleet continues to recover from the lashing blows of the Soltan attack fleet. Many surviving officers and cadets are being re-assigned within the fleet to replace those officers killed in action or reported missing in action. In addition to the re-distribution of personnel, one retired starship is also being drafted back into active duty. The museum and tour ship USS Shenandoah, Nova class, was recently removed from a fixed orbit in the Earth space dock and reinstated to active duty. A combination of cadets, active reserve officers, retired officers, and general duty officers and marines have volunteered to crew the ship. The Shenandoah will be deployed along the Alpha Quadrant border to assist in temporary patrol protection duties.

  4. Romulus—The first truly open election in Romulan history has stirred much controversy, and it is still months away. Across the Empire, signs litter public places as the two leading candidates in the ground breaking election vie for public support.


    Both candiates, former Senator Aekal Donatra (People's Party) and Admiral Destorie N'Dak (Unity Party), have considerable name recognition across the Empire, however in some ways that has proven to be more of hinderence for both candidates than a blessing.


    N'Dak, the son of a highly ranking senator, comes from a line of powerful leaders who rose to unprecedented power in their time. His namesake, Fleet Admiral Destorie N'Dak, for example, was the supreme military commander during the Romulan-Earth War of 2156, a fact many of his detractors have pointed out on a regular basis.


    Donatra, meanwhile, has baggage of her own, including involvement in the Shinzon Coup of 2379, though the N'Dak camp has never publicly brought that information up in any of their often scathing political ads.


    The fact that the race has quickly shaped into a two-man fight is not surprising considering the resumes of the two candidates, what is surprising, at least according to academics in the Federation of Planets, and even on Romulus, is how difficult it has been to establish who really has a lead in the election and what key issues are driving voters.


    On possible reason could be the effect of such large personalities that are seen as somewhat polarizing, particularly in the eyes of their supporters.


    According to Laehir Klaehith of the Romulan Institute for Policy Studies, that could benefitDonatra, who he said is far less polarizing than N'Dak.


    Klaehith said that the strategy of the two candidates have employed on the campaign trail has also caused difficulty in analysis. "Donatra has been very on message," he said. "She's very solid, stable and that's lended her air of credibility. N'Dak on the other hand…"


    "Well," Klaehith said, motioning physically to his other hand. "He's boisterous, fiery and provocative. Even if you don't like him, you want to listen to him—just to hear what he's going to say next."


    Independent polls conducted by the Imperial News Network, the Romulan Institute for Policy Studies, Federation News Services, the Vulcan Institute of Political Science, and United Federation Syndicate vary on the exact margin between the two candidates, but the results seem to support Klaehith's assertions. According to the polls, Donatra leads N'Dak by four percentage points when respondents were asked who would be a more stable leader, but N'Dak trumps this when respondents were asked which of the candidates would better project the image of the Romulan people


    Spokesmen for both camps have been busy spinning the results of these surveys, and like many other factors of this unusual campaign it's difficult to say which has been more successful in those efforts. Though, if opinion polls are any indication, Donatra's camp has achieved some measure of success compared to the N'Dak camp.


    According to the mean of the same group of pollings, Donatra has shaved N'Dak's once sizeable lead into not only single digits, but a fraction of a percentage point with the race nearly tied.


    Perhaps the best measuring stick for determining who has the upper hand, and what issues the Romulan people are most closely focusing on, will be when they head to the polls in the coming weeks for the Lower Senate elections.


    Donatra has spent much of the last few weeks stumping for People's Party and Alien Union candidates across the Empire. If the coalition of the PP and AU, which Donatra has helped forge, is able to gain a clear majority of the seats in the Lower Senate, it would send a clear message to which party, and perhaps even which candidate, the voters support.


    Of course, any N'Dak supporter will be quick to point out that regionalism of the Lower Senate elections are no indication of their candidate's weakness. What, you expected them to give up ground? Not in this election.

  5. Earth -- Attacks on shipping lines throughout the Federation continue unabated. Protests are raised at trade meetings, and trade guild leaders castigate Federation security in the press.


    The Federation Ministry of Commerce, in a joint statement with Starfleet Command, announced that they would be further increasing patrols along major shipping lanes, and assigning military escorts to freight convoys.


    Starfleet has requested aid in maintaining border patrols from its allies, in order to divert ships to escort duty. The Klingons have agreed to increase their border presence, but cite attacks on their own trade routes as having priority in their force distribution. The Romulans are still rebuilding their fleet following the devastation of their civil war, but have offered a handful of small scout craft to fly escort winds.


    Meanwhile, the Ministry advises all commercial vessels to travel in convoy for protection.

  6. Federation News Service

    Stardate 50504.21


    Captured Ships Wreak Havoc; Federation Blamed For Lax Security


    (AP) Hours ago, Starfleet deployed a previously recorded Priority One communiqué to all ships in the vicinity of Earth. Sources indicate that a total of six Federation warships, including two Prometheus class warships, were overrun by a mixture of Romulan and Klingon terrorist organizations, apparently working together against the recently-signed Treaty of Versailles. It has become apparent in Sector 001 that two of these six captured ships evaded Federation forces long enough to target and destroy an unknown number of unmanned outposts, as well as three manned outposts, before being grossly overtaken by a multitude of Federation forces. A raging firefight ensued, with reports of nearly eight Federation vessels being destroyed in an event many are already comparing to a smaller Wolf 359. Casualties in this cataclysmic event have already been reported to be above 2000 lives lost, with more information that hasn't been reported. Multiple Federation planets have issued statements blaming the terrible events on the United Federation of Planet's misaligned security measures.





    Issued by Lieutenant Campbell, UFP Public Relations


    (San Francisco, Earth) Multiple terrorist organizations gained control of six Starfleet vessels today, dominantly by requesting Federation assistance from Starfleet vessels while aboard seemingly damaged or inoperative smaller craft. As Starfleet vessels began administering services to these ships in effort to save lives, the terrorist crews took control vessels deck by deck, predominantly by taking control of Main Engineering. The terrorist plot was a very massive and organized plan, and unfortunately could not be stopped before some harm was done. However, all six Starfleet vessels commandeered by these terrorists either regained control of the vessel themselves through exquisite Starfleet training and minimal loss of life, or were forcefully stopped by Starfleet interceptors. A small percentage of these interceptors were, unfortunately, lost as a result. Starfleet would like to publicly state their sorrow for the loss of the crewmembers, and state that at no time were Federation citizens at risk.






    (The Freedom Campaign/Society for a Better World) With Starfleet's most recent failure, which led to the deaths of over 2,000 innocent crewmembers who had no say as to how or why they died, it is time for the people to begin rethinking their decision about an elected leader. Nothing other than filth and loss of life has erupted from the Treaty of Versailles, which was supposed to help protect lives in the Federation, and it is time the people began the decision-making again. The military has gained too much power within Starfleet, as the people have elected a weak president who cannot stand up to political pressures issued by a military organization. The citizens have begun to have no say in how our government is run; we must elect a strong president in our next election, due to take place in about two years. We can only hope that our current government can maintain enough control to see that the citizens of the Federation and, predominantly, Starfleet are still alive to vote when the time comes. Write to your officials! Let them know how you feel! We cannot stand for our government to fail time and time again! Loss of life is not necessary: we overcame it in the past, and we can do it again.





    Issued from Admiral Puckett, Starfleet Command


    Starfleet has issued the immediate alteration to Directive 411.3B:


    Upon attempts to aid a non-Federation vessel, yellow alert must be maintained, and security personnel must be issued and released to patrol all decks during the entire encounter. Notify Starfleet immediately of any attempt to aid a non-Federation vessel. (See note 9144.)


    Note 9144: A non-Federation vessel is defined as any vessel not registered to a citizen or organization of the United Federation of Planets. This includes, but is not limited to, vessels of the Ferengi Alliance, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Empire.





    Klingon Headlines: Q’ONOS SAFE, EARTH TARGETTED


    Earth Headlines: UFP HIT HARD AFTER TERRORIST INFILTRATION, Death Toll Count Included

  7. Rumors abound today that Starfleet has lost contact with several of its capital ships. Although some attribute them to the announced difficulties with communications relays near Cardassian space, anonymous sources in Starfleet Command have indicated that a larger problem is responsible.


    Official sources have refused to comment on what they are terming "ongoing fleet maneuvers."


    If indeed the ships in question are merely on standard exercises, it seems a strange time for it. A significant escalation in pirate attacks on shipping lines has left many sector fleets stretched thin, as vessels are diverted to perform escort duties or to track the raiding vessels.


    Officials suspect that a new leader has emerged in one of the grey-market rings, possibly the Orion Syndicate. Thus far no progress has been made in tracking the ringleaders of the new operation.

  8. Jurai – Ultra-nationalist Unity party candidate En'Riov Destorie N'Dak called for unanimity and strength, speaking today before a group of mostly university students at the Jurai Imperial Retor.


    "We are the chosen, D'Era," he said, fervently, "We must rise up as one nation, as one people, and announce to the rest of the Galaxy that we have returned. For we are the D'Era, and we are on Errand."


    The reaction from the audience was tempered. The first stop on N'Dak's whirlwind tour of the Southern provinces on his first campaign trip outside the Eisn system, Jurai's population is almost entirely non-Rihan, with the local populace and surrounding systems having been annexed some years ago.


    Most of the audience, however, were Rihans attending the Retor. Outside the gathering, held in the central auditorium, many Jurai-natives gathered in protest of N'Dak, who is seen as being anti-Alien.


    Many of them waved banners bearing the colors and likeness of People's Party candidate Aekal Donatra. The Jurian leader of the Alien Union party, Wizix Maossa, said that many of the Alien Union votes were going to be directed in support of Donatra, who he believes is more tolerant to the opening of the political process to non-Rihans; something many non-Rihans had hoped N'Dak would address in his Southern tour.


    However, according to sources inside the N'Dak camp, he has no intention of shifting his focus. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a senior N'Dak official said that while they are hoping for a strong showing in the alien-heavy Southern sectors, they were concentrating on the eastern, central, and western sectors were they felt they had the best chance of picking up more votes.


    Meanwhile, the latest RINN (Romulan Imperial News Network) poll shows N'Dak with a slight lead over Donatra, though experts caution against placing much faith in the polls, as Donatra only recently announced her candidacy.


    "Right now," FNS political analyst J. Scott Townsend said, "I wouldn't give either of them an advantage over the other. There is a still a good deal of time between now and elections, and they both have some cards to play."

  9. Romulus -- In a response to Federation President Swaggart’s recent address, Romulan Praetorian candidate Destorie N’Dak called the remarks, "misplaced and ill-timed."


    N’Dak, speaking before an audience of several thousand supporters at ch’Rihan’s famed Imperial Square at the base of the S’Task Statue, admonished the President for publicly addressing the Vacitu Conspirators before all of the issues surrounding the attack could be thoroughly examined.


    "The president’s condemnation of the terrorists is troubling and problematic," he said. "While I do not accept the actions of the individuals, they are still Romulan citizens and will be given the full protections of our laws, and given the due process afforded to them by our Constitution.


    "Our justice system will not be subverted by the will of any foreign power."


    More troubling to N’Dak though, were the president’s remarks about unity and democracy. "His diatribes on unity and democracy should be seen for what they are. Does he question the loyalty of our Empire?"


    "He speaks of unity and democracy," N’Dak continued, at times becoming strident and florid in his speech. "But only in terms of how it fits within the his own political ambitions."


    The harsh words drew rounds of applause from the many pro-Unity supporters in the crowd, many of whom believe the Federation has become too influential on ch’Rihan, particularly in policy making. Addressing those concerns, N’Dak said, "ch’Rihan is a proud and independent power. And we will remain proud and independent. And no foreign power, ally or not, will dictate policy on ch’Rihan."


    Speaking before supporters in the Rihan People's Party, his opponent, Aekal Donatra, likewise chided the President, "The Romulan Empire has never and will never settle for a Praetor that represents less than its best interests."


    She also referenced the recent Romulan Civil War. "We have just fought a war to ensure that, and to suggest otherwise is an insult to the strength and the sacrifices of the Romulan people."


    The Klingon response was less vocal. Chancellor Kimtor, who is slated to step aside in the next few weeks, said that his people’s affairs were their own. In accordance with Klingon tradition, which holds that the Chancellor is the voice of the Empire, the host of candidates to replace him have remained silent.

  10. Federation News Service

    “Swaggart calls for unity, grit”

    May 29, 2397


    San Francisco, CA -- In an evening address to the entire Federation, President William Swaggart called for unity and determination in the face of increasing instability within the alliance.


    “We must join together as partners to continue to forge the peace we have labored for so long. We must not let those bent on our destruction cause us to give up on our principles and visions.”


    The President had harsh words for the suspected terrorists calling them “cowards” and “enemies of the Federation.” He even referred to the upcoming hearings of those captured on board the RES Vacitu. These hearings have drawn the attention of citizens around the galaxy


    In a particularly touching moment, President Swaggart recognized the heroic efforts of personnel who responded to the attack on the Versailles Diplomatic Center. Specifically, he presented a medal to Mrs. Kendra Sullivan whose husband died from noxious gasses after saving several dignitaries.


    Seen as an effort to salvage the alliance, the speech comes prior to two important elections in the Klingon and Romulan Empires. Political pundits aren’t predicting who will win as both races are too close to call at this point.


    President Swaggart, whose tone was defiant and sharp, called for the Klingon and Romulan empires to elect a candidate who would share the same progressive mindset. He also called for continued democratic advancement.


    “We join in solidarity with Klingon and Romulan citizens and their desire to elect leaders that truly represent their interests both at home and around our quadrants.”


    The President closed by thanking the Federation citizens for their continued commitment to unity and democracy.


    “Federation citizens, I thank you for your resilience in troubling times. The best days for the Federation and for our alliance are ahead of us.”

  11. Federation News Service feed – May 28, 2397/Stardate 74407.2


    Investigation into VDC bombing continues

    Earth – Starfleet and civilian security agencies continue to investigate the wreckage of the Versailles Diplomatic Center, searching for clues as to who and what caused the devastating explosion that destroyed the complex last week.


    Officials refused to comment on the investigation, citing ongoing security concerns, but structural engineering experts indicate that the explosion appears to have originated…


    Chancellor's resignation sparks debate

    Qo'nos – Following Chancellor Kimtor's surprise announcement yesterday, heated debates have broken out at every level of Klingon government. Even political experts were startled by the speed with which various factions launched campaigns for the coveted leadership position.


    Rumors of violence are as yet unconfirmed. Says one analyst, "Of course, where the Klingons are concerned, 'violence' is a slightly different concept. I haven't heard any reports of serious injury or death yet…"


    Praetorship hotly contested

    Romulus – Until this morning, EnRiov Destorie N'Dak appeared to be the clear favorite for Praetor. Endorsed by tr’Klaeneth, he possessed popular support as well as the backing of the Galae, and no serious challengers had stepped forward.


    All of that changed early this morning when Aekal t'Donatra, retired Senator and EnRiov, announced her candidacy for Praetor. "I have always wished the best for the Romulan Empire," she said in her speech before Nn'Verih leaders, "and now she calls me to service again in her need…"


    New communications array premiered

    Nehru – Noted subspace physicist K'torem Senok displayed the prototype of a new communications array at the annual Century Developments conference. Based in part on the research done for the MIDAS array, Senok's prototype promises to accelerate holographic communications to real-time across sectors…


    Concert to proceed

    Vulcan – Lyrist T'Kol announced that her final tour concert would proceed as planned. Questions regarding the sold-out performance were raised when it was revealed that the artist's bondmate, Sorek, had been taken ill. T'Kol's publicist indicated that Sorek "was recovering as expected" and that canceling would not be logical…


    Portrait missing

    Tellar – The Tellar Prime People's Gallery reported yesterday that a seven hundred year-old portrait of leading statesman Skaalar Pall was missing from the gallery vaults. The portrait, a noted example of the Early Formal style, had been removed for restoration last month…

  12. Qo'nos -- Sending waves through the intergalactic political community, Klingon High Chancellor Kimtor today announced his resignation. "There is no honor in denying the truth," he said. "I am no longer fit to lead the Klingon Empire." Kimtor added, "Our people require a strong, healthy leader in this time of turmoil."


    Kimtor, seriously wounded in last week's terrorist attacks on the Versailles Diplomatic Center on Earth, had been optimistic for his recovery. However, doctors recently began to suspect that the injuries would be permanently debilitating.


    Rumors circulating of potential challenges to Kimtor’s leadership may have prompted the surprise announcement by the venerable Klingon leader.


    Although Kimtor did not directly endorse a successor, he implied that he would support Kudaj of the House of So’tak for the position. Though younger than some of the other front runners, many Klingon political insiders say that Kudaj’s youth could be an advantage. While not presently commanding a strong backing, many believe Kudaj will benefit from the support of the influential House of Martok, which is expected to ally itself with whomever Kimtor openly supports.


    Other frontrunners for the position include Jo'mav of the House of Krath and Degos of the House of He'jach. Some analysts believe that virtually any Council member might claim the position, as the former frontrunner, Morek of the House of Kotal, died three days ago of injuries sustained in the VDC attacks. Keh'Lath, his sister and sole surviving relative, has yet to publicly endorse any candidate. A choice other than Kudaj will pose a serious threat to Kimtor’s hand-picked successor.


    In the interim, Kimtor has said he will remain Chancellor until his successor can be installed, at which time he will step out of the public light.