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RearAdm Goran

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Posts posted by RearAdm Goran

  1. My dear friends,


    For the past five years, I have had the honor of serving as the head of this game. When I took on this assignment, it was at a time that simming itself was coming into question. The forum in which Aegis operated was slowly collapsing. New assignments were rare and even the system allowing GMs to request postings was rapidly falling apart. Under these circumstances, hosts were forced to make a horrible decision. Save as many games as possible or the few that seemed strong. In April 2002, both GMs and approximately three quarters of the Aegis roster departed. The sim that had formally had fifteen or more players found itself with five and no hosts.


    I was aware of the rich history that Aegis had. After watching no one take position for a month, I made a personal decision to, if nothing else, allow the sim to conclude with some dignity. At the time, I had become involved in the infant steps that would become the modern day Star Trek Simulation Forum. When this seemed more like a possibility, I took the goal of making Aegis itself viable again. I wanted to ensure the game was in an environment where, at the very least, it had a chance to survive. At this point in time, the success of STSF was very much in doubt and easily could have resulted in failure. Yet, fate had something else in store. As time moved on, goals changed. Aegis was stabilized within a year. Last year, for the first time in almost seven years, the game featured a roster above twenty-five. Not bad for something that essentially died in April 2002.


    My new goal was to see Aegis thru to its ten year anniversary. This is a milestone that I am uncertain many understand. It is very rare for an online game to survive a decade. Due to the nature of those that founded it, STSF is blessed with a fleet with well over ninety percent of its games now beyond this milestone. Aegis made it to this mark and did so showing how vibrant the game had once again become.


    Personally, I have also reached a milestone that I did not intend. I have had the privilege of holding this post longer than anyone before me. While humbled to be the steward of the legacy that is Aegis, I look at the game and am extremely proud. Not only has Aegis risen from the ashes, it holds the distinction of having promoted more GMs than any other sim within the forum. It has been home to some of the most remarkable people I have known, many I have had the pleasure of calling friends.


    Today, I officially announce my resignation as the Commanding Officer and lead GM of Sky Harbor Aegis. I have done what I intended to do. You all have blessed me with the opportunity to lead you through a fictional world each week and in that time be able to rebuild Aegis into a vibrant community. It is now time for the legacy to be passed on and for someone else to watch over the truck stop in space.


    That individual will be someone you all know and is very familiar with what it means to call this sim home. Over the past several weeks, behind closed doors, the administrative GM process has been taking place. It is my pleasure to announce that Captain Nicholas Ayers will be assuming the role as Commanding Officer effective Saturday, May 5th. His aide in the adventures of Aegis will be Commander Muon Quark, who will be serving as the Executive Officer effective the same day. I know without a shadow of a doubt this game will continue to live and be a success. With leaders such as these, and players such as yourselves, it is simply impossible for it to fail.


    Sky Harbor Aegis is not a perfect sim. There are areas that we all know require more attention, problems that need to be resolved to ensure the game flows smoothly in the future. I can only hope that people will look to the successes we have had over the past five years and not dwell on the bumps in the road we encountered along the way. Looking ahead, there will be both. However, I know that Aegis and its legacy will come out stronger when all is said and done.


    Despite a rumor that I recently became aware of, I am not leaving the world of simming. My decision to step down as the CO of Aegis is not due to any one factor, nor any one person or incident. The time has finally come and it took me a little while to come to terms with that fact. To no longer have the privilege of working each week with some of the most talented people in the forum isn't something to take lightly. However, in order to help ensure things stay fresh, I know I need to move on. I will continue to be a host within the forum and will still be seen Thursday evenings. Who knows, might even stop by from time to time like other former COs of Aegis tend to do.


    As I have said before, it has been a distinct pleasure and honor. I can only hope that everyone will give the new CO and XO the same dedication you have given your old ones over the past five years.


    I look forward to seeing you all this coming Friday.


    Sincerely Yours,

    -"Fred" / “Iruam” M.

  2. The ticking of the clock was the only sound in the room. It wasn't extremely old, built perhaps in the middle part of the twenty-third century. It's value, like so many things, was sentimental. The device that sat on his shelf had been given by his mentor several decades earlier. The occasion had been the individual's retirement from Starfleet. Over the course of his career, it had been slightly burned and dinted. Given to him shortly after his assignment to the U.S.S. Tecumseh in 2358, the first mark had been during the Battle of Tui, one of the last of the Federation-Cardassian War. The device had traveled with him when he had become the Executive Officer aboard the U.S.S. Thomas Paine in 2361. Captain Rixx, the individual who had been master of the New Orleans Class vessel for over twenty years, had labeled the clock "The Old Ticker." Slightly burned, it had even survived the Battle of Wolf 359 in wreckage of his former ship. From his posting as Captain of the Hornet to the Magellan, to even his assignment as the Commander of Task Force 12 after the Dominion War, "The Old Ticker" had remained.


    Yet in recent days, Iruam had a noticed a change in the device. Opening it up, he had discovered one of the gears malfunctioning and the clock loosing time. The Cordian smirked at the error and wondered if it was an indication of a greater problem. "The Old Ticker" was slowing...it's life coming to an end.


    Such was the nature progression of things. Nothing lasted forever but Iruam had made a personal decision to allow the clock to function until it could no more. Somehow, changing it after all these years might damage the device's ability to be known as "The Old Ticker." Time was a funny thing. It was a humanoid concept that while real, also wasn't. Something designed to track events, the very concept was controversial among many. But within their plane of existence anyway, time only moved forward. What was shocking is how much could pass before one would notice.


    Time was moving on.

  3. Special thanks to Lieutenant Dent and Ambassador Joy for their assistance in the creation of sections of this log.


    The discussion wasn't exactly one that he had expected to have. However, it wasn't unreasonable. The hold on all bloody traffic coming in and out of Aegis had essentially shutdown three quarters of movement within the Cardassia system. With the station handling most long range planetary approach clearances, it had thus far prevented over one hundred and eleven vessels from moving. Why wouldn't Starfleet Command be demanding an explanation?


    The secure subspace communication had been quite calm. The Cordian had not had to yell, raise his voice or even really justify his actions. It was a simple "here are the facts" discussion. Locked in his office, he had to start putting out the fires before they got too big. His efforts, however, would be short lived. Actually, one point two hours in life.


    Iruam's first indication of a problem had come when a yeoman had entered the room on the other side of the conversation. A conference room sitting somewhere within Starfleet Headquarters, two Vice-Admirals sat leaning back in their chairs. Regulations for this type of meeting were clear. Unless the Borg were attacking, no disruptions. Therefore, to have someone enter the room unannounced was rare. What news the young Bolian female carried would change everything.


    "Admiral, what in the name of all that's holy are your people doing...", the human Vice-Admiral barked. The statement wasn't what concerned him, the fact they had stopped using first names did. "We just received word that a Captain of a Gorn vessel registered to their diplomatic service has issued a distress call...from a ship docked at your station saying you just kidnapped most of his crew!," the man screamed. Goran sat back in his chair. Surely he was joking? It wasn't until the female Alpha Centurian leaned forward, "Iruam, we just got an official complaint from the Mudd representative on the Federation Council waiving around some report their person on Aegis just transmitted." The woman of no more than seventy years of age glanced down at the padd the yeoman had brought, "Something about committing an act of war?"


    For a moment, time seemed to freeze. It simply wasn't possible. How was it an already bad situation could, literally, fall so far out of control as to result in what might be another galactic war? What's worse, how was it this was going to be his fault?


    "Admirals, if you'll excuse me for just a moment....", Goran stated as he put the channel on hold and stood. Bolting onto the Control Tower, he immediately found a circus. It only confirmed that what he had just heard transmitted from Earth was accurate. What's more, he was becoming convinced it was going to get a lot worse.


    The gray haired Cordian paused, cupped his hands around his mouth briefly. "I want just yes and no answers....", he started. Glancing at the Android representative on the Control Tower, he questioned what the bloody hell it was doing there. Then another one of the pieces fell into place. Smiling, he motioned towards the turbolift, "Ambassador, being fully aware of your official protest, I must now invoke regulations and request you leave this restricted area immediately."


    "Acknowledged, Admiral," Joy responded. "When the situation is resolved, at Starfleet's earliest convenience, I would like to be briefed on the situation." She turned and left, shaking her head. For a moment, the scene reminded Goran of a holographic advertisement he had seen in his youth. It was odd how such random thoughts could appear at the most inappropriate of times.


    Pausing several moments to allow the female android to depart, Goran turned his attention back to those in the room. Pointing at Dent he forced a smile, "Are we currently holding a ship of Gorn registry in a tractor beam? Dent returned Goran's forced smile. "Why yes, sir, yes we are." The Admiral nodded slightly, the grin slowly starting to fade, he paused. "Have we transported a large portion of this ship's crew aboard Aegis without their permission?," he asked calmly. "Why yes, sir, yes we have," came the prompt response. Again, Iruam nodded, "And under whose authorization did this take place?" At this Dent hesitated, and his mental fatigue exacerbated by the situation became evident on his face. "Commander Hawke, sir."


    With this, the Rear Admiral dropped his smile all together and stared at Muon Quark. Opening his mouth several times, he was unable to find his voice until the third try. "Commander, I have to go back to a call I have on hold and try to start wheels moving that keep us out of a war with the Gorn. Until that is completed, I am ordering the following and need it recorded in the station's official log," he said pausing. Using his right hand to count his left hand's fingers, Iruam continued, "First, given the condition of Captain Ayers, I am relieving Commander Hawke from her duties for issuing an illegal order. She is hereby charged with kidnapping and to be placed under arrest pending a hearing. Second, for following the said illegal order, I am hereby relieving Lieutenant Dent of his duties and ordering he also be placed under guard. Third, I want every member of that Gorn ship immediately checked out by someone from medical. I want whatever their current condition is to be recorded and logged. If anyone asks what transpired, the answer is to be simply 'A miscommunication. I apologize for the inconvenience.' Then release them and once all are aboard let that ship go, using the said answer to any questions. Next, I want a complete engineering scan of the Gorn ship to verify it is in working condition before it leaves. Finally, get Ambassador Sidega back here...place him in a conference room with enough food and drink to last a week."


    Turning to walk back towards his office, and the waiting officers, he glanced back "And bloody hell no one start another damn war within the next hour!" He focused his gaze squarely on Dent, "Do you have any idea what you just did Lieutenant? Any?" Without waiting for a reply, Iruam turned and started quickly trying to come up with a way to keeping the situation from spiraling out of control.

  4. Hey there,


    Sky Harbor Aegis is looking for several individuals of a different kind. Are you tired of playing a regular character on your sim and looking for a new avenue? Always been interested in having a Romulan, Klingon or Cardassian character but doesn't fit on your regular advanced sim or a speciality sim isn't in the schedule?


    We might have a solution for you. :D


    We are looking for several individuals who would be interested in serving as recurring characters. These people would hold positions as part of a particular diplomatic team posted on the station. Titles such as Ambassador, Diplomatic Aide and even Chief of Staff might appear. Attendance each week would not necessarily be required, though appearances at fifty percent or more of the games would be expected.


    Requirements for such positions are as follows: Ideal candidates currently hold the rank of Lieutenant or higher, though individuals who are Lieutenant Junior Grade may be considered for secondary positions. Experience aboard a speciality (Romulan, Klingon) sim is a plus but in no way required. Availability to write logs on a regular basis is required, as is having a mindset that will allow the player to "sim" a character looking at things from a political/diplomatic perspective.


    Interested? Send an e-mail to [email protected].


    Questions? Feel free to post them here. :D