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Posts posted by Sisson

  1. Ok, I havent been here in quite a while, and despite that, I'm thinking of returning. Now my reason for my post was that a bunch of months ago the forum had like a black, Star Trek theme going on or something, and recently im seeing the default Invision board layout, and cant figure out for the love of all things, how to change it, pertaining the theme i mentioned still works.

  2. I cannot pick just one, since I like them all.


    BTW Im gonna put these in chronological Trek order so you can understand my list.


    ENT- Although ruins most of some canonical stuff of Trek chronology, I enjoyed this this near the top of of the Treks. Although it was 3 seasons less then the older stuff (TNG/DS9/VOY) they put some cool stuff in there: Xindi (kicking Ent's behind), the Augments, Brent Spiner guest starring.


    TOS- I did'nt like this alot, since I grew up with TNG although it was the beginning, it had some very intresting episodes. Plus I loved the now ancient 70's special effects :blink:. But They looked soo cool when used.


    TNG- By far, I completely enjoyed this series. Now you can laugh at me if you will, but when I first started watching it with my family when i was young, I only thought the episodes took place only on the bridge, since that was only what i could remember watching when i was that young. The whole crew, even Wesley, were cool. I liked Wesley since he was the "life of the party" so to speak, and made episodes irregular, and hated by others.


    DS9- I loved the station, loved Quark, and every crew member on the station. The other reason, is I loved the Battle of DS9 episodes when it was being assualted. That is why I have the Dominion Battle of DS9 + other battle scenes in my Bridge Commander opening. I just love seeing the Miranda being cut through its hull like a hit knife thru butter with a Cardassion compressor beam.


    VOY- Im just gonna say, with the exception of Neelix and some terrible episodes i forget the name of, the whole series made me speechless, and i loved Endgame, which is why I downloaded it :D


    TMP- Although not a series per se, im puting the movies in a group of their own. Best movie was "The Voyage Home" because it was soo funny. I enjoyed Generations and First Contact, FC for the Borg and the reason behind the title, I didnt enjoy Inserection at all, since it made no sense no matter how many times I watched it. Nemesis was best TNG movie, except for the Data killing =( Made me cry.




    and THAT is my novel on my thoughts on the series.

  3. For the past hour or so, I have been trying to take a screenshot of the STSF fleet in my copy of Bridge Commander, which meant all the ships and not the two stations (Camelot and RSN). I managed to get all of them in a fleet like formation, but as I was trying to pilot the Warbird in, I kind of crashed into another ship and blew everything up, so once I have the time again, I'll try again.


    Im also not saying the Camelot Station or Red Star Nightclub are not important, but all those ships was really lagging me up.

  4. Starfleet Command Personnel File

    Private Kyle Sisson

    USS Agincourt NCC-81762


    General Information


    Name: Kyle Sisson

    Species: Human

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5’8

    Weight: 160 lbs

    Eye Colour: Blue

    Hair: Short brown hair

    Marital Status: Single

    Languages: English

    Date of Birth: July 1, 2371

    Location of Birth: Toronto, Canada, Earth

    Current Rank: Private

    Current Assignment: Marine Officer, USS Agincourt NCC-81762


    Parentage and Family


    -- Dave Sisson, Civilian Engineer in Starfleet.


    -- Melissa Sisson, Nurse, Toronto General Hospital


    -- Eric Sisson (16), Student, High School,

    -- Jennifer Sisson (13), Student, Public School



    Graduated High school - 2388

    Graduated College - 2391


    Starfleet Career Summary

    03/01/2396 - Graduated Starfleet Academy

    03/08/2396 - Sent to West Point Military Academy, Starfleet Marine Program

    07/02/2397 - Assigned to USS Agincourt, as marine officer

  5. Hello and Welcome to STSF. This is a good crew here.


    Only thing you need to watch out for is the t'Venus SFly'Trap - it was brought here by the Rihannsu and placed in the Lobby - it snaps.


    Check out the Moose Tips (Under the Academy topic section), Help, and Rules (Both under the STSF header) sections. Once you do venture into an academy, the GM's and fellow players are great helpers. And you have fun at the same time, so it's all good.


    And don't believe all these crazy rumors about cadets getting killed by the GM's in the acad...**AHHHHHHHH** **MRRPHHHHH** !!!


    <ACTION> Kansas is attacked by the T'Venus SFy'Trap


    Happy Simming!


    - Kansas >^..^<

    Finally you show up Kansas :D

    Good timing ::Looks at chronometer::

  6. Welcome to STSF!

    It would help to read some of the following stuff:


    Tips From Moose


    Academy Sim Logs


    Also, you might want to paint a "dart board" on your Red Shirt their *Cough*

    Few things you might like like to watch out for which will "help" you in your travels are those pesky Pandarians (hope I spelled that right), those are sure to help you a bit, and watch out for Kansas, she has a special gift she wants to give to everyone soon enough, but ill let her explain :)