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Blue Star 14

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Posts posted by Blue Star 14

  1. Yeal I have been getting the same thing, Hello everyone by the way :) For the last couple weeks I have been getting email notest that I have a privite message in my inbox and I desided to popin to see what's up so found out is a spam message for a link for an video via YouTube, The URL look like it from Russa with the RU at the end of the link so I think the spammer need to somehow to be delted with I think..


    What everyone else think about trying to have the spammers stop?

  2. Thank you all for the verry warm welcome..

    This is whole lot driffrent than other's message board iam an member in..(23 in all)

    This is a little bit confusing I think I would need an guide for this one :lol:


    And thank you all again B)

  3. Hiya :D


    Iam a new guy in town...

    I was born in Indianapolis Indiana on December 14th 1964 now iam living in Illinois...

    I was raise on watching Star Trek all my life....

    Favoriet show is The Next Generation...

    Iam also am a huge Marina Sirtis fan too. :rolleyes:

    I hope to chat with most all of you real soon...


    Blue Star 14 B)


    P.S.I also love to chat in chat room too. B)


    BS14 :)