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Posts posted by Ens_George_Pickett

  1. Assistant Security Officer’s Personal Log


    USS Excalibur (C.L. in route to 1st meeting with the Surma, Deep within Gamma Quadrant.)

    Star date: 0508.28



    Having arrived on-board the USS Morning Star (Intrepid Class) moments before her departure from Star base Camelot, I felt as though I was just another Ensign, unnoticed on another starship. If my apprehensions about my first assignment after graduating we not already strong enough, matters we’re made worse by the fact that I now found myself on a different ship than the one I had dreamed of. Not long ago I had found out that I wouldn’t be going to the Famed USS Excalibur (Sovereign Class) but that she had been nearly destroyed by what I believe to have been an attack by the Romulans. Instead I find myself on the USS Morning Star along with the rest of my new crew until the Excalibur is repaired in the Alpha Quadrant, God only knows how long that will take. This is a fine ship just not the one I had expected, and worse than the rest of my shipmates who were merely adjusting to a new ship, I had to adjust to an entire crew.


    I had done best to study the technical data on the Morning Star before I arrived, and familiarize myself with her deck layout. This did indeed help as I determined pretty well for the most part how to Get to my Barrack’s on Deck 5, and then navigate around the ship to the various positions that I needed to be. As soon as I unpacked my gear in the small barracks which reminded me more of my old childhood summer camp than a star-ship, I headed off to the nearest Turbo Lift to report in to my new CO. Lt. Cdr. Brian Graham. As I traveled the corridors of the Morning Star the feeling of excitement that I first had when I’d learned that I was posted on the Excalibur returned. When I entered the Main Security Office on Deck 9 I was met by young security officer who told me that Cdr. Graham would be back momentarily so I sat to wait.


    When the door slid open it wasn’t the Cdr. that I saw but another Ensign Looking equally as nervous as myself, possibly a little more so since his first question to me was if I was Cdr. Graham. I could tell by the look on his face he had noticed my rank just as soon as the words had left his lips but it was too late to take it back. He introduced himself as Ens. Murdok Helios, and once our brief introductions were completed we had no time for small talk as the door slid open to reveal Lt. Cdr. Graham.


    I snapped to attention as did Ens. Helios and sounded off my name and business trying to be as professional as I could yet not look to anxious. The Commander is an Andorian whose warm smile was reassuring as he shook Helios and then my own hands. I was instructed to sit first near his desk which by the looks of it I could see was most in order. After a very brief time I was given my first orders, to report to the Sickbay for my mandatory Physical. This wasn’t exactly the greatest first job that a man could do on a star-ship but it was a necessary one. I disembarked to the Sickbay nodding to Helios as I passed, you would have thought I’d been given the helm from the grin I had on my face. This was it my career as a Starfleet Officer had begun and I was determined to do the best I could.


    A short while later I was greeted by Dr. Johnson when I entered the Sickbay. I can assume from the reaction when I said I was here for my physical that the medical staff wasn’t too busy as his smile widened. The Physical didn’t last long just some Medical history and of course a small blood sample. As I left Sickbay my suspicions that it had indeed been a slow day for medical we’re proven as I overheard the medical staff a little giddy over the fact that they had some blood. All in all this wasn’t so bad so far and when I contacted Cdr. Graham and he told me next to report to the bridge for Tactical training and briefing I was overjoyed but still did my best to simply reply to the Commander. After all I wouldn’t want him to think that I enjoy training he might put me doing something I did not want to do. I could only imagine what would happen next.


    End Log

  2. Congrats on your promotion Lt. I'm looking forward to working with you and the rest of the crew.






    Assistant Security Officer

    USS Excalibur/Morningstar





    Everyone has the obligation to ponder well his own specific traits of character. He must also regulate them adequately and not wonder whether someone else's traits might suit him better. The more definitely his own a man's character is, the better it fits him.


    Roman author, orator, & politician (106 BC - 43 BC)

  3. Congrats to all for a job well done.






    Assistant Security Officer

    USS Excalibur/Morningstar



    Everyone has the obligation to ponder well his own specific traits of character. He must also regulate them adequately and not wonder whether someone else's traits might suit him better. The more definitely his own a man's character is, the better it fits him.


    Roman author, orator, & politician (106 BC - 43 BC)

  4. I'll keep the flip top I have, I mean if I can imagine being inside the trek universe while typing at a keyboard I think I can pretend my flip-phone is a communicator, but I wouldn't mind owning some stock in the company if you go by this forum. Buy,buy,buy, :blink:







    Assistant Security Officer

    USS Excalibur





    Name: George Pickett

    Race: Human/Earth

    Sex: Male

    Age: 32

    DOB: 2349

    POB: Van Wert, Ohio/Earth

    Father: Richard Pickett

    Mother: Clara White

    Siblings: -NA-

    Marital Status: Single

    Ht; 6’ 0”

    Wt: 195lbs.

    Interests: Space Exploration, Ancient Earth Battles & Weapons, Singing/Songwriting,Camping,

    Horseback Riding and Time with Friends.



    Service Record:


    Graduated Starfleet Academy 2380

    Degree’s: Ancient Earth History/Military History

    Minor of Engineering

    Hand to Hand Combat (Expert)


    Additional Skills: Marksmanship (Expert)


    Assigned Assistant Security Officer, USS Excalibur-B 2380



    Service Information:


    Rank: Ensign


    Division: Security


    Current Assignment: Assistant Security Officer, USS Excalibur NCC-2004-B



    History: Born Sept 9, 2349 in the small town of Van Wert, Ohio George Pickett grew up a simple country boy. During his Education he thought that School was easy, so he didn’t try to his full potential. He regretted this later in life as he realized a solid foundation in Education was vital to his ambitions. He exhibited early interest in Military History which was encouraged by his father. His family has a Military background going back to Earth’s 19th Century. His ancestor was Confederate Maj. Gen. George E. Pickett famous for his assault at the Battle of Gettysburg, during the American Civil War (1861-65).

    As a youth he had always looked up to his Uncle Christopher White who was killed during the battle of Wolf 359. Usually picked on by older boys as he was shy during his youth, this led to his study of Goshen Jujitsu in which he attained the rank of Black Belt. Pickett was always interested in Space Exploration and decided to enlist at Starfleet Academy in 2377 to begin a career doing something that he loves.



    Medical History:


    Childhood Bronchial Pneumonia at age 2mths.


    No Allergies


    A few minor Fractures (Left Hand, Right Wrist)





    Pickett is a very honor bound individual who believes in doing his duty. He can easily understand the Old Klingon ways as he would be willing to die to maintain his honor in the course of duty. Some of this comes from his Family History, and some from his study of the Ancient Earth Eastern Code of Bushido.

    Pickett finds making friends easy and has a great sense of humor which can allow him to brighten most situations. Always willing to help people, he knows that he doesn’t always make an excellent decision in various aspects of life/career, but he strives to learn from those mistakes. He is firm in his religious convictions and has fully accepted that he has an appointed time to die, so he doesn’t concern himself with that which in his mind allows him to fully live.





    Pickett can feel pressure about duty but usually is able to put that aside, relax and have fun in whatever he is doing. He likes to perform at his best and usually evaluates his performance harsher than his superiors. Pickett can be too aggressive which he is continually working to correct, but has a fun spirit that others usually like to be around.