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Posts posted by Cay

  1. Wow, thanks a lot! :)


    As a matter of fact, I did already watch one series of TOS in english (I absolutely love Scottys accent), but I'm not a real Trek nerd in general. I started simming because I love roleplaying. So for me memory-alpha was even more important than for most others, considering I never watched a single episode of Star Trek before I started simming one year ago. :)

  2. Hi there,


    I'm not exactly new to simming, but I'm new to this sim. Means I have to learn using a different chat program, different abbreviations and different ways of formatting. But I think it went quite well at my first academy sim yesterday. I feel I have to learn all the Trek language anew as English is not my first language and I've never simmed in English before. Reminds me of my beginnings in Star Trek sim when memory-alpha was my best friend. :)


    So, enough ranting, back to topic:


    I'm new and hope I'll have fun here. It started off well, BUT I live in a different time zone and 9pm ET is in the middle of the night here. I usually stay up long and as college student / working shifts, I am frequently still awake around that time anyway, but I'm not sure yet if I can do this on a regular basis.


    As for the academy this should not be a problem, and then I'll see if it works. :)

