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STSF Shadow

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Posts posted by STSF Shadow

  1. The Monosyllabic Lifestyle


    Communication was the key. The Odile used long, complicated words, detested monosyllabic chatter, and shuddered when speaking in the third person. The Odile was definitely one of them – like the other biologicals on the ship. Tay, on the other hand, spoke succinctly, used few words, wasted less energy and powered-down (in her own way) when she was not needed. Shadow, being an energy being and concerned with conservation of energy, preferred that type of speech and that lifestyle. However, dealing with the two of them – the Odile and the Tay – presented problems, since they essentially spoke the same language, but they didn’t.


    Shadow paused in his musings to consider that last point. Perhaps it would have been better to say that the Odile and the Tay used the same words but spoke a different language?


    No. Incorrect.


    The Odile and the Tay used the same words but employed a different syntax. Complication and waste versus simplicity and conservation.


    Yes, that was the correct thought.


    Complication and waste seemed to pervade the atmosphere of Agincourt, and it seemed to Shadow that, were the ship to survive until they reached their ultimate destination – which seemed to the crew to be a long way from their present location, a puzzlement to Shadow who still struggled with time and space – they would do well to conserve what energy they had. Would it not be prudent, then, for Agincourt to adopt a more monosyllabic lifestyle? And would it not be prudent for the Tay and Shadow to teach the crew said lifestyle?


    In that regard, it seemed to Shadow that perhaps the Marines would be the best starting point. They seemed to deal extensively with monosyllables. Hair and Troll replaced Lt Major Hanna-Beth Rieve, and Captain David Merril. Granted, the others nicknames were more extensive, but it was a start. And when on a mission, the Marines tended to use few words, opting for hand signals and other means of communication. Yes, the Marines seemed to be a good place to start.


    At that point Shadow’s thoughts shifted yet again, to the current mission, and the waste of energy and the damage the assault team might incur. Not a pleasant thought to Shadow and apparently not a pleasant thought to the Tay, judging by her reaction.


    “Marines fight?” she said, a profound sadness in her tone and posture. “No Marines hurt?”


    “Fight yes. Damage biologicals,” Shadow replied with an equal amount of sadness. Having maintained close contact with some of the crew, Shadow had formed a type of bond to their energy signatures. This bond primarily served to identify individuals when they approached, but in some it had become so strong that when one was injured or in danger, Shadow felt the fluctuation, no matter how minute, in the energy signature. He knew the Nimetti had been injured, no matter how minor the injury may have been.


    And it bothered Shadow that he could not be used during a mission because he was a Seeker, and not a Marine. The JoNs was not a Marine and the JoNs went on missions. Tay and Shadow were energy-efficient. Why could they not be used during the missions? Why could they not employ their energy-efficient techniques to save the Marines from more damage? With each successive mission the thought grew so he could ignore it no longer. He would have to approach the Harper, and soon. It was a matter of efficiency, and communication was the key.

  2. Material World

    A Shadow Log

    Stardate 61599.2


    Shadow had learned to never be surprised at what he observed as a Seeker in this alien universe. That is, he tried not to be surprised, but in reality many things caused him to pause and rethink his concepts of matter, of biological beings – sentient and nonsentient – and nonbiological items, or “stuff” as The Hefner liked to call it.


    His latest puzzle came during his investigation of the Soltan ball weapon. He had learned to take notes, mostly for the edification of the Odile. The Odile seemed to derive much pleasure from reports, memos, and the like from her Seekers.


    Strange biologicals. Inefficient methods of communication: speech, reports, memos.


    To: The Odile

    From: The Shadow

    Re: Soltan Ball Weapon



    • The weapon does not work using pure energy. The Shadow cannot activate it.

    • The weapon works, but not efficiently, with DNA from crew members.

    • Crew members’ DNA activates the weapon but control is not evident.

    • Soltan DNA activates the weapon. The Shadow held DNA and weapon at same time; weapon attempted activation.

    • Weapon was activated but not detonated.



    • Soltan DNA activates weapon.

    • Shadow energy with Soltan DNA activates weapon.

    • Weapon is powerful energy. Do not activate on vessel.

    • More research necessary to determine method of detonation.


    After filing the report, Shadow was free to deal with the conundrum that faced him concerning the biologicals on the ship and their dependence on such. If the Soltan weapon depended on Soltan DNA for effective activation, did that imply that the Soltan DNA and the ball weapon were dependent on one another?


    By extension, Shadow considered the ship and its occupants. The occupants never left the ship while they were “in space” unless they took another ship or were transported. If they used the transporter or another ship they were forever in contact with Agincourt via energy beams in the form of communication devices. Were the biologicals on the ship intertwined with it as the Soltan DNA was intertwined with the weapon? Did they have a symbiotic relationship as The Prell had with his biological symbiont?


    Query memo.


    To: The Odile

    From: The Shadow

    Re: Proposed Investigation


    Propose investigation into biological dependence.

    • Do biologicals have a symbiotic relationship with Agincourt?

    • Can biologicals live outside Agincourt or similar environment?

    • Does Agincourt have symbiotic relationship with biologicals?


    Advise as to procedure.


  3. Broken Semantics


    Main Entry: bro•ken

    1 : violently separated into parts, shattered

    Syn: damaged, destroyed


    Broken. Shadow waved a tendril gently through the leaf that had just fallen from his plant, trying to understand how this could be “broken off” to grow a new plant. The plant’s existence was apparently different than that of other biologicals on this vessel. In his limited experience Shadow had yet to meet a biological that could, for instance, break off an arm and grow another of its species. He had questioned The Hefner extensively about his species’ reproduction – the meaning, the process, and anything else The Hefner cared to share – and he had not mentioned anything about reproducing in this manner.




    The Levy had given him the greatest gift – the gift of life, of the biological life that existed in Shadow’s new home. Now, by using the smallest amount of energy possible, he searched the plant’s energies to see how they were formed, how they moved, and how they combined to foster growth. Their molecules, atoms, and subatomic structures should give him insight into how, if something were broken, it could grow an entirely new copy of the original. And in the investigation he hoped he would be able to understand the concept of biological life.


    His greatest fear, of course, was that he would cause injury, but his energy tendril easily passed through the leaf and did no harm. He found that energy begat energy, or more properly, it encouraged a different form of energy. The initial injury released a different energy that encouraged cells to grow rather than to die, eventually resulting in the formation of a new plant.


    Interesting. Then why does not destructive energy beget constructive energy in the larger biologicals instead of damaging them? The Marshall was injured and nearly perished. The JoNs had been injured, though not as seriously as the Marshall, but could also perish if injured further. The Levy, The Tordai, and The Socom had energy manipulators of various design that could regenerate cells and repair damage. Why could they not stop what they called death?

    Shadow puzzled over these things as his tendril continued to observe the internal workings of the plant, essentially watching it grow. He knew he could power down enough to investigate the crew because he had done so to The Levy. Perhaps . . . .

    His tendril paused at a rudimentary root sprouting from the leaf’s stem. Perhaps their instruments were not as delicate as his energy tendril. And if his tendril were more delicate perhaps he could . . . .


    Placing the leaf in what The Levy called “growth medium,” Shadow turned his thoughts to another broken item, a non-biological item that no one had attempted to repair. Instead, it had been hidden and remained a constant source of consternation for its owner. It was non-biological; therefore it could not “die.”


    Perhaps he, using a delicate tendril . . . .


    Something else worth investigating.

  4. “A Simple Task”


    The task seemed simple enough. Find an incompatible biological sign among a homogeneous group. Unlike the Agincourt, whose biological signs varied greatly because of diverse species, the Selshans seemed to prefer homogeneity, making the presence of an avian Umbara stick out like . . . well, an energy being among biologicals. It took Shadow all of two seconds to leave the ship, locate the missing member, and return, after which he announced to Lt Colonel Day, “I have found a different biological.” Considering his task complete, he slipped into the ether to rest.


    Coming back?


    The call from Lt Colonel Day gave Shadow pause. He had found the Umbara. Perhaps he had not been clear in his communication. Then, for a split second it occurred to him that the biologicals did not understand that his designation of seeker meant a bit more than looking for and finding. Not that he felt himself beneath any task. Indeed, the biologicals’ dependence on him for certain tasks filled a deep-seated need to feel valuable.


    “Can you point out which ship?” she asked when he reappeared.


    He had found the Umbara general. It was on a ship. Many ships dotted the view screen, but to point out which ship contained the general? Finally Shadow managed, “I know where the biological is,” not knowing what else to say.


    Can you get to it? Can you put a commbadge on it? Can you mark it somehow? Can TAC keep track of you? Can you set off fireworks on the ship somehow? Doesn’t Driscol have a way to track you? Wouldn’t Shadow be an energy anomaly that we could track? Could he leave a trail of breadcrumbs?

    Fireworks? Breadcrumbs? Ideas flew across the bridge like quarks in a neutron. Shadow found it a bit overwhelming until Lt Colonel Day said,


    “Shadow, could you cause an alteration in the energy of that ship? Something we could see?”


    Had he finally found one who understood? An alteration of the energy, of course! But what kind of alteration, and how to accomplish an alteration that would communicate exactly what the biologicals required?


    Then he remembered a sign on deck four just outside Cargo Bay 1, accompanied by the words You Are Here.


    With instructions from Lt Colonel Day to go forth and have fun, Shadow shrugged, told her to watch the view screen, and melted into the ether.


    “I'm afraid Shadow hasn't mastered jokes, sarcasm, and irony yet,” said Driscol. “We're working on it.”


    But after a few minutes, Chief Security Officer JoNs at TAC announced, “Whoa! Okay...I have something rather noticeable...On screen.”


    Colonel Harper’s jaw dropped as she turned to eye the screen. “Mr. Driscol? You were saying something about humor?” She pointed to a glowing arrow that had just come into view within the nebula. The arrow pointed to a Selshan ship. “I think he’s doing better in lessons than you thought.”


  5. "The Enemy Within"


    On the morning of September 5, in the year 2397, in an uncharted region of the Perseus arm, Tactical Officer Beauregard's practiced eye shifted momentarily from its routine surveillance of several monitors to catch the briefest blip, an anomaly off Agincourt's port bow. Within half a second he had processed the information, reported it, and noted it in his log. It was small. Inconsequential. Further analysis showed no effect on any of Agincourt's systems, so Lt Sanchez, Officer of the Watch, dismissed it with a wave and entered a minute energy discharge of unknown origin into her log as well. Shortly thereafter an exhausted energy being seeped wearily through the hull and draped what was left of his field over a power junction just outside main engineering.


    Shadow lay there, desolate, bereft of all being, lost, bewildered, swirling in a dizzy spiral while conflicting elements of this universe stabbed at him, wielding a vicious blade that threatened to sever the very essence of his being and throw him into oblivion.


    Is this what they call death? Is this the end of my existence? And in it I feel the end without having known the beginning? How ironic that in my ending I should finally understand what has eluded me thus far, the essence of the finite existence of these biologicals, the end of being. Then, without so much as a thought, Shadow melted into the power conduit, remaining there inert, losing all sense of being, all sense of self.


    It had begun with a statement uttered by an unsuspecting Dr. Tordai. "The energy is none of your concern. It comes from those aboard the vessel. Their problems are their own." It was beyond his comprehension. These beings actually produced negative energy? If so, did they do so willingly?


    At that point, a primal force as ancient as the universe had triggered a change. Humanoids would call it instinct; he called it survival.


    Shadow had begun a slow, deliberate transformation as the full realization of Lexia's statement overtook him. In his universe there were positive and negative; there was no middle ground. Shadow's survival and the survival of his bond depended on defense against the negative, and as he spoke his final words the change came upon him in full force. He struggled to suppress it, to prevent himself from transforming from benign to destructive, but he was powerless.


    "The biologicals on this vessel create negative energy? How is that possible? We must do combat."


    "No, we must not do battle," Lexia had said.


    A surging ball of energy grew inside him, slowly overcoming his Vulcan science officer form. "Negative energy is dangerous. How can we not do battle?"


    "Negative energy is dangerous, yes, but it is not always a threat."


    Shadow backed away, his combat form growing exponentially. How could it not be a threat? How could these beings he called friends harbor the negative? How could they produce it, coexist with it? "It is always a threat. It can destroy everything."


    "So can the antimatter on this ship," she had continued. "Sometimes a little risk . . . " But he did not hear the rest. She did not know the difference. She did not know the danger.


    Then Shadow had found himself faced with a choice. He could combat the negative energy and in so doing destroy all he knew in this universe, destroy his friends, destroy his home. Or, he could deal with the negative as he never had before. He could retreat, exit the ship, discharge in space, and return to confront this negative energy in a different way.


    If he survived.


    He chose the latter, plunged alone into the emptiness of space beyond the hull, and discharged harmlessly. Harmless to those he called friends, but not harmless to himself. Without his bonded cohorts, without other energy beings for support in the fight, Shadow almost totally dissipated. Exhausted, with barely enough energy to slip back into the ship and find a power source, he felt himself at the end of his existence.


    Have they not known? Have they not heard? Have they not been told it from the foundations of the universe? They concern themselves with a virus and worry how the virus changes physiology, how it destroys the original being and remakes it into another. But the Driscol says a virus can be contained, a virus can be destroyed. This energy they produce, they nourish it, they harbor it within themselves, fomenting disorder and chaos. That is more powerful and more destructive than any virus.


    His revival came with a jolt, a sudden fluctuation in ship's power, that shocked him back to existence. Still, he lay there weak and trembling, wondering if it were better to be here, among those who embraced the negative, or to fade from existence. Once again he felt lost. Alone. How could he tell them? Would they understand? Would they try to understand?


    The enemy is not external. The enemy is within.

  6. The Lesson

    ~A Shadow Log~

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    GySgt Mike Hefner configured Agincourt's holodeck for a special presentation, one he hoped would illustrate a human peculiarity to his newfound friend. Soft music drifted from a jazz trio in the corner. Fresh linen draped intimate round cocktail tables which dotted the area between the backlit bar and dance floor. Here and there couples murmured, huddled in various stages of interaction while a cranberry-glass candelabra flickered candlelight from the ceiling. "We call it romance," said Mike in his Aussie drawl as he slipped into a seat next to Shadow at the bar and ordered a Glenfiddich, neat.


    Dressed specially for this occasion in what Gunny called civvies, Shadow studied the room. "Romance," he repeated as though trying to absorb all its connotations and innuendoes. "And this romance leads to procreation?"


    "Ummm...sometimes. It depends."




    Mike nodded. "Depends."


    "On what?"


    The lesson didn't appear to be as straightforward as Mike had hoped. He took a deep breath. "Think of romance as getting to know someone really, really, really well. Then you decide if you want to . . . procreate." He winked.


    Shadow's face lit up. "Getting to know someone really well, as I came to know Dr. Levy, Kairi, Colonel Harper . . . ."


    Mike paused mid-sip so he wouldn't choke and held up his hand. "No, no, no, Shadow. Getting to know them is what we call friendship." He waved his glass towards Shadow. "That's like me getting to know you. That's friendship. But," Glass in hand, Mike pointed a free finger at a particularly curvaceous young lady across the room, "getting to know her - now, that's romance." A grin and a long pull on his scotch settled him back in position, one arm on the bar, the other draped over the back of the barstool.


    A glance at the girl, then around the room, then back at Mike indicated Shadow's confusion before he ventured, "There is something different about that female, something that is attractive to you. Why are you not attracted to the other females? Why do you choose this one?"


    Gunny paused thoughtfully watching her glide across the room. A red gown fell softly to her ankles, hugging the curvature of her figure and tugging intriguingly here and there. A gold clasp gathered auburn ringlets gently at the nape of her neck, then allowed them to cascade freely over her shoulders and down her back. She spoke as she moved, her gentle laugh mixing with the music to create . . . .


    Mike sighed, bringing himself back to reality. The girl was, after all, an invention of the holodeck program. "She's . . . different. Soft. Gentle. Curvaceous."


    "Curvaceous," Shadow repeated diligently. "Not angular."


    "Yep. Curvaceous. Not angular."


    "And this non-angular presentation leads to procreation."


    Mike eyed Shadow a minute, then downed the last few drops of malt and called for another. This was going to be a long, long lesson. And probably a long night.

  7. I've only done one academy sim so far a few weeks ago, but the ol' real life and never being at a computer right when an academy has started has taken me away from these things. :) Anyway, I guess I'm curious on how competent one has to be in Star Trek science knowledge to be successful in these sims. I must admit, although I watched TNG a ton when I was littler and still do once in awhile, I'm not sure if my knowledge is good enough to contend. For example, if I was a medical officer, I'd have to know 24th century stuff, however, although I know of the existence of a medical tricorder and that little stick thingy to inject people with stuff, I don't know practically in of the terms that were commonly used. Where can I find a crash course on these types of things. :)




    Greetings, Brandinooo,


    As Mr. Carst suggests, Memory Alpha is a good start for terms. Googling "Star Trek Medical Terms" will get you to a lot of sites, also, as will googling just about anything you want to know about Trek, including species. Do one on Klingons and you'd be surprised (or not).


    As for the rest, being a team player rates number one. Otherwise, good technobabble (making up your own terms) is a plus :P .


    Welcome to STSF. Peace, and long life (after the academy, of course).

  8. ROSTER:


    Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Amnor

    Executive Officer (XO): STSF Shadow

    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Madison Starr

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Finn Halek

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Jaden

    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Joy 2

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - SyAndrewL

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Cdt LeMorte


    =/\= MISSION BRIEF =/\=

    The crew has been sent to the surface of Rackel 3, to the major city on the western coast following a major earthquake. The sci dept is tasked with stabilizing the crust, while the medical dept deals with injuries.


  9. Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Amnor

    Executive Officer (XO): STSF Shadow

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Sarvek tJhiin

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Cdt Alan Calder

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Sulu

    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Madison Starr

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Ens Marius

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - OPEN

    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ens Philip Carst

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Ltjg Ronin Shephard

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - SyAndrewL

    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Pierre

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Ronaldo

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - OPEN

    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Joy 14

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Pheonix

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - OPEN


    The USS Nebula is suffering from an infestation of Rackels (Similar to rabid raccoons). The little devils have been chewing through conduits causing widespread damage, though usually minor, throughout the ship. Several crewmen have been bitten and are now displaying symptoms.


    Log will be posted when available.

  10. [sTSF_Shadow] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Amnor

    [sTSF_Shadow] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Shadow

    [sTSF_Shadow] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy 12

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ltjg Ronin Shephard

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Angelis

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Lt Nicolas Lepage

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Mid Spitfire

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Cdt Finn

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Vatric


  11. [sTSF_Shadow] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Laura

    [sTSF_Shadow] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Shadow

    [sTSF_Shadow] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Ens Flores

    [sTSF_Shadow] Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Ens Quelsar

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Cadet David Johnson

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Joy 12

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ensign Contagion

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - recycle midshipman

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Mid Philip Carst

    [sTSF_Shadow] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

    [sTSF_Shadow] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Shadow] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Laura] === /\ === MISSION BRIEFING === /\ ===

    [sTSF_Laura] The USS Venture (Galaxy class) has found an abandoned freighter. It does not appear to be damaged, infected, or show any other reason for abandonment.

    [sTSF_Laura] We are engaged in an investigative and salvage operation.

    [sTSF_Laura] === /\ === BEGIN SIM === /\ ===

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>::at TAC station monitoring shields::

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Csec>reporting in

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::at the helm::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG>::In engineering checking the warp core pressure and reading over the mission brief::

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC><ASEC> I'm here, cadet.

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] <ASEC> ::walks into security office:: <CSEC> Orders, sir?

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::on the bridge, presumably being the XO::

    [Joy_12] <AENG> :: Down in the bowls of the ship, admiring the pretty lights on the warp core. ::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> ::on the bridge, frowning at the freighter floating in front of them::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG>::looks over at the AENG::

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC> +CO+ Captain, how big of a security detail do you believe is needed.

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC><ASEC> Just a moment . . . ::bites lip::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> Mr. Quelsar, are all departments (two) ready for the operation?

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><XO>Sir, my scans of the vessel show no damage and no distress beacon has been activated.

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec>oops sorry

    [Joy_12] <AENG> :: Looks over ath the chief. :: Sir?

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG><AENG> Do we have the specs for that freighter, I suspect I am going to be going over there to check out the damage

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>+Department Heads+ Please report your status

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC><ASEC> I believe we should all go, but this is pending the captain's approval. In the meantime, go ahead and equip yourselves. ::taps a button and a door slides open::

    [Joy_12] <AENG> :: Blinks :: Do you know the class? :: Heads for a computer console. ::

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC> +HOPS+ Currently preparing for the investigation, sir. Is a full security detail needed?

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] <ASEC> <CSEC> Aye, sir. ::walks out of office, heads for the TL::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG>+<OPS>+ Engineering reporting in, will you be needing any Engineering personel to go over and inspect the damage?

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <TAC> Interesting indeed. I wonder why it is abandoned.

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><HOPS> All shields and weapons are functioning correctly.

    [Joy_12] <AENG> :: Logs in... tries to get a visual on the freighter, and has the computer try to identify it. ::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><XO>Security is wondering if a full security detail will be needed, sir.

    [Joy_12] <AENG> :: Looks for names and numbers on the side of the hull. ::

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> The frieghter appears to be the Smarg's Delight, Kobalian registry.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::looks at Laura::: I would think that might be a good idea.

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC> ::hums to himself while waiting::

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] <ASEC> ::looks at recycle:: <ASEC> Are you coming?

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><XO>And engineering would like to know if they should acompany the team, as well, sir

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG>::as he waits for further orders he continues looking over the warp core pressure levels::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG>::taps a few panels and records some data on a padd::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <CO> Full security and engineering detail, Sir?

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <XO> <HOPS> Agreed. Until we know why that thing's abandoned, I want all possible precautions taken.

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Csec>understood grabs some gear coming

    [Joy_12] <AENG> She seems to be a Darilik class freighter, Smarg's Delight, out of Kobal.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::nods:: Make it so, Mr. Quelsar.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG><AENG> Smargs Delight..is that a ship or a food dish ::chuckles::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Lords of Kobal, protect us>

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] <ASEC> ::enters TL:: Weapons locker one. ::taps foot impatiantly::

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC><ASEC> Good. Don't overdo it, though. I don't believe we should encounter anything overly hostile . . .

    [Joy_12] <AENG> <CENG> Fairly basic. Drives cruise at warp 3. Not terran drives, but a fairly traditional design.

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Csec>What we doing..

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG><AENG> Please download the specs onto a padd so I will have something to go by

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>+CSEC++CECG+Yes, on both counts

    [Joy_12] <AENG> <CENG> Ship. Might be a food dish as well.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG>+<HOPS>+ Acknoweleged

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC><ASEC2> Give it a momwent, cadet. I'm waiting to hear from ::is interrupted by the comm:: - well, nevermind. All of us are going in any event. Go ahead and arm yourselves as previously instructed, and then we will meet up.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <HOPS> Notify Starfleet. We may need some backup on this, though at the moment I can't imagine why. Just a gut feeling.

    [Joy_12] <AENG> :: Grabs a pair of pads, one for the chief, one for herself, and downloads the specs twice. ::

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC> +HOPS+ Understood, sir. Where should we meet up? Will there be a preliminary briefing?

    [Joy_12] <AENG> <CENG> Here you go, Chief. :: Offering one of the Padds. ::

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Csec>understood gets gear heads out..

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG><AENG> Alright everything looks good here so I'd like you to join me on the Engineering detail ::takes the padd::

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] <ASEC> ::exits TL, and enters the weapons locker::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG>::grabs an Engineering Kit <AENG> Grab a kit and lets head out

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><XO>Aye sir. ::checks her console:: Security is wondering when and where to meet, sir

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <HOPS> Briefing will take place in TR one. ::stands:: Shall I lead the team, Captain?

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>::looks up data on kobalian ships::

    [Joy_12] <AENG> :: Smiles :: <CENG> Is that allowed? I though engineering serfs needed to get 10 years of good behavior before they are allowed to see daylight?

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <XO> Make it so

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::does a Picard tug on his uniform::

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] <ASEC> ::grabs phaser, begins gathering standard away team gear::

    [Joy_12] <AENG> :: Grabs a kit an starts following. ::

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2>makes sure have phaser knife,granade,commucator::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG><AENG> The ship is heavily damaged ::exits engineering and walks towards a TL::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::sends a message to star fleat requesting that backup be standing by::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <TAC> Mr. Flores, keep a lock on us at all times. I have a bad feeling about this.

    [sTSF_Shadow] ::cues scary music::

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><XO> Yes Sir

    [Joy_12] <AENG> :: Moving with Jonson. ::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG><AENG> But we'll have to wait for orders to see exactly what we're going to be doing

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::exits the bridge:: TR one.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG>::enters a TL and holds the door open for the AENG::

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC> ::uses the TL and enters the weapons lockers as well, begins to get ready.::

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>:: maintains a constant lock on the ATs lifesigns::

    [Joy_12] <AENG> :: Slides in ::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>+CSEC+you will be briefed in tr1

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::snaps his fingers:: +TAC+ How is the life support over there?

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC> ::sees ASEC2 readying:: Grenades shouldn't be needed, I assure you.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG>::closes the door:: TR1

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] <ASEC> ::notices CSEC enter:: <CSEC> Well sir, I'm ready, where are we meeting?

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::can't believe he forgot that small technicality:::

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC> +HOPS+ Thank you. <ASEC,ASEC2> We need to make our way to TR1 where we will be briefed. Let's get there now.

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><XO> Sir my scans show that life support is functioning correctly on all decks.

    [Ensign_Contagion] <CSEC> ::picks up a phaser and exits the room into a TL:: Transporter Room One

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::sigh of relief:: +TAC+ Very well.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::exits on TR level::looks around for the team:::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG><AENG> Lets see...we have a hyperspanner, tricorders, and a few more items...we should be fine

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] <ASEC> <CSEC> Yes sir, ready when you are. ::follows CSEC into TL::

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Asec>understood right behind you...

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Away team use @ please>

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG>::exits the TL and strolls towards TR1::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG><AENG> Oh and we have to put on our @

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::picks up a phaser, just in case:::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <CENG>::as he enters the TR he takes out a @ and slaps it on::

    [Joy_12] <AENG> <CENG> Do you know if her power reserves are still active? We might want to bring over an auxilary generator.

    [Ensign_Contagion] @ ::enters the TR, holsters phaser::

    [sTSF_Laura] <<hey, folks, if I don't answer you, PM me -- my chat is stop-and-go but my PMs seem to still be working real-time>>

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><AENG> We don't know the extent of the engineering damage but that might be prompt for later

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::takes a moment to scan for a decent beam-in location and sends the co-ordinates to tr1::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::looks around at the rest of the team::

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> ::follows Contagion into Tr1::

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><ASEC> Alright men, until the briefing we wait here.

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Still moving with her chief ::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><CSEC> How are you doing today Chief?

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2>follows in tr1

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::turns to see everyone enter:: Chief Johnson, your team ready?

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Tries to look ready ::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><XO> Aye sir, we have our engineering kits

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> Chief Contagion, ready to check this baby out?

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> You bet I am! ::nods::

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> <ALL> ::looks around:: Ok, here is the situation, and frankly it has me a little spooked....

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><XO> Just to make sure, I brought you a phaser - that is, unless you already brought one.

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Csec>ready when you are..

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> <CSEC> Thank you, I picked one up.

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> ::senses big trouble, from the way the XO is talking::

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Wonders if she should get a phaser too. If at first the fusion generator won't start... ::

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> Anyone else need one?

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::listening attentively to the XO::

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> <ALL> The ship is abandoned, but we have no idea why. There is no evidence of structural or other damage, no evidence of pirates, no evidence of anything having gone awry.

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] <<um, I gotta go for a couple of minutes, I'll be back>>

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><CSEC> I will take one Chief...just in case

    [Ensign_Contagion] << That's okay, I'll cover for you if need be. Promise not to kill you off. >>

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: TImidly raises hand at the offer of a phaser ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::just realized he is waxing poetic::grins:: <ALL> Anyway, we need to check it out and get it moving. Questions?

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><XO> If we find any internal damage like to their engineering systems should we attempt to make repairs?

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> <CENG> Affirmative.

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Csec>ready when you need me..

    Ens_Quelsar has left the chat.

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::steps on padd:: <ALL> If there are no other questions, let's get a move on.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::steps up on the padd::

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> +TAC+ Team ready to transport. Try not to put us inside a bulkhead. It gets awfully messy.

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Pauses for her chief, then steps on the pad, without phaser. ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::takes a dramatic pose:::

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> ::steps on pad::

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>+<XO> Aye Sir Prepare for transport:: Transports AT to the freighter::

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2>go behind steps on

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Wonders if there will be a GNN crew filming the exec's arrival. ::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::sets up a transporter lock on the awayteam, should emergency beam out be requied::

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::shimmers:::reappears on the freighter:::

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Shimmers ::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::glances back at Tactical:: <TAC>Any idea what they'll find over there?

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><AT> Has everybody reahced the correct coordinates safely?

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> ::shimmers::

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> Everything on the frieghter seems to be normal... if eerily silent. And empty. The bright consoles are almost frighteningly cheerful.

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> :::looks around::: +TAC+ That's affirmative.

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><HOPS> Im not sure but this has scary holonovel written all over it.

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] <<back>> @<ASEC> ::shimmers in, readies phaser::

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Pulls out tricorder... picks up a decent amount of power in the reserve. ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> Chief Contagion, take point with your team. Keep us covered, just in case.

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>+<XO> Aye Sir I will keep a close eye on the AT.

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><XO> Understood. <ASEC> You heard 'im.

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2>::lands off side gets phaser ready...

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> Chief Johnson, see if you can find out why this freighter is abandoned.

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> ::begins moving, readying phaser::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::nods::<TAC>Somehow, I can't quite see this mission ending well.

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> ::nods at CSEC:: <CSEC> Aye, sir. ::walks a bit ahead of the rest of the team::

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><HOPS> Lets have high hopes Quelsar.

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Csec>what we looking for..

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> I think it is traditional to leave a note on the Captain's chair, or a log entriy queued.

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] <<great, go ahead and start playing taps for us, guys>>

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::looking more like Jason Nesbitt than Shatner or Riker::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>Right - high hopes.

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> ::glances around, begins to become uneasy::

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> A light clicking noise echoes down a corridor, and then all is quiet again

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>::nods at HOPS and returns to monitoring AT::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::turns back to her console and checks that the transporter lock is still okay::

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> ::hears noise:: <CSEC> Any idea what that was?

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><XO> Aye sir

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Asec>you ok thought i heard something..

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> ::drumming her fingers on the armrest::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] <<sorry was AFK for a moment>>

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> <ALL> What's the matter? Let's get a move on. At least we won't find any ghosts.

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> ::hears XO and begins moving::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><XO> I wish we could be sure of that sir

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> <CENG> Bridge or engineering, sir?

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::keeps an eye on various ship systems, for any unusual occurances, in case whatever happened to the Smarg's Delight starts to happen there, too::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::starts moving around slowly with his tricorder

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Csec>whagoing on thought i heard something..

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> <CSEC> Ghosts, Cylons, whatever - the stuff of kids nightmares - not real.

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2>::moves check it out...

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><AENG> Lets start with what we know, if we check their power matrix we can figure out just how long its been inactive

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><ASEC2> Wish I could tell you . . .

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> <ASEC2> A little jumpy are we, Recycle?

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Stays with her chief ::

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> <XO> I'm not debating ghosts, but if we're alone here, what made that noise?

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::looks at his padd:: <AENG> According to the schematic engineering is...::points:: that way

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::moving down the corridor::: <ASEC Carst> Let's find out, shall we?

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Xo>abit never hurts be cautious..

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> ::sighs:: <XO> Aye, sir. ::moves further up the corridor::

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> <ASEC Recycle> Cautious is my middle name, son. :::trips over a bump in the carpet:::

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> A soft whirr seems to emanate from somewhere behind the engineers.

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::falls flat on his face::: Ooooff...

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::hears a whir:: What the?

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><HOPS> I wonder if they will find anything worth writing a scary story about.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::turns around::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><AENG> What...was...that

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Hears a soft whir... points a tricoder at it, looking for life forms. ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::quickly picks himself up and straightens his uniform:::

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> What was that?!?

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>Now there's a thought - the tale of the abandoned freighter.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><AENG> Anything, a person, a power source anything?

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::turns:: Weird sound. +TAC+ Are you *sure* there are no life forms over here?

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> There is a flicker of motion where the noise seemed to be, then silence. No life-signs detected.

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> <AT> Those of you who have them, tricorders might be in order. ::readies phaser::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::stares at TAC as the XO's call comes in::

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: If no life forms, then power use, then rotates through plausible settings. ::

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>+<XO> Sir All my scans and HOPS show no lifesigns but the AT over there.

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> <All> No life signs, but I thought I saw movement.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>+XO+Confirmed, sir

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><ASEC> I'm beginning to think you may have been right . . .

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>+<XO>+ Commander...do you want us to check it out or keep heading for engineering/

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>+<XO> Have you found anything sir?

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> <AENG> Me too...Maybe holographic stuff? ::hears CSEC:: <CSEC> Yes, unfortunatly...

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2>tricorders on..

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> +VEnture+ We're hearing activity - not ship functions, though.

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Looks for portable and moving power supplies, forward, back, to the sides... ::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><AENG> This just...doesn't feel right

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> +CENG+ Keep moving towards engineering. Check consoles on your way to see if you can find anything.

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec><Csec>you ok i must be hearing things..

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> There appear to be a few weak power sources in the immediate area, all in motion.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>+<XO>+ Aye sir

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><AENG> XO says to keeping going

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> <CENG> I've got several moving power supplies. Small robotic devices?

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><ASEC> I'm fine, I just think . . . I don't know, this is very confusing.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::shakes her head and yet again scanns the ship for annomolous readings::

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> <CSEC> You sent some security with them, didn't you?

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Shows her chief the readings. ::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::looks at the readings::

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::whirls around at the sound:::sees nothing:::

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> <CSEC> I'll go sir, if that's okay?

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>+<XO>+ Commander, we've picked up some moving power sources...Ms. Joy thinks they may be small robots

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2>::tricorders scaning,<Csec just sec scaning somethings uphead..

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>+<XO>+ We're continuing to proceed to engineering but I would suggest the security team to check it out

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> +CENG+ Approach with caution. Check them out.

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> Electronic robot tribbles? Automatic floor cleaning drones? Killer minature anime power suits?

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>+<XO>+ Aye

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> <CSEC> Sir?

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><AENG> Looks like we're going to be the ones checking this out

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Asec>you picking up anything

    [sTSF_Laura] <<oooh....>>>

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><ASEC> I'm here, sorry, just zoned out a little bit . . .

    [sTSF_Shadow] <<Hush, Joy..you're giving Laura ideas>>

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><ASEC> That's fine, of course.

    [Ensign_Contagion] << Sorry guys, I had to take a quick AFK there. >>

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> <ASEC2> Right now I'm more concerned with protecting the away team. <CSEC> Aye, sir. ::heads to engineering people::

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Asec>got something it faint..

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> Scuttling noise rapidly coming closer to the away team.

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> <CENG> Is it too late to go back for a phaser?

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><XO> I did sir, sorry. I zoned out a bit.

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Tries to lock onto the location of the nearest robo-tribble. ::

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><ASEC2> What is it, cadet?

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::still walking:: <CSEC> Good. They're gonna need it.

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> ::hears Joy:: <AENG> Yes, it is. But thankfully you have me.

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><csec>got something it faint.. its geting closer..

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>::monitors away teams life signs and notices an increase in pulse rate on some of the AT members::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <TAC> What's their status?

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::earnestly keeping an eye on the ATs life signs, noting the tense silence of the bridge crew, and wondes what the heck is going on over there::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><AENG> I have mine ::pulls it out and continues to head towards the power source

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><CO> Capatain well they are in no apparent harm but I do believe that they are ... scared.

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> ::breathes nervously:: <CENG> Any idea what's making that noise?

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><to herself>I don't blame them...

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> ::walks quickly:: <XO> I hope not, but it's better to be safe.

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> A spiky-looking, fist-sized robot suddenly drops from the ceiling onto Carst.

    [sTSF_Shadow] @<XO> ::;walks around a corner and is pulled into a trap door::DISAPPEARED:::

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> <All> Eeep!

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>+<XO> Sir are you okay I noticed a incredibly large increase in your blood pressure and pulse rate.

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> Gaahh!! ::crumples to the floor::

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> What's going on here?!?


    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Reaches into her engineering tool kit and pulls out her largest, most fierce, hydrospanner. ::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><CO>Sir, I've lost the tp lock on the comander!

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>:: loses XOs transporter lock and lifesigns::

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><ASEC2> Scan quickly, cadet!

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::holds up a hand to the AENG:: We don't want to risk anything

    [sTSF_Shadow] <take THAT, you waskily wobot!>

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> ::reaches for phaser quickly::

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><CO> Captain I have lost connection with the XO.

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> ::struggles with robot, screams:: A little help here?!!

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::scans:: The power source is around that...corner

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Csec>you there its moving closer i hear it oh my little robots...

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Approaches Carst, and tries to use the hydrospanner to deactivate the device. ::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <TAC> Not good....

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Not being subtle ::

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><ASEC2> What?

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <HOPS> You still have a lock on the team?

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><AT> Is everybody in any harm.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::watches the AENG run off, he runs after her::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><CO>Everyone but the commander, sir.

    [Ens_Flores] anybody*

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> ::stuggles, screams echoing through the corridors::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><AENG> Wait, it might be explosive!

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> +CSEC+ Venture to Away Team -- status report.

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Waits ::

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Scans the device for explosives ::

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Csec>moving away i saw something like little robots.. moving down nother hallway.. phaser on..

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> Two more spiky robots drop from the ceiling, and from the sound of things, more are on their way...

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><CO> Captain I suggest transporting everybody back and sending a more detailed security team to search for the XO.

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> +CO+ Currently we've had an attack on - just a moment -

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><AENG> Is it explosive or can we blow these things up ::watches as two robots approach them::

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> +CO+ Robots are coming down from the ceiling, more may be coming -

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> <CENG> We might want to retreat to the Venture and reconsider, sir.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>+<CSEC>+ Chief we need backup here!

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><CO>Should I beam them out?

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> +CENG+ On my way! ::begins running:: <ASEC2> Come on!

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> ::struggles, pain searing in his flesh, finally manages to pull the robot off his face::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <HOPS> Pull them out.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><ASEC> This way quickly!

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><CO>Aye sir! ::initializes transporter::

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>:: prepares to raise shields and weapoms once AT is on board::

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2><Asec><Csec>underattach its robots moving back found torbolift geting in....

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> <ASEC> Sorry, Carst.

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Moves with her chief ::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::running towards the rest of the team::

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC><ASEC2> I understand, but ::pants::

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG><ASEC> Yes sorry...we didn't want to risk blowing it up and you along with it

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> The Away Team, and any attached robots, shimmer onto the Venture.

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> ::doesn't comment, runs:: +CO+ Sir, we're under attack, we need to be beamed up!!

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::shimmers mid stride::

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> ::shimmers::

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec2>::aims phaser fires at robots hits 2..

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> ::shimmers::

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Shimmers ::

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><CO> Capatain It appears we have also transported the robots there has been a security breach.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::finds himself back in the TR::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <TAC> Quarantine the TR, until we get them locked down.

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>::seeing several robots on the padd::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><CO>They seem to have been attached to the team when we pulled them out, and they were too big for the bio filters.

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> <CSEC> I detect no explosives, sir.

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC>:: places the Tr1 under quarantine::

    [Ensign_Contagion] @<CSEC> ::panting heavily:: <ASEC> Well, that was -

    [recycle_midshipmen] <Asec><Csec>you there my tricorders on i'm geting life signs and robots lots..

    [CadetDavidJohnson] @<CENG>+<BRIDGE>+ Bridge this is Johnson...we're in here with several robots the AENG says they aren't explosive permission to blow them up

    [Ens_Flores] <TAC><CO> Captain I will prepare a security team to go into TR1.

    [Joy_12] @<AENG> :: Drops tool kit, and readies her hydrospanne. ::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::grits her teath and tries to think of a way to get the intruders off the ship without loosing the away team::

    [Mid_Philip_Carst] @<ASEC> <CSEC> Yeah, sir, I suggest we fire at any robot not attached.

    [sTSF_Laura] === /\ === PAUSE SIM === /\ ===

    [sTSF_Laura] === /\ === PAUSE SIM === /\ ===

  12. [sTSF_Shadow] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Laura

    [sTSF_Shadow] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Shadow

    [sTSF_Shadow] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Cdt Flores

    [sTSF_Shadow] Operations Officer (OPS) - Joy 12

    [sTSF_Shadow] Helm (Helm) - Ens Quelsar

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ens Sisson

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt Melendez

    [sTSF_Shadow] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

    [sTSF_Shadow] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Shadow] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Laura] === /\ === MISSION BRIEFING === /\ ===

    [sTSF_Laura] The USS Venture (Galaxy class) has been dispatched from Starbase 157 to investigate recent sighting of "a big white lump of jelly", as one freighter crew described it. There are also reports, as yet unconfirmed, that the mass has attacked at least one ship.

    [sTSF_Laura] === /\ === BEGIN SIM === /\ ===

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::In his office reading over security reports::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::floating in the firmament:::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: on bridge monitoring the ships sjields::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Settles in to look for white jelly... ::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> ::standing on the bridge, looking at a sector map at one of the rear consoles::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::materializes on the bridge:::turns to OPS:: <OPS> Have all department heads report in. Tails, too, if they have them.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::Imputs course correction and checks ETA::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Thought most jelly was grape or strawberry... ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> :::turns to OPS, giving her the eye:::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> Sir, I suggest we approach this object with caution we do have reports of attacks on ships.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <CSEC, CENG, CMO, CSCI> Please report department status.

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Tapping his commbadge:: +OPS+ Joy, Security checking in

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <TAC>::turns towards Flores, nodding:: And according to reports, conventional weaponry doesn't seem to have much of an effect on this... thing.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <CMO, CSCI, CENG> Ready and able.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <XO> :: Joy's Innocent Look ª ::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> Sir, I will try to perhaps focus more on our shields and defensive tactics.

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Mr. Melendez, please patrol deck 10 and check on our Beta shift please.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <TAC> Very good.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <XO> All departments reporting good, sir.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC><CSEC> aye sir

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::strokes his chin:::turns back to the task at hand::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <OPS> Any sign of the mass on sensors?

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC> walks to the turbolift

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Reading his report on the outbreak between 2 crewmembers in Ten-Forward.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <CO> I have a possible... large life sign in vacuum.... 11 mark 02., half a light year out. Not sure it is our jelly.


    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::checks reports on his console::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <OPS> Well, let's have a look. <HELM> Helm, come about to 11 mark 02.

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> Wow, an argument over...a a table. Very smart.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM><CO>Aye sir



    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Does as best she can to put it on screen at this range. ::

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC> starts to patrols deck 10

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Chuckles under his breath after reading the report::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::directs the ship towards what may or may not be the 'jelly'::

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> The blur that appears on screen does appear to be light-colored and amorphous.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::Looks up to the screen:::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> Sir, the um.. blob is in range shall I raise shields.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <Helm> Less formed than the typical GSA.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> ::squints at the blur::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> Strange-looking. ::turns to Flores:: Blob. Good description.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><XO> what would you want me to do

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <TAC> Yes, raise shields, please... and let's go to yellow alert.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM><OPS>::nodds:: yeah. They weren't kidding when they called it a blob.

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: raises all shields::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <CSCI> See if you can get some readings on that blob ::points to the screen:::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: orders computer to yellow alert::

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Exits his office and walks down the corridor and walks into the armory checking sidearm and pasher rifle status::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <CSCI> And while you're at it, you might want to figure out how we can take care of it before it takes care of us.

    [Ens_Sisson] <<phaser*>>

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Starts polotting its speed and acceleration rates. ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <OPS> anything in history records that compares to this . . . thing?

    [cliff157] <CSCI><XO> that Blob looks like it contance some kind of a toxic Gas

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> The blob does not appear to have any internal structures. It is moving at high sublight speed, method of propusion unknown.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <CSCI> Toxic gas? It looks more solid than gas to me.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::puts a reverse course on standbye, just in case they have to bolt::

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Takes a padd from a security officer which shows the current stock of phasers and phaser rifles:: Thank you crewman. ::Stares back down at padd and sees a full stock::

    [cliff157] <CSCI><XO> i will double check

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <to anyone> Of course, gas may be its propulsion. ::wry grin::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <XO> There have been any number of Giant Space Amoeba sightings, with wide variety of sizes and colors. No really good matches for this one.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::hears Joy. Nods thoughtfully:::

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Mr. Melendez, Once you finish your patrol, meet me in my office with a report of your "findings"

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Sets the computer to search through GSA reports, trying to find a match. ::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <XO> Could be. ::walking down to the command well::

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC><CSEC>aye sir

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <XO> Warp capable ones are fairly rare. Torpedoes will usually out range their attacks. This one seems larger than most, though.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><XO> that blobs is like a Dead star with little life

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <OPS> Just how large is it?

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><OPS>Is there any known way of attacking these amoebas if there is I may be able to get some sort of idea on attacking this thing.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <CSCI> How is it like a dead star? It's moving, seems to be alive...

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <XO> Thus far, I've only seen it stretch to 7 kilometers. If it formed a sphere, I' d guess 3 klicks.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <ALL> All input is welcome, folks.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> ::frowning:: <OPS, CSCI> Any signs that it's... breathing? eating? Composition change, gas exchange...

    [cliff157] <CSCI><XO> Im not quiet sure what it is

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::mulls over the size::: <CO> Well, if all else fails, we can have dessert.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <ALL> We're going to look fairly silly if this is some sort of free-floating industrial goo....

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <TAC> Many of them are just thin giant single celled bio forms. Very fragile. Phasers or torpedoes just blow them apart. Others are plasma entities. They absorb the energy, feed on it, and look for more.

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Melendez, I'm heading up to the bridge, you can set your report on my desk there. ::Walks out of the armory and enters TL:: Computer, Bridge.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <XO> I don't know if we stocked enough whipped cream.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO><CO> Well, Mr. Cliff did mention it didn't seem to be alive.

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><XO> Sir, Im no scientist but dont many if not most gasses have some way to ignite them.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::waves a hand::: <CO> Referring to the industrial goo, that is.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <CSCI> Mr. Cliff, care to elaborate? Evidence of life?

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> it does suck energy from other ships and Planets

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::nods, listening to Cliff:::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Wonders, if it really is jelly, whether it might better be absorbed by USS Republic's toast, or the Hood's donuts... ::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <CSCI> Ah, yes, the rumored attacks... then your theory is that this is a deliberate behavior?

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> with us this close we may be the next to go if we don't back of a bit

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Exits the TL and steps onto the bridge:: Hmm, what a nice blob that is.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> yes thats what im saying

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Stares at the view screen looking at the blob it shows::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <CO> We might send a probe into its area, see if it gets attacked, and the nature of the attack.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::considers the organism:: <no one particular>It's almost like a giant, space-dwelling jelly-fish.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <Helm> Interesting analogy.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <OPS> ::nodding:: Make it so.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> is there any planet close my that maybe harmed

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::scanns for plannets at CSCI's comment::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <CSCI> We are fairly well out, I believe... <HELM> Helm? What's our position?

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Programs a general purpose impulse probe for a close in pass. Emphisis on life form and plasma readings. Course slowly spirals in, but not intended to touch. ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <TAC> Mr. Flores, coordinate with Science to see what we should do about this thing...

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC><CSEC>i am done with my patrol sir

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Walks over to the railing of the bridge::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <Tac> I've a probe ready to feed into Tube 2.

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><XO> Aye, Sir

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM><CO>You're correct sir, there's nothing for at least two light years in any direction.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> this blob does move ever meter

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <HELM> Thank you, Mr. Quelsar

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Hears the report from Melendez and tapps his commbadge:: Very well, proceed to the armory and inspect the phasers please.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <CO> I'm ready for launch. :: Preps to save and analyze data ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <CSCI> Interesting, Cliff.

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CSCI> Have we got any idea on the objects origin.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC><CSEC> aye what about my report sir

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <CSCI> It's moving a quite a good clip, isn't it? Still no sign of what propulsion it uses?

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Leave it on my desk please, I will read it later

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> its spaces its self sir

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC><Bridge> So what exactly is this thing?

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC><CSEC> aye sir

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <CSEC> That's what we're attempting to determine, Mr Sisson. ::quick grin:: Any thoughts?

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <OPS> Make it so.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> we need to launch a prob at the blob to get a better reading

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC><CO> Im not a scientist, but is it generating any particles as its moving?

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <CSCI> ::blinks:: Space itself?

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::loves saying that:::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Launches the probe ::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::checks their possition relative to the creature, making sure it's not moving in their direction::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <XO> So made...

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <CSCI> I do believe we just did... ::glances at OPS for confirmation::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><OPS> Please transmit all data from the probe.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <CSCI> Probe is away. Coordinate with TAC to see what you come up with.

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><OPS> To my station.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Forwards probe data to Science and Tac ::

    [[Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: recieves data and begins analysis of data::

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC>walks to the trubolift and heads to the armory

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> it looks like from the prob they are looking and scaning the area

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <All> I tried not to threaten it with a direct approch. Spiraled in. But if it attacks things, it attacks things.

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> The blob begins moving toward the probe.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::loves watching the cadets in action:::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><XO> Sir, my readings show that there is a large change in temperature within the blob.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Blob> ::Ohhh...they are feeding me:::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Plots its rate of speed. Looks for reaction mass being ejected opposite it's acceleraion. ::

    [cliff157] <ASCI><CO> is like the tempture of the sun

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Blob> :::yummmm:::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::watches the blob overtake the probe on view screen, hopes it doesn't come after them next::

    [cliff157] <CSCI><XO> is this the only Blob

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <CSCI> I'm so glad.

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: thinks to himself did that blob just say yummy or am I hearing things::

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> The probe is completely swallowed within the blob.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Blob> ::burrrrrrrp:::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><ALL> Did anyone else hear that.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> the prob is still working in side that blob

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM><anyone in general>Maybe now it's not hungry.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <TAC> Sounded like...a burp?

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTiON> The blob turns towards the Venture.

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC><All> ::Sees the probe being swalled by the blob:: Hmm, think we could try firing a delfector pulse at it? Possibly see how it reacts?

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> Sir, the blob is approaching us.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM><all>I spoke too soon.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <XO> Leaving aside the question of how sound can travel in space...

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: raises shields and weapons.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <ASCI> Solar temperatures? This will be one of the hot ones. Phasers might not work so well.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Blob> ::shimmyshimmylookingforfoodyum::::big piece over there:::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM><XO>Should I back us away?

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> The blob glomps over the Venture's shield bubble.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> send i torpetoes

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <XO> Still haven't seen it go FTL. We could challenge it to a drag race.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <Helm> Sounds like a good idea.

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> Sir, I will fire on your mark but the blob is still approaching us.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::really does not want to be eaten::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::putts thrusters in reverse::

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> i don't think this thing has a name

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <TAC> Let's hold off on that a minute. <CO> Have we any directives concerning unique species, etc?

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: Fires torpedoes.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM><CSCI>Let's call it Munchy then, shall we?

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: blinks ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <TAC> HOLD FIRE

    [cliff157] <CSCI>::nods

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <XO> Aside from the standard protocols... I'd like to avoid killing this thing.

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: manages to hold fire at last second::

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> the torpeto made it back off a little

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Cliff, that would take an action statement from a GM B) >

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC><All> Maybe this blob is searching for energy, and since we seem to be a large energy source, it might be coming for us for that reason.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::Does her best to keep at least a small distance away from Munchy::

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> Fragments of the blob break off from the torpedo impact. Some drift into space, others return towards the Venture. A few appear to be sucked into the ramscoops.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::watching the screen, wondering just what the torpedo did:::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> Sir, We seem to have hurt this blob.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> will the sensor go around the blob to see anything is be hind it

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: possible contacts. ::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <TAC> Well, let's not kill it... Can we make it let go -- gently?

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC><XO> I suggest we fire a delfector pulse out at the blob. If it reaches out for it then we can try and find someway to lead it away from us

    [Joy_12] <OPS> +CENG+ Possible ingestation of giant space ameba into ram scoups!

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <OPS> That doesn't sound good.

    [sTSF_Laura] <Baby Blobs> ::slurpslurpnewhome!slurp::

    [cliff157] <CSCI><XO> we can try something i believe may work

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <TAC> What's that sound?

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO>Phasers may not have a very harsh effect on the blob and it may back off.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <CSCI> What's your thinking, Cliff?

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><XO> It seems to be originating form the blob.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><XO> use our Reflectors area

    [sTSF_Laura] <Baby Blobs> ::slurpslurp:: ::newfood!::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <Helm><XO>They seem to want food, right? What if we fasioned a meal more appetizing than ourselves?

    [sTSF_Laura] <Crewman Redshirt> ::devoured by blobs::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><XO> It may be just umm... burping as before.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC>+CSEC+phaser inspections are done sir

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Runs diagnosics on ram scoups and ship's surface ::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> Sir, shall I use phasers

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> The blobs appear to be on the lower engineering deck.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <CSCI,CSEC> DEflectors. Sounds like a winner. Like giving it a little shock?

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Alright

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <XO> Possible intruder allert. Something is happening in engineering!

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::torpedo was a BAD idea::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <XO> ::nodding:: Sounds like a good idea.

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>+ <CSEC> Security there is a intruder breach report to engineering.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> thats it we need to somehow to make it appitie bad

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Turns to Flores:: Im on my way. ::Runs to TL:: Compter, Main Engineering

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::under his breath:: Finally. <OPS> Signal intruder alert as a precaution.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <CSCI> All right, let's get the deflector tuned.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><XO> that why i considered the Deflector

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <CSCI> Excellent idea.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> +Public Addres+ Intruder Alert. Intruder Alert. Security to lower engineering!

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> Sir, I suggest we brake off from this thing by any means and flee to a safe distance.

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Melendez, report to main engineering grab a phaser and tricorder. We have an intruder onboard.

    [cliff157] <CSCI>CO> its tuned to the highest frequetce

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC>+CSEC+on my way

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM><XO>Once we've got it to back off, we'll need something to distract it away from us. Maybe a shuttle craft or something, to draw its attention?

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <TAC> I'm not fond of having it plastered to the shields, either, but we can't go around killing indiscriminately. Work with Cliff on the deflector zap; let's try that first.

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Wonders if the blob will be immune to phasers::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <HELM> ::grin:: You volunteering?

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> i put a little something in the oray for a posion like

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::thinks about it::<XO>I suppose I am, sir.

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CSCI> Please inform me when you have made the proper modifications to the deflector shield.

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::As he exits the TL, he grabs a phaser rifle from a weapons locker and enters main engineering::

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC>grabs a phaser and a tricorder and runs to the TL

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <HELM> Commendable, Mr. Quelsar. However, let's see if the zapper works.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <XO> You might consider sending it something big and cold... like 1 degree kelvin.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <CSCI> ::frowning:: Negative on the poison -- We just want it to let go.

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> understood

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM><XO>Aye sir

    [cliff157] <CSCI><TAC> Ready when you are

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::Really, really, REALLY hopes it does, for her own sake, if not the ship's::

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Stares at the large blob in main engineering and steadly awaits his ASEC::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CSCI> Very well, <CO> Captain I will use the deflector shield on your mark.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC> steps off the TL and runs to the outer door of engineering

    [sTSF_Laura] <Baby Blob> ::hmm.. glowytowerthingy... yummy?::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <oy...the warp core?>

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC>+OPS+ Joy, has his thing gotten into any of the engineering systems yet?

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <TAC> All right. Cross your fingers, everyone... Mark.

    [Joy_12] << Hot. No, baby... Hot. >>

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: Intializes the deflector shield::

    [sTSF_Laura] <just a thought, for now...>

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> Melendez, come on. Where are you?

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <CSEC> I am not showing major malfunctions yet.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::obediently crosses her fingers::

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> we should back off a little bit just in case

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC>walks in thought the doors

    [sTSF_Shadow] <AENG> AHHHHhhhhhhhhh....I'm being swollo.....;::blub:::

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> The blob begins to jiggle as the deflector pulse makes contact

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> Capatain the deflector shield does not seem to be working.

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Arms his pasher to Lvl 1 and prepares to fire at the blob::

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> Correction Sir something seems to be happening.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC> sir i am reporting

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Flores, wait for the action statement from the GMs :lol:>

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC><ASEC> Prepare to fire your phaser at lowest setting, on my orders

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> i had it all sorted out and it just went dead sir

    [sTSF_Shadow] <good - don't mind me I'm slow tonight>

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC><CSEC>aye sir

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> The blob jiggles more violently.

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC><ASEC> Short 3 second bursts, fire!

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <CSCI> Some degree of vibration is developin.

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> The blob is moving Sir.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::looks promising::

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <TAC> Continue pulse.

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: continues with deflector shield pulse::

    [cliff157] <CSCI><OPS> compensating

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC><CSEC>aye sir

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Blob> :::hehehe::::chucklesnort:::hahahahahaaaaaa::::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Blob> ::giggling uncontrollably:::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::is it ticklish?::

    [sTSF_Laura] <but are we tickling it, or telling it a really good joke?>

    [cliff157] <CSCI><TAC> do it now i modified it

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: Initializes a stronger pulse::

    [Ens_Quelsar] <or just doing something really amusing>

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Turns to Melendez:: I'm not sure that worked, set to level 5 and fire on my mark

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: wonders if the deflector is even working::

    [cliff157] <CSCI><TAC> it says it on down here

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC><CSEC>aye sir

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> The baby blob in engineering swells and then explodes into fragments, which rain down all over engineering... and then begin consuming things again!

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> Oh boy...

    [cliff157] <CSCI>transfers the deflectors files again to <TAC>

    [sTSF_Laura] <<Two minute warning>>

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC><ASEC> Start firing at the little blobs at a high setting, see if you cant disentigrate them

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC><ASEC> Cause it doesnt look like we have much choice

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> Sir maybe we are hurting the blob unknowingly.

    [sTSF_Laura] ACTION> The large blob begins to release the ship

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC><CSEC>aye sir

    [Ens_Quelsar] <poor little baby blob : (>

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> try to speak to it

    [sTSF_Shadow] <I'm having flashbacks to Ghostbusters.>

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><CO> Capatain we are starting to be released.

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::stands by to back up to a safe distance::

    [Joy_12] < Sorcerer's Aprentice, here. >

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC><CSEC>sir that is not working sir

    [sTSF_Laura] <We've been slimed!>

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC>:: tries to bring shields back online::

    [NDak] << Who you gonna call...>>

    [Ens_Sisson] <whats happening with our blobs in ENG?>

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Blobs> :::slurping up everything they can find:::

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> Keep trying! We need to make sure we take them out!

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> the blob is shrinking

    [Cdt_Flores] <TAC><XO> Sir, I will have shields online in ten minutes.

    [sTSF_Laura] <CO> <HELM> Helm, full reverse.

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Fires his phaser rifle at maximu setting at the mini-blobs hoping they dissolve::

    [sTSF_Laura] <Baby Blobs> ::keening as they disintegrate:: ::the others start slurping towards Sisson::

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::While firing, is carefull not to hit the coolant tank in engineering::

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> RUN!

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> ::Turns to run to the engineering door::

    [Cdt.Melendez] <ASEC><CSEC>sir can we decompress engineering

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> Lets

    [cliff157] <CSCI><CO> i think that blob is going to a blackhole sir?

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Littlebittylifeformblobs> ::yum....a sisson::::

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC> Computer, decompress main engineering, authorization Sisson Alpha-One-One

    [Ens_Sisson] <CSEC><ASEC> Get out of here Melendez, I don't think ill get out alive

    [Ens_Quelsar] <HELM>::glances at CSCI, then checks sensors for nearby black holes, just in case::

    [sTSF_Laura] === /\ === PAUSE SIM === /\ ===

  13. [sTSF_Shadow] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Muon

    [sTSF_Shadow] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Shadow

    [sTSF_Shadow] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy 12

    [sTSF_Shadow] Operations Officer (OPS) - Cdt Quelsar

    [sTSF_Shadow] Helm (Helm) - Nicholas Lepage

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Belthesar

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Daniel1701

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Cdt Melendez

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Cdt Spitfire

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Ronin Shephard

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Cadet TLara Troi

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Lt Arch Angel

    [sTSF_Shadow] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

    [sTSF_Shadow] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Shadow] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] ::wakes up due to the alert from the computer::




    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= MISSION BRIEFING =/\=

    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= StarFleet Academy, 2.17.2006 =/\=

    [sTSF_Muon] The USS Olympic (Galaxy Class) is enroute to a nearby outpost to assist with evacuating all personnel. The outpost came under heavy attack by Dominion Forces and their life support is failing. ETA to the outpost is 10 mins.

    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=

    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::checkers chronometer::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::in lab going over data on experiments::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::on bridge at security station::

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec><<are the dominion forces still atacking? >>

    [belthesar] <CENG> ::monitors warp field stability and warp core status from his console in engineering::

    Joy_12 has left the chat.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::on bridge pacing:: <HELM> ETA to the outpost?

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> :::temporarily on duty:::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::gets up, puts on her uniforms, and heads to the sickbay::

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec><<and could they have possiably boarded? >>

    [Joy_12] <XO> Settles down in not so big chair.

    [sTSF_Muon] <<Nope, this is after the attack.....>>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::walk towards the door, gets onto the turbolift::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO>::arrives at sickbay::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM> ::sitting at his position doing helm stuff::

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><CENG>what would you like me to do sir

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::mutters to herself:: I surly need a cup of coffee.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <MXO> We'll need several teams to help with the evacuation.

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS> ::at OPS station::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::approaches the replicator:: one cup of hot coffee

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><XO> ETA to the outpost is 10 minutes, sir.

    [Daniel1701] <AENG><CENG> What do you need me to do, sir

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::sips the coffee, and turns on her computer console::

    [Joy_12] <XO> <CO> Engineering to fix things, security and medical for evac?

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <HELM> Very well.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><computer>please cross reference samples and data,with all known star fleet medical data base,classify and file

    [Ronin_Shephard] '<<ok thanks muon>>

    [belthesar] <CENG> ::looks up from his console to Melendez:: Monitor the warp field generators, they've been acting a little strange. See what you can do to keep them at peak until we arrive.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::brings up the latest file on evacuations::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <MXO> ::nods:: The Dominion might be back....

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM> ::taps a few buttons, looking really important::

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><CENG>aye sir

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> Do you think we will have sufficient medical supplies to treat the people?

    [Joy_12] <MXO> +CMO, CSEC+ You two get together to organize evac and rescue. Use TR1.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>::on sec station::

    [Daniel1701] <AENG><CENG> Anything I can do sir.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><MXO> aye, aye

    [Joy_12] <XO> +CENG+ I'll need you to get a team over to the station to keep life support up.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <OPS> Try to raise the outpost again. Maybe we'll get thru this time.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> you are in charge of the sickbay

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC><MXO>yes sir

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<brb>>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::heads toward TR1::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::pacing worriedly across the bridge::

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS> Aye sir, I've been trying.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>aye sir

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::exits sickbay, gets on the turbolift::

    [Joy_12] <MXO> +CENG+ Use TR2.

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: We are unable to hail the outpost.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO>::arrives at TR1::

    [Daniel1701] <AENG> ::Monitors power flow to weapons and shields:

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><XO> All set

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM>::mutters to himself:: If she goes on like that we'll have a trench right across the bridge.

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS><CMO> There's still nothing from the outpost, Sir.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::checks her supplies::

    [Joy_12] <MXO> <OPS> How good is their life support? Will our people need suits?

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><OPS> I see

    [belthesar] <CENG> ::begins to walk around engineerning until Daniel catches his attention, to which he looks at his PAD in hand for a moment:: Yes, keep an eye on the warp core. The warp field generators have been acting strange, so I want to know if any feedback occurs.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<ok what did i miss?>>

    [Joy_12] <MXO> +CMO+ Stand by. We can't raise the station, and don't know how good life support is.

    [Daniel1701] <AENG><CENG> Yes, sir!

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><XO> aye, aye, sir

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <OPS> ::nods:: Very well. Keep trying.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::enters TR1::<ASEC>you're with me

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> :: double checks the medkit::

    [Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> I'm tempte to put everyone in suits and just send them over.

    [belthesar] <CENG> ::finds another engineering station and runs over a general diagnostic of all the systems::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>+<ops>+sick bay is squared away ,ready to receive the injuried

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: Sensors indicate severe damage to the outpost. Life support will not last much longer.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM> ::taps a few more buttons to keep the ship on course::<XO>5 minutes to the outpost, sir

    [Daniel1701] <AENG> ::Walks over to the warp cores status console and begins to monitor the field generators

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> ::taps on her combadge:: How are you doing in sickbay?

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>::appears next to the csec::<csec> what did i miss besides the damaged outpost?

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>+<cmo>+ready and standing by sir

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <OPS> Keep comms and sensors on that outpost.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> excellent, Troi out

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>the only thing you have missed is that we've been getting closer to the outpost

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS>Sir, the outpost's life support is giving out

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><CENG>i have an idea to get the warp core stable

    [Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> I'd like to suit up engineering, then, and get them over ASAP.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <MXO> Ok, get the teams together and head for the TR. I want us ready when we arrive.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec><csec> ok doky i take it im helping out with the evac?

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <OPS> ::nods:: Acknowledged.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::awaits for further order::

    [Joy_12] <MXO> +CENG+ Chief, I want your team suited up and ready for transport, ASAP. Station life suppor is failing. TR1.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>yes. i want you to bring phaser rifles

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>+<cmo>+suggest the severe emergency patients be beamed directly to sb,and walking wounded by regular transport

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG>yes sir

    [Joy_12] <MXO> +CSEC, CENG+ Life support is failing. Suit your people going over up. Stand by, Captain has not cleared transport.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> Suggestions noted. We shall do it this way.

    [belthesar] <CENG> <AENG> Go ahead.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <OPS> Are we close enough to start transporting?

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec><csec> there a reason boss besides that dominim forces might have bourded?

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> I shall inform you once the transport is conformed.

    [Joy_12] <MXO> (( Last should have been to CMO as well. )

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::exits TL1 and heads for the TR::

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS><CO>Yes sir, we are in transporter range

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>+<cmo>+aye sir,standing by,amo out

    [Daniel1701] <AENG> ::Goes to assist AENG::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>im afraid if the dominum return

    [Joy_12] <MXO> <OPS> Set up seperate transport locations... Engineering people to life support area, medical security team to wherever you have the most life signs.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM> ::monitors the course::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>ive heard they can survive a hand phaser set to kill

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <MXO> ::nods:: Go ahead and start transporting. We'll pick the rest up when we arrive.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec><csec> ok doky i get the basic idea oh

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS><MXO> Aye sir! Transport co-ordinates are laid in.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <HELM> Slow to impulse and find a place to dock.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><CENG> i am done with the warp core sir

    [Joy_12] <MXO> +CMO, CENG, CSEC+ You are authorized to transport. Two groups. Medcal & Security first. Engineering next.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::enters TR::

    [Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> I would like to go over, and join the evac team.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::sets about pulling in reserve medics to stand by for poss.mass triage station,decon station,and emmergency advanced life support station::

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>::gets suited up::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><CO> Aye, ma'am. Slowed to impulse.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><MXO> aknowledged

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::gets suited up::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::stands by for transport::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><OPS> Any suggestions for a good place to dock?

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: Severely injured people are transported directly to sickbay.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>+<alpha>+ folks come on down to tr1 and bring eveeryone a phaser rifle this is not a drill

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec><csec> that better?

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>+<cmo>+severe pt's beamed in,beginning als protocols

    [belthesar] <CENG>+MXO+ Acknowledged.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>yeah

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::steps onto the pad::

    [belthesar] <CENG><AENG1,AENG2> I need one of you to come with me to the surface.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><CENG>i am on my way

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> yes, do you require my assistance? It must be crowded there.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <MXO> ::nods:: Go ahead. Keep a comm channel open.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>::steps on a pad::<csec> lets have some fun

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS>::scanns outpost::<HELM> There's a docking port on the far side that should do.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><CO> I'd go for the airlock positioned at 078 mark 040

    [Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Will do.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::begins helping triage and direct pt priority,and transfers most critical to life support units::

    [Joy_12] <MXO> :: Stands, exits to the TL :: TR 1.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <HELM> Anywhere.... just connect with the outpost...

    [Daniel1701] <AEBG> ::Monitors warp core::

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>::sees alpha shimmer onto pads suited up and giving everyone a phaser rifle::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><OPS> ::smiles:: Thanks.

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS><HELM> No problem

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <<i might have to go soon>>

    [belthesar] <CENG><AENG> Melendez, meet me in Transporter Room 2.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>+<cmo>+ok for now sir,pulled in additionial medics for assistance,they probably need you there,

    [Joy_12] <MXO> +CENG+ We are looking to dock. We might be able to reverse power from ship to station through the docking umbilicals.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><CO> Initiating docking maneuver.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><CENG>aye sir

    [sTSF_Muon] <<No problem Spitfire. >>

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>::grabs his and double checks everything

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <<yep i have to go>>

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<shucks

    [Joy_12] <MXO> :: Steps out of TL, and rounds corner to TR 1 ::

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<come on i was having fun with you>>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><XO> Request the absence in the away team. My presence is needed in the sickbay, sir.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><CO> Docking will be completed in 2 minutes 30 seconds.

    [belthesar] <CENG>+MXO+ Right. I think I will have to head that up, so Cadet Daniel will be joining you on the away team in my absence.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::begins working on the injuried ,according to med priority::

    [Joy_12] <MXO> <CMO> Whatever you think best.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::paces:: <HELM> Go faster.....

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <<just a minute i might be able to stay>>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><MXO> Acknowledged.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<better>>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> I am on my way back to sickbay.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><CO> ::frowns:: Aye, ma'am.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG> walks thought the door of TR2

    [belthesar] <CENG> ::steps back into engineering quickly and approaches Daniel:: <AENG> Daniel, I need you to take my place on the away team with Melendez. Meet him in TR2.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::walks out of TR1::

    [Joy_12] <MXO> <CENG> I intend to be with the evac group, but handle life support as you think best.

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: The Olympic docks with the outpost.

    [Daniel1701] <AENG><CENG> Yes, sir.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::gets on the turbolift::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::performs acls on a pt,then transfers the pt to a bed::

    [belthesar ]<CENG>+AENG Melendez+ Melendez, Daniel will be joining you in my absence. I am working on a power transfer through the docking umbilical cord.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::arrives at sickbay::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM> <CO> ::docking completed in 3,2,1...the eagle has landed. ::grins::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> +MXO+ Alright, you are a go. Get the teams in there and get all the people out.

    [Daniel1701] <ENG> ::Exiting engineering to TR2:

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG>aye sir

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::working with emer medics ::

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<am i csec or asec?>>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> We indeed do have lots people injured here. ::takes out the medical tricorder::

    [Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> I read us as docked?

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>you ready?

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> What are the priority cases?

    [Daniel1701] <AENG> ::Walks into TR2::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::looks up from a severe burn pt as the cmo enters::

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec><csec> im ready

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::approaches AMO::

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec><csec> so is alpha

    [Joy_12] <MXO> :: Starts running to forward airlocks to direct traffic from ship to station. ::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <MXO> Affirmative. Go. Go Go.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG>steps on the pad

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> ::starts to scan the people in the room, one at the time::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC><TR1chief>energize

    [Daniel1701] <AENG><AENG> Ready? ::Steping on pad::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>down to three sir,this burn pt,and that severe tissue damage one,and that one bleeding out

    [Joy_12] <MXO> +TR1+ Transport authorized. Quoth the captain, go go go.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> How are you doing here?

    [belthesar] <CENG> ::Attempts to perform a power transfer through the docking umbilical cord::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><OPS> ::that's typical I'm docking at a station under exceptional cicumstances much faster than recommended and not even so much as a thank you.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG> energzie

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: Rescue teams enter the outpost and find total disarray.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>cmo>about done with this one,if you could to the bleed out sir.::pointing::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::shimmers::

    [Joy_12] <MXO> :: arrives at forward airlock, checks seal, discovers uneven pressure, starts working the airlock to let people cross over from the station. ::

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>::shimmers:: jeeze someone wants to clean up around here?

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO>::checks the nearest patient:: first degree burn, severe damage to the renal cortex.

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS>::laughs:: <HELM> Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm sure the outposts's residents appreciate it!

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> yes, I shall see to it.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>aye sir

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: Unconscious people are found throughout the outpost.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::starts treating the patient::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <<do we use @?>>

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> +MXO+ Report. What is your status?

    [Ronin_Shephard] ::sees a bunch of people::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::comes to the next one::

    [Daniel1701] <AENG> ::Shimmers::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><OPS> I think noone really appreciates our work. ::taps a few buttons to keep the ship steady::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::finishes the burn ptstabilialization,and transfers to a burn bed::

    [sTSF_Muon] <<People on the outpost please use the @ >>

    [Joy_12] <MXO> +CO+ Can you get a security team to the forward airlock? I'm trying to get people aboad, and need support.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::exams the next patient:: Second degree burn, damages to left ventricle of the heart, severe damage to the heart.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>looks good so far sir

    [sTSF_Muon ] <CO> +MXO+ eOn the way...+CSEC+Get your people to the airlock and assist with traffic.

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS><HELM> I think I agree ::checks on the Outpost's power supply, double checking hull stability, jic::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] @<CSEC><ASEC>ok use your tricorder to send the cordinates to the ship to beam people back

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> Indeed, so far so good. However, needless to say, there are more to come.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>@::works on getting people together in groups ready to transport::<csec> on it

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>done with mine sir,you need any help

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><AENG>lets get the lifesurport back on line

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::gets back to her work, runs medical tricorder over the last patient::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> Yes, please

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>@::pulls out a tricordes and starts putting in cordnites::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><OPS> ::looks at his controls:: I just hope the airlock didn't get damaged and the connection holds.

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> +CO+ If you lower the pressure on deck 8 to match the station, we can expidite evacuation!

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> I just examined this patient. He suffered trauma, damage to his atlas and axis bone.

    [Daniel1701] <AENG> ::Walking towards the nearest console:: <AENG> Right

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>aye sir.::moves the organ scan over the pt,and iniates the sterile field::

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS><HELM> I wouldn't worry about that - I was careful to find one that looked fairly untouched by the battle.

    [sTSF_Muon ] ACTION: Nothing on the station can be fixed. The priority is getting people off the outpost.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO>in addition, damage to almost all organs, including the heart.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::initiates a bio forcefield around the patient::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>aye sir shall we begin to stabilise the pt,and begin the poeration

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>@::sees people shimmering and gets more people to gether doing it again and again::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> immune system severe disabled.

    [belthesar] <CENG> ::maintains working on the power transfer, trying to keep life support systems on the station online::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <OPS> Can you lower the pressure in there?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><OPS> Well, you never know. Are you scanning the hull?

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <<operation>>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> indeed, the sooner the better. We have a tough case here.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO>::monitors heart rate::

    [sTSF_Muon] <<Yes... OPS = Operations. :-) >>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> heart rate dropping

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>aye sir,the medics are handling the others ok for now

    [Daniel1701] <AENG> ::Noting nothiung can be fixed, Begins to help people to get into groups and off the outpost::

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS><CO> Aye sir, the pressure is decreasing...

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> :: Helping people through the airlock... givng instructions to Cargo Bay 1. ::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> good to know

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> +MXO+ The pressure should be easing now.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::applies a hypo to stabilise heart rate and bp::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> well done

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> Now, we will have to start procedures on his internal organs.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><CENG>all of the inslerchips are bruned out can you beam or more

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS><HELM> ::Sighs:: Of COURSE I'm scanning the hull ::smiles:: Are you on standby for a quick getaway?

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> +CO+ It is. I'll try opening both doors, which will create a wind for a while. I'm sending people to Cargos 1 and 2. Things may get crowded.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> The heart is damaged at the interventricular valve.

    [belthesar] <CENG><AENG> I'll have some down there in no time.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>aye sir,but we are gonna have to go in ,pt is bleeding internally

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> :: Opens both airlock doors. ::

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: NOTHING ON THE Outpost can be fixed. Get the people off !!!! ;-)

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::hands the cmo a laser scapel::

    [Daniel1701] <AENG> ::Begins to remove burned out chips::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><OPS> ::grins:: sorry, mate. I'm just a bit nervous. I'm always ready to run as fast as I can.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><CENG> thank you sir

    [belthesar] <CENG> ::looks to one of the other engineering staff members, and relays a message to beam chips down, then looks back to his console, keeping the power transfer stable::

    [sTSF_Muon] <<Who's on the outpost?>>

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS>::nodds::<HELM> I know what you mean.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <<afk>>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO>::takes the laser scapel::

    [Daniel1701] <AENG><AENG> It's useless Menledez let's get these people off the station

    [sTSF_Muon] << And why aren't you using your @ ? >>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> I am going in. ::carefully refers to the monitor::

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><AENG> we need to try

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> +OPS+ I have opened both airlock doors. It is windy here. If our air reserves get low, let me know ASAP, but I have to keep traffic flowing!

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> now, I am on the pulmonary artery

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::performing scans and dermially regenerating as much of the additionial physical damage as possible::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> approaching the right ventricle

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <<back>>

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS> <MXO> Aye sir!

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> +Ops+ Keep deck 8 pressure low, but breathable.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> I am now attempting to regenerate his interventricular valve.

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: The last of the people on the Outpost are being taken thru the airlock right now.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>aye sir,pt vitals are holding

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> will you pass me a regerator please?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM> ::keeps monitoring his console to make adjustments if necessary::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::passes an additionial regenarator to the cmo::

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> +Ops+ Traffic is slowing down. Are there any more life signs on board the station?

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::takes the regenerator from Arch::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] @<CSEC><ASEC>lets split up and find more people

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> +MXO+ Report?

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS><MXO> None that I can detect, Sir.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> The patient's IV is regenerating well.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>@<csec> roger ::starts::

    [Daniel1701] @<AENG> ::Helps people through airlock::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>lacerated liver and spleen has been regenerated.....::monitoring vitals::

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> +CO+ People who can walk out have. Ops reports we have all life signs aboard Olypus. I'm closng the airlock.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] @<CSEC>::start to find more people::

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG>places new chips

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> Finished.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> excellent. Now, we have to deal with the bones.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> The patient has choosen a bad place to break his bones.

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> :: Takes a last look for stragglers, returns aboard, and closes lock. ::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>aye sir ,i'll rescan the pulmonary system to see if we missed anything

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM>::overheard the conversation with the MCO and gets ready to get away from the station::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] I have been under this name for a long time though

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::breathes a sigh of relief:: +MXO+ Very well. I'll have OPS assign quarters. Please ensure someone helps them with food and water and medical aid for now.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> What do you suggest us to do?

    [Cdt_Spitfire] @<CSEC>+ASEC+looks like we are done lets meet back at the beam in point

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <HELM> Take us back to earth. <OPS> Make room for all the refugees.....

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> +CO+ I have been bringing people aboard with no thought to security. You might want to think that throuh, as well.

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><CENG>i cant get lifesurport back

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>@::heads to the beam point::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><CO>Aye ma'am. ::taps buttons on his console::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> We cannot surgically replace the bones since they are connected to the skull, we need to find another way to put them back into place.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>pulmonary system intact sir,no abnormalities noted

    [belthesar] <CENG>+AENG+ Don't worry about it, get back aboard the ship. It's a lost cause.

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> :: Secures airlock. ::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> Noted

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS>::Nodds::<CO> Aye sir. ::Sets to work trying to find rooms for everyone::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] @<CSEC>::runs to the beam in point::

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> +CENG+ What is your status?

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmO>well sir i suggest we do it the old fashioned way

    [belthesar] <CENG> +MXO+ I hope you're pulling your teams back... I'm not sure how much longer I can keep a steady power transfer.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> +MXO+ Didn't security report to you?

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO>all right then

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><CO> Course plotted and laid in.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::takes out the laser scapel::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <HELM> Engage.

    [Daniel1701] @ <aeng> runs to beam point.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>set and a body cast

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> I will have to put them back into place first

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><CO> Aye. ::taps the 'engage' button::

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> +CO+ Early on. I haven't seen the chief lately. I have part of his team at the airlock, but it has been hectic.

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> +CO+ Should I recall the engineers?

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>aye sir i know

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::uses the laser scapel to shift the bones back into place::

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><CENG>aye but tell the CO that there is only ten mins of life surport left

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> +CSEC+ Where are you? I thought I told you to assist the MXO with the transfer of people?

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::monitors shows minor damages to the nerves::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] @<CSEC>+TR1chief+beam us back

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><CO> Heading 153 mark 496... ETA to sector 001 12 minutes.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::assist the cmo in the delicate resetting and positioning of the bones,and cranial structure::

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: As the Olympic departs, the outpost explodes.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::applies a regenerator to the damaged nerve ends::

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS><HELM> Now that's what I call a close call.

    [belthesar] <CENG> ::successfully prevents power feedback into the warp core as the outpost explodes::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM><OPS> ::raises eyebrows:: Whoa...!

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<woth us on board?>>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <<lol you stole my line quelsar!!!>>

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<the sec is destroyed!!>>

    [Cdt_Quelsar] << :P >>

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <<i thought i said beam us back right before it exploded>>

    [sTSF_Muon] <<Ok, you guys really need to pay attention to ACTION statements. Everyone is back on the ship>>

    [sTSF_Shadow] <that would be an oopsie>

    [Daniel1701] <AENG> :: Runs out of TR1 to engineering::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> Well done, I think the patient is in well hands.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>scans show return of neural pathways sir

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<oh>>

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<sorry

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Or, perhaps Captain, if you missed the action statement you are dead?>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> now, we just have to run a thorough scan see if there are other damages to his body.

    [sTSF_Muon] <<Ooooo, should we make that a rule? I likes it. LOL >>

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<hey yeah what about shadows idea?>>

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>aye sir,i'll apply the cast while you scan the pt ,ok??

    [sTSF_Muon] <<Ahem....>>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM> ::makes adjustments to the course::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <::deep throaty chuckle::>

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <<dan this is going on me graduation record>>

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> (( I am not in a position that I know about the action statements in character... ))

    [Joy_12] @<MXO> :: Shuffles people towards cargo bays. ::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::monitor shows the patient is well, no further damages are shown::

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<i like, leave you guys helpless while dominim forceds chase you>>

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> +CSEC+ Report to the bridge ASAP. Send your ASEC to assist the MXO.

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> yes

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> I think we are ready for more patients.

    [Daniel1701] <AENG> ::Walks towards CENG:: <CENG> What do you what me to do, sir?

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>@::over hears the comm and is in action::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::begins to aplly the immobilasation cast on the pt

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] ::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> :: suddenly, the vital sign of the patient in the next bed becomes unstable::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::runs to the TL::

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <<sorry, my computer went wonky>>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> what is happening to her. ::on alert::

    [belthesar] <CENG> ::Monitors the warp field, and making adjustments to it to increase efficiency::

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG>walk or to talk to CENG

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> ::takes the tricorder and starts scanning::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::sighs angrily and paces the bridge some more::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::enters TR::bridge

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS>::checks to make shure the explosion caused no damage to the hull of the Olympic::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo>::hands covered with plaset/g;lass mixture::<cmo>dont know sir

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO> Pulmonary distress. possible fracture to the myocardium

    [Daniel1701] <AENG><CENG> What do you want me to do, sir?

    [Joy_12] <MXO> +CENG+ Chief? Do you have spare people?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM>::frons as the warp speed increases by the factor 1.00354 due to Belthesar's adjustments::

    [Cdt.Melendez] <AENG><CENG>what would you like me work on sir

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>suggest a intercardialsyntesis sir

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <<cardio syntesis>>

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> starts a bio scan right the way, find out the cause of this sudden fracture. Yes, an intercardialsynthesis will do

    [belthesar] <CENG>+MXO+ I have two very eager engineers that will report to ASAP. Belthesar out. ::Nods and winks to the AENG's:: Get to the MXO.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::exits TL::<CO>reporting as ordered

    [Ronin_Shephard] <asec>@<mxo> hello sir

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <OPS> I want reports from all departments on that outpost. We'll need to submit a report to STarfleet

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> heart rate dropping swiftly

    [Joy_12] <MXO> +CENG+ Send them to cargoes one and two to move stuff to cargoes three and four, and set up refugee camp stuff.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <CSEC> Mr. Spitfire........

    [Cdt_Quelsar] <OPS> <CO> Aye sir, I'm on it.

    [Daniel1701] <AENG><MXO> What can I do for you sir?

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> initiates bio force field around the patient immediately after the procedure

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>aye sir..::grabs a large syringe,and needle,finds the position,and inserts the needle,draws out the blood surrounding the myo cardium::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HELM> ::makes some more adjustmens to the course::

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <amo><cmo>vitals returning to norm sir

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> immune system is severely damaged due to the lack of blood, eurythrocytes are dropping.

    [Joy_12] <MXO> :: Talks to refugees, finds out what they need. ::

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <CMO><AMO> That is why it is causing pulmonary stress.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] <<not that quickly it hasnt>>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <<tosses muon his last roll of duct tape>>

    [sTSF_Muon] Ok, enough..........

    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\=

    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\=

    [Cadet_TLara_Troi] <<well, I was identifying the cause of the pulmonary stress now that the myocardiu is attended to>>

    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\=

    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\=


    [sTSF_Shadow] Hm...

    [sTSF_Shadow] ::blinks, comes out of his dream-like state:::

    [sTSF_Shadow] ::looks at Muon:::

    [sTSF_Muon] First... Please, please please please, pay attention to the ACTION statements.

    [sTSF_Muon] Second, don't forget if you're away from the ship, to use your @ or whatever is assigned so people can tell who is where.

    [sTSF_Muon] Lastly, try not to abbreviate too much, it gets a little confusing. Shadow?

    [sTSF_Shadow] Yes, thank you, Captain.

    [sTSF_Shadow] A note for the new cadets, and a reminder for the older ones - the GMs do keep records and communicate with each other concerning academy performance. If you change the name you use in the academy it makes it difficult for us to keep the records straight and you may not be promoted as quickly as you should. Please use the SAME name for each academy you attend. Thank you.

    [sTSF_Shadow] ::whew:: That is all.

    [Lt.Arch_Angel] great simm GM'S,thank you :lol: ;)

    [sTSF_Muon] ::glances at Shawdow:: Do I really have to?

    [sTSF_Muon] HUSH!!!!!

    [sTSF_Muon] I mean..... do we really have to?

    [sTSF_Shadow] Well...

    [sTSF_Shadow] ::looks at the motley crew::

    [sTSF_Shadow] Perhaps.

    [sTSF_Muon] ::sighs:: Oh very well.......

    [Joy_12] :: Joy's Innocent Look ª ::

    [sTSF_Muon] CDT Spitfire. FRONT and CENTER

    [sTSF_Shadow] :::megasigh:::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] ::steps up::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] ::gets the gatorade ready and motions for joy to get the babypowder:: /w Ronin are you going to help me with this?

    [Ronin_Shephard] ::helps lepage::

    [sTSF_Shadow] Cdt Spitfire. Not a worthy name.

    [sTSF_Muon] You are hereby promoted to the rank of Ensign and have inherited all the headaches and paperwork associated with said position. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!


    [sTSF_Shadow] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Muon

    [sTSF_Shadow] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Shadow

    [sTSF_Shadow] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Ens Philip Carst

    [sTSF_Shadow] Helm Officer (HELM) - mt porter

    [sTSF_Shadow] Operations Officer (OPS) - Ens Joy 12

    [sTSF_Shadow] Vulcan Ambassador - Ltjg Eagle

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Cdt Matthew Hamilton

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ltjg Murdok Helios

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt Lizzy Troi

    [sTSF_Shadow] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt Tuvok112

    [sTSF_Shadow] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Shadow] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Muon] Alright then.....


    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= MISSION BRIEFING =/\=

    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= StarFleet Academy, 1.22.2006 =/\=

    [sTSF_Muon] The USS Defiant has been dispatced to Vulcan to pick up and escort the Vulcan Ambassador to Earth for a meeting with the Federation President. The ship is now a few hours away from earth.

    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=

    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::on bridge talking with the XO and the Ambassador::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> :: On the bridge, keeping half an eye on most everything. ::

    [mtporter] <HELM>::monitoring the ship from her console::

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::on bridge, at tactical::

    [mtporter] <HELM><OPS> we should reach earth in 1hour and 46 min

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <VUL AMB> So Mr. Ambassador, I'm wondering if you'd like a tour of the ship.

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] ::Sits at consol in the back of the bridge going over reports.::+ASEC1,2+ Report to weapons storage room 2, on deck 3.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::also on the bridge, talking with the CO and the Ambassador::

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] ((CSEC*))

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Exits cramped quarters and hears his communicator:: +CSEC+ On my way sir

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Transfers data to a PADD and checks it over.::

    [mtporter] <HELM>::smiles at joy and then turns back to ther console::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Goes to the TL:: Computer Deck 3

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::awaiting the ambassador's reply, aware that sometimes Vulcans are slow and thoughtful::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> :: Returns Porter's smile ::

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> aye sir

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC><CSEC> aye sir

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> :: Wonders if a tour of a ship would be logical. ::

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> Goes to TL Computer on Deck 3

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Stands entering the TL, and heading down to deck 3. He exits and walks down the hall walking into the weapons storage room.::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Exits TL and takes a right to the WSR2::


    [mtporter] <HELM>::taps a few more buttons::

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Glances at Tuvok as he enters. Reading over his PADD.::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Enters the weapons storage room:: <CSEC> Greetings sir where is Lizzzy??

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <vulambd><co>if it would satisify you captain,of course i would

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><ASEC>::Shrugs.:: On her way I believe.

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> Exits the TL and take a right to the WSR2

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::curious look::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::smiles:: <VUL AMB> I know just the person.

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::chuckles silenty at the vulcans response::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::tries to look unobtrusive::

    [mtporter] <HELM>::turns and looks at the ambassador::

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC><CSEC> here sir

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <ASEC> Mr. Tuvok. Please report to the bridge.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> +CO+ Yes sir

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <CSEC> I will be back as soon as I am done with the captain sir

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><ASEC1> ::Nods.::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <ASEC2> Hello Lizzy

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <CSEC> Sorry, I need to borrow Mr. Tuvok for a bit. I'll return him shortly.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::LEaves the weapons storage room and enters TL:: Computer Bridge

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><ASEC2> Looks like you'll get to do extra work. ::Smirks a bit as he reads over his PADD.::

    [sTSF_Muon] <<:;whacks her keyboard for not remembering to put in + +>>

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <vulamb><co>i trust you captain ,i will not be dissapponited

    [mtporter] <HELM>::sends a message to joy's console saying "vulcan play time"::

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>+<CO>+ NO problem i have another one. ::Laughts a bit.::

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC2><CSEC> yes sir

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Exits TL and enters the bridge to see teh Vulcan Ambassador::

    [mtporter] <HELM>::bites her lip as she checks to see if joy recieved it::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <VUL AMB> Mr. Tuvok is Vulcan as well and might be able to provide some good insights on the ship.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Vulcan Salute:: <VA> Live Long and Prosper

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::a strange message from helm shows up on his console:::

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Points Lizzy in the direction of several large crates.::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> :: Responds to helm, "I would not have thought a warship tour play, or to a Vulcan's liking." ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::raised eyebrows::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <vulamd>::nods and gives the vulcan greeting::

    [mtporter] <HELM>::recives a message on her console saying she sent the message to the entire bridge crew::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::glances at Tuvok:: <ASEC> Ah, Mr. Tuvok. I'd like you to meet the Vulcan Ambassador to Earth. Mr. Ambassador. Cadet Tuvok.

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC2> looks at the several lage crates

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <vulamd>::waiting on the proper response::

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] ((Don't forget the :: :: To show actions Lizzy.))

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::notices weird behavior comeing from Joy and Porter::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Nods to the CO:: <VA> It is an honour meeting you

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <ASEC> Mr. Tuvok, I'd like you to give the Ambassador a tour of the ship. Medical, engineering..etc.

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] << i won't >>

    [mtporter] <HELM>::thinks to herself "thats not good" she look back and tries to avoid eye contact with the xo::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <CO> Indeed I shall

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] ((Defiant class ship tours aren't very long :blink: ))

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::reconfigures his console to omit extraneous chatter::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::nods:: Excellent. You may proceed when ready.

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::sees message. Stifles a laugh::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> What would you liek to see first Ambassador??

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <HELM> ETA to earth?

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><ASEC2> We need to cataloge the Type III phasers.

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASE><CSEC> aye sir

    [mtporter] <HELM><CO> 1 hour and 32 min sir

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Sits down on a empty crate waiting for Lizzy to move the crate over next to him.::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <vulamb><tuvok>you are my tour represenative ,i suggest we start at the beginning

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <HELM> Very well. <VA> I will notify you when we are about to arrive. Have a good tour Ambassador.

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><tuvok>that would be logical of course

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::silent agreement with Eagle::

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> Takes a large crate one by one at a time

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Taps on his PADD, bringing up a weapon manifest.::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> I agree Ambassador. This way to teh Turbolift ::Enters TL and waits for The ambassador::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::enters the tl::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::is reminded of a song, but decides to spare the bridge crew his rendition::

    [mtporter] <HELM>::she turns back to her console and tries to look busy::

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><ASEC2>Bring the first crate over here infront of me.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <XO> This will be a good time to see what Mr. Tuvok is made of, don't you think?

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> walks back to the large crates grabs another walk back put it by the other crate

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> Computer Enginnering <VA> Logically everything is started at engineering so I beleive we should go there first

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::instead, he busies himself with the mundane: reports to...:: <CO> Agreed, Captain.

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Opens the first crate Cadet Lizzy placed infront of him. Entering the info into his PADD.::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><tuvok>that is logical....

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::mutters to self:: make sure he doesn't hear that, or we'd be hear all night...

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::his thoughts having been broken off in midstride::sits back to reconnoiter::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::nods, happy that she got the Ambassador out of her hair::

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::pushes buttons, looking busy::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Exits TL and enter enginneering:: <VA> This way ambassador

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <OPS> Please contact Starfleet and let them know of our imminent arrival with the Ambassador.

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><asec tuvok>tell me what made you desire to join star fleet

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> <CO> Aye...

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::exits the tl with tuvok::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <CO> This should be a smooth, uneventful trip, Captain. For a change.

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Yawns and wipes his fourhead.:: Man this is hard work. ::Watechs Cadet Lizzy carry the large crates as he sits.::

    [mtporter] <HELM>::monitors the ships course and starts to calculater the time till her shift is over::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::raises an eyebrow awaiting a reply::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::pushes his console away, deciding to take every opportunity to relax::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <XO> Yes is should... I mean, we're an hour or so away from Earth. What could go wrong?

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] <CENG><CSEC> Ah Mr. Tuvok, what do I owe the pleasure

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::doesn't like their conversation::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> My parents pushed me into going to starfleet

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] ((Tuvok got promoted? :blink: ))

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC>walks back gets another large crate then walks back to put the large crate in front of MurdoHelios

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::shudders:: <CO> I prefer not to think of those things, Sir.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <CENG> Greetings I am jsut hear giving the ambassador here a tour of the defiant

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> :: Composes a text message to McKinley station giving the Defiant's ETA, with a copy to the Federation President's office. Sends ::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><asectuvok>indeed.......and tell me who are your parents

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Opens the second crate and enters the data on his PADD.::<ASEC> Ok thats enought you can return these to there orignal spots.

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: An alarm goes off in engineering. The reactor is overheating slightly. Just a little.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> T'pal and Sovak

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] <CENG><VA> Mr. Ambassador, it is a pleasure to meet you sir

    [mtporter] <HELM>:: thinks to herself "what could go wrong indeed"::

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> <CO> Sir, there's a slight problem in engineering...

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> :: Notes a reactor overheat... decides not to comment yet. ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::turns to Carst::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <CENG> Cheif I believe you should work on that reactor <VA> Ambassador it is jsut a overheat in the reactors

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::looks at the asec......we are to be introduced...or have you forgotten your manners

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> :;turns:: What?

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC>Goes back to get more large crates walks back puts the large crates in front of MurdoHelios again

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Stands and streches out his arms.::

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><ASEC2> Tori looks like thats enought.

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] <CENG><CSEC> iam on it

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> <CO> Just a slight overheat in the reactor. Nothing bad, just thought you shoudl know.

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC><CSEC> aye sir

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::nods and sighs:: <TAC> Great... is that where the Ambassador is right now?

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> Ambassador that is our trusted Cheif of engineering. I will introduce you after he is done with this reactor

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> :: Checks radiation levels in engineering ::

    [mtporter] <HELM>::she notices the blinking light on joy's console then quickly looks back at her own::

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> <CO> Yes, sir. Mr. Tuvok and the ambassador are there.

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::mutters:: Great...just great.

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] ::checks reactor power levels::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><asec tuvok>....still i believe you should ...keep in mind proper protocol in these matters,it is only logical

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> Time to go Ambassador to teh TL :;Enters TL and waits for the ambassador::

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><ASEC2> Dismissed.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> +CENG+ Report.

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC><CSEC> aye sir

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::not about to let that pass::

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: Reactor levels go back to normal. Everything is fine.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> Indeed, The CENG can handle this matter he does not need us to interfere

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::looking around the meng.........motions to the asec to rejoin him::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> Alright then

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <CENG> Cheif can you come over here for a quick second

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Exits the weapons storage room, and enters the TL down the hall. Heads up to the bridge. He walks on and looks around at everyone before sitting down at the SEC consol.::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><asec tuvok>we shall not interfere...perhaps we may be of an assistance

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> <CO> Sir, the reactor is back to normal.

    [mtporter] <HELM>::she taps a few randome buttons on her console::

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] <CENG> +XO+ Sir there is a slight problem with the reactor, i sugesst that we slow down a bit

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> But as you can see Matthew has taken care of the problem radiation levels are back to normal

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::becoming agitated with the silence:: +CENG+ Acknowledged. <HELM> Take us down a notch.

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: Repeat, the reactor levels are back to normal. Everything is fine.

    [mtporter] <HELM>::nods to the xo and thinks to herself we are going at warp 3 how slow can we get::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <CENG> Cheif I would like to introduce u to the Ambassador

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><asec tuvok>very well ....all seems to be in order now ...resume the tour then

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] <CENG> +XO+ sorry sir about the wait, there was a slight problem with my comm badge

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::enters the tl with asec::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <CENG> nevermind cheif continue with ur engineering stuff

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> Computer Sickbay <VA> Hopefully the Doc wont be too busy

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> <XO> Should I send a revised ETA?

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> Exits the weapons storge room and enters the TL down the hall

    [mtporter] <HELM>::resentfully takes the ship down to warp 2::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Exits TL and enters sickbay awaiting the ambassador::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><asec tuvok>indeed.......we shall see shortly i presume

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Enters his report on the weapons statis.::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> :: Pictures the Federation President waiting with an honor guard.... ::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] Doctor> Greetings Tuvok What do you need

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::accompanies the asec::

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::sighs, glad the ambassador is out of engineering::

    [mtporter] <HELM><OPS> our new eta is 2 hours and 13 min if we stay at this speed

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <Doc> I would like to introduce you to the Vulcan ambassador. Ambassador, This is our doctor and vis versa

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><CO> Will we be having a shore leave while we return to Earth?

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] Doctor> <VA> Greetings Ambassador

    [mtporter] <HELM>::looks at her console and grumbles to herself under her breath::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::raises hand in the customary greeting::

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC>Goes and walks to engineering

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <OPS> How is our engineering problem, Ensign?

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: A patient with a leg injury enters sickbay.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] Doctor> I hope your here for a check up ::laughs:: It gets lonenly in here sometimes in sickbay!!

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::sigh:: shore leave...

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::watching the story unfold::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> <XO> I show the problem entirely cleared up. Temperatures normal. There never was a radiation fluctuation.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] Doctor> <patient> Oh Dear get on the bio bed I will get my tricorder <VA> O well ambassador it was fun meeting you.o yea Vulcans dont have fun

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: The Doctor rushes off to take care of the patient.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> We should leave out Doctor needs to work!

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <OPS> Thank you, Joy. Good to hear. <HELM> Resume original speed.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> :: Enters TL and awaits the VA::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::raises an eye brow over the doctors comment::

    [mtporter] <HELM><XO> you got is sir ::smiles::

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC>Enters and walks in engineering

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::notices porters face beam::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> ::frowning and pacing;: <XO> Maybe I should have walked him around myself......

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> checks in then exits out goes back to TL

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> +CENG+ Mr. Hamilton, OPS shows the problem corrected. Do you concur?

    [mtporter] <HELM>:: brings the ship back to the original speed::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::enters the tl ,arms folded behind him.......fun.....an illogical concept::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> Computer Deck 4 <VA> I will show you my quarters..Well Ens.Amir's, Cdt. Sunny's and my quarters

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> :: Decides a few minutes at a lower warp won't cause a diplomatic incedent. ::

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] <CENG> ::taps commbadge:: +XO+ Sir i would like to run a dianostic on the reactor when we reach earth

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> I agree Ambassador our doctor is a bit too emotional

    [mtporter] <HELM><OPS>we are back on, gosh I love flying the ship

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> walks back to engineerin and walks enters

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><asec tuvok>you have been contaminated by the humans

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> +CENG+ Fill out the necessary paperwork - quadruplicate - and have it on my desk in five minutes.

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Dreams about getting to visit his girlfriend in Japan.::

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] <CENG> +XO+ Aye sir

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <XO> ::grins:; Quadruplicate? You're tough.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <va> Why do you say taht ambassador my emotions are suppresses

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> <CO> Have to keep them busy somehow, Sir.

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC>CSEC> what else u want me to do sir

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] <CENG><ASEC> what can i do for you Lizzy

    [sTSF_Shadow] <XO> ::impish grin::

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::is mesmorized by lights and buttons on console::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Exits TL and stops at his and his co workers quarters:: <VA> In here ambassador

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC><CENG> is everything ok

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> <HELM> :: Smiles :: Agreed. Not that a straight run Vulcan to Earth would be the most challenging of tasks. Have you ever done Maquis home nebula?

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: A crew member, in a hurry, rushes by and accidently spills a drink on the Ambassador.

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><asec tuvok>your in action to proper protocol for one,and your .....let us say coersion and interaction with the humans speak volumes

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+ ::Gets pulled out of day dream.:: Uh yeah everythign is good.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] Crew member> Sorry

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] <CENG><ASEC> yeah everything ok, just a little problem with the reactor

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC><CSEC> ok sir

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: The crew member rushes off.

    [mtporter] <HELM>::a smile creeps across her face::<OPS>give me a shuttle and a nebula and I am in heaven

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC><CENG> alright Hamilton

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::looks at the spill on his dress::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] Crew Member> Sorry got to go!!

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+ Hamilton? what?

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> I apologize for that. We can get that cleaned up in my quarters

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] ::walks into office and Starts paper work::

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> exits the engineering walks into the hall

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Enters quarters to see Sunny and Amir playing Tongo::<ALL> Greetings

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Gets a Towel and gives it to the VA::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> +ASEC+ Mr. Tuvok, we're about to arrive. Please escort the Ambassador to the bridge.

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><asec tuvok>.it is not necessary....the material sheds the liquid....all is well

    [mtporter] <HELM>::smiles as she thinks about flying::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> <HELM> I once had a data gathering mission, close in mapping of a Black Hole's accretion disk. :: shudders :: Talk about hot flying.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> +CO+ Affirmative

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::groans::

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: The ship is now 10 mins away from Earth.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <VA> Well back to the bridge Ambassador we have to go!

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] Ens.Amir> Bye Ambassador!

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] :: exits engenering enters TL:: Computer Bridge

    [mtporter] <HELM> ::her console flashes::

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Enters TL and awaits the ambassador::

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Taps his consol, brining up a viewscreen. He smiles as he watches the ship fly by Saturn.::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <HELM> Standard approach vector.

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> Walks to TL and enters

    [mtporter] <HELM><CO> aye sir

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> Sits at my post for awhile

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <OPS> Get us docking clearance please.

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> :: Verifies nav lights on, ID beacon active, pings McKinley with Defiant's ID ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <<Troi, don't forget your :: :: for action statements>>

    [mtporter] <HELM>::slows the ship down as the approach earth::

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] i did that

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va>::gives a live long and prosper salute before leaving::

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <<i did that>>

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> Computer Bridge <VA> I hope the tour was up to your standards

    [sTSF_Shadow] <<They don't show on the screen>>

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] ::enters tl with tuvok::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> +McKinley+ USS Defiant, on Vulcan Return, request clearance for docking at diplomatic bay.

    [mtporter] <HELM><CO> I am bringing the ship into a standard orbit sir ::staps a few more buttons::

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> walks in the TL and sits at the post for awhile

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Exits TL and enters Bridge with teh ambassador::

    [Cdt_Matthew_Hamilton] <CENG> ::exits TL and Enters bridge:: <XO> sir, here is the requests. ::hands XO paperwork:

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <HELM> Take us to one half impulse.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <CO> Here he is Captain alive and well

    [LT.Jg_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Turns to look at the ambassador, noticing a wet mark on his chest.::


    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <ASEC> ::: enters in the TL and sits at the post::::

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><asec tuvok>this may be our last words ....continue on with your work,they need you.live long and prosper

    [sTSF_Shadow] <<excellent!>>

    [Cdt_Lizzy_Troi] <<ok>>

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> <va> Live Long and Prosper Ambassador

    [Ens_Philip_Carst] <TAC> ::leans against console, watching earth look pretty::

    [sTSF_Muon] <CO> <ASEC> Ah.. thank you Mr. Tuvok. <VA> I trust your tour was uneventful?

    [mtporter] <HELM>:: nods and keys a few buttons::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <OPS> +McKinley+ USS Defiant calling McKinley, inbound with the Vulcan ambassador. Request clearance for docking in the diplomatic bay.

    [Cdt_Tuvok112] <ASEC> ::Turns to CSEC:: Cheif what is my next assignment??

    [Lt.Jg._Eagle] <va><co>yes captain...it was indeed.......now......we have matters to attend to i believe

    [sTSF_Muon] ACTION: The ship ocks and we safely unload the Ambassador for his meeting.

    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\=

    [sTSF_Muon] =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\=

  15. [sTSF_Shadow] Commanding Officer (CO) - Muon Quark

    [sTSF_Shadow] Executive Officer (XO) - STSF Shadow

    [sTSF_Shadow] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Ens Joy 12

    [sTSF_Shadow] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Cdt Jack Stephens

    [sTSF_Shadow] Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Cdt Sisson

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Cdt Yoda

    [sTSF_Shadow] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Cdt Spitfire

    [sTSF_Shadow] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Shadow] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=


    [Muon_Quark] =/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\=

    [Muon_Quark] =/\= MISSION BRIEFING =/\=

    [Muon_Quark] =/\= StarFleet Academy, 1.12.2006 =/\=

    [Muon_Quark] The USS Defiant has been sent to a nearby planet to investigate some ancient runes. A shuttle has landed on the planet and the AT is about to go exploring. Everyone is there.

    [Muon_Quark] =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=

    [Muon_Quark] =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::picks up phaser and preps to exit the shuttle::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Checks shuttle scanners to see if thrre are nearby power sources or life forms. ::

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> ::At Helm/Ops station::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <XO> Number One. Ready to go?

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Takes tricorder from belt::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> I'm go.

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Initial scans show nothing unusual.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> ::Realises he is not on the Defiant, and takes out tricorder::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> Ok, let's move out. And someone remember where we parked.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <<I didnt realise we were all on planet>>

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> ::readies to leave ship with phaser and tricorder::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Ready to get out of the crowded shuttle::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::takes out tricorder and sets it to scan for lifeforms::

    [Muon_Quark] <<Psst. It's in the briefing. ;-) >>

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CSec> Let's move. Check our perimeter please, Spitfire.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <CSEC> ::exits the shuttle::

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> :: Sets tricorder to scan for lifeforms and keeps on constant scan:: Alright I'm all set

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::scans the perimeter::<MXO>we are good

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC><MXO>no lifesigns for now

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Gets out in her turn, sets her own tricorder for refined metals and energy sources ::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Steps out and begins scanning::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Tinylittlelifeform> :::scampers off::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <OPS> What direction are the ruins?

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS><XO> About 100 degrees North West from our position sir.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::exits shuttle::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Watches Tinylittlelifeform scamper away::

    [Muon_Quark] <<LOL Shadow>>

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Figures let the CO lead, she'll bring up the rear for now, and the checking of the six, as there is only one security officer. ::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> Ok, let’s head in that direction. Standard formation.

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> ::Gets into formation with phaser on stun::

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> ::Pulls out phaser and sets to lowest setting and follows group::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Steps in formation::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::takes a position behind the CO::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> ::starts to walk::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <All> Northwest ho. Mush, people.

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Checks phaser setting as he follows, then holsters it again::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> Mush?

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> ::Begins to take preliminary readings of the ruins::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> ::chuckles::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> A command used in the Canadian northwest to tell sled dogs to move, captain.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <TAC> Might as well get reading on all the plants and lifeforms while we're here.

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Taps at tricorder buttons, scanning::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Not that there are any sled dogs here, of course... Only cadets. Very differet.

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> Understood, Sir.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> ::blinks::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Tinylittlelifeform2> ::madly digs into the sand as the AT approaches::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> ::glances at the lifeform:: I wonder what that is. Can we catch one for study?

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> ::Taps keys on tricorder, and starts scanning on the wildlife found on planet::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Tinylittlelifeform2> ::about 2 meters under by now::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>Well, it sure is digging fast.

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Notes the location of the dissaperance. Tries to lock on the life form with tricorder. ::

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> ::Studies tricorder:: <CO> The life form is 2 meters tall.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> ::watching the little lifeform as she walks:: <CENG> See if you can catch it.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::looks at hole the lifeform made::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <TAC> Um.... I think you'd better double check your tricorder.

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG><CO> Yes sir. . .

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Moves toward hole::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Tinylittlelifeform2> ::resembles a terran beetle::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Stands clear of the CEng, watching, thinking everyone ought to have a partner. ::

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> ::Looks at tricorder readings:: Looks as though these creatures might be too hard to catch since they seem to be able to dig so fast

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> ::continues walking:: They remind me of something.......

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::looks at the CENG try to catch it::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Perhaps we should try to stun one if we catch one on he surface again?

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Reaches in hole, but can't catch one::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG><CO> He's too deep in there, sir.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> On a little thing like that? I'm afraid we might kill it, even on stun.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <HINT: not a good idea to reach into any holes in the desert>>

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::hear the MXO::<MXO>it most likly kill it

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <CENG> Very well. We'll try again later.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> Are these things even showing up on our tricorder readings?

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Pulls out arm and stands up::

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> Cause im not reading these things

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> I remember another planet, recently. We were trying to get some blood samples of some beetles. They swarmed us under. Just too many of them.

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> We can start with really light settings. Up to you, sir.

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG> So who's going to play medic if something poisons me next time I try?

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> Well let's stay alert. Dangerous things can come in small packages.

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> <CENG> I will, I brought a medical tricorder accidently

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Looks forward to see if the ruins are near ::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <CENG> Good thinking Mr. Stephens.

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG><TAC> Well, I guess I'm glad you're accident prone.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> And there is a med kit in the shuttle, if we can run back to it in time, or beam over

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CENG><TAC>what about a med kit?

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> How much further are the ruins?

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Should be just over the next rise.

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> <CENG> Of course, remember the time I was stabbed by that Drakian forest dweller?

    [Muon_Quark] ACTION: The ruins are very close. Tricorders begin detectings low level power readings.

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Tricorder starts beeping::

    [Muon_Quark] <<Oy... I cannot type tonite. My fingers are cold. LOL >>

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::trys to configer the tricorder to detect the tinylifeforms and picks up low level power readings::

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> You guys getting same readings as I am? ::Tricorder detects lower level power readings::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG><HOPS> Yeah, low level power readings. Maybe a generator of sorts.

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Checks her tricorder.... ::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <HOPS> Power readings? From the ruins? Interesting.....

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS><CO> Guess there is.

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <All> Then the runes on the ruins might say 'on' and 'off'?

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> <All> I know you all know this, but keep on your toes

    [Muon_Quark] ACTION: As the AT climbs the hill, a formation of rocks can be seen, similiar to a round circle of colums.

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> ::walks slowly towards rocks::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::looks at the rocks::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <All> Circle of columns.... a common choice for very early astronomers... and I mean very early...

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> Ok Number One, let's try and get as much information as we can. Samples, readings, the whole works.

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> ::Begins to take samples of the soil.::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> ::walks up to the formation and begins looking around;:

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <All> Spitfire, maintain the perimeter. Everyone else, welcome to the science department.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::takes out phaser incase there's some one there::

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> ::Taps buttons on tricorder and starts to take readings on the formation::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG> ::Smirks:: Wonderful.

    [Muon_Quark] ACTION: The rocks are warm to the touch.

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG> ::Scans one of the rocks::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::starts scaning the primeter::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Pulls out tricorder. :: I've got hot rocks.... well.... warm, anyway.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> ::Looks at tricorder readings:: The rocks are showing some warm temperatures in the 30's In Celcius

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG><MXO> That's odd. . .these rocks shouldn't be generating heat of any kind.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> Yes, like they've been out on a warm beach all day.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Tinylittlelifeforms> ::slowly, almost imperceptibly emerge from the sand to watch the AT from a discrete distance::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Looks around:: But I suppose we are in a desert?

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> <All> It seems to get warmer the more under ground you get.

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CEng> Let's not forget the power readings. These stones might be releasing waste heat.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::sees a lifeform for a second on the tricorder but it dissappers::

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> Id suggest we try to NOT touch the rocks, incase something happens

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG><MXO> Good thinking. Maybe if we could scan below the surface. . .

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> Why do I get the feeling we're being watched? Anything being picked up on scans?

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CEng> Work it if you could, Yoda.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::figers its one of the lifeforms he saw earlyer::

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS><CO> Im not reading anything sir

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG><MXO> Yes sir. ::taps buttons on tricorder::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Tinylittlelifeforms> ::as they are scanned they disappear beneath the surface::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Watched? By the rocks? The tiny life forms? Something else?

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> <MXO> I have a theory sir

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> :;walks to the middle of the ruins and glances up::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <Hops> Let's here it, sisson.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> ::to no one imparticular:: I believe this might be an old astrology device, used for positioning.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> <MXO> I think as we try to scan for the lifeforms, they sense that, and scurry and hide. So Maybe if we want to see them, lets try and not use our tricorders

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> ::shrugs:: Just that creepy feeling you get sometimes.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS><MXO> They might actually come out towards us

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> <MXO> Perhaps their not hostile.

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG> ::continues to scan below the surface::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> And getting them to come to us is a good idea why?

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Sisson thinks the small life forms are tricorder shy. Might we shut down tricorders long enough to find out?

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Because our captain wants us to capture one.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::circles the AT::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> ::sighs:: Ok, turn off scans for just one minute and see what happens. I don't want to blind for longer.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> <MXO> I dont think they are "tricorder shy" but they might have some sense they are being scanned

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Shuts down tricorder ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <Tinylittlelifeforms> ::re-emerge here and there to watch::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Closes tricorder::

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> ::Closes tricorder::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::turns off tricorder::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <all> Tricorders off for a bit.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> ::glances around at all the little lifeforms:: Whoa.........

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <ALL> Anyone speak beetle?

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <Hops> Good theory, Sisson.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> I guess i was right ::Smiles::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG> Well, I guess they don't like tricorders after all.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> Ok, you got your little lifeform. Now what?

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> Just becarefull how close you get to them, incase they have some sort of defense mechanism

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> ::slowly walks towards a nearby beetle and kneels down to examine it::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Now we've learned *something*. So we try to learn something else?

    [sTSF_Shadow] <lifeform> ::moves away, just out of reach::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::walks behind the CO::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <lifeform> ::begins to click in a pattern::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG> I think he likes you, sir.

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> That might be a language.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> Interesting......... ::slowly stands and backs away::

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> ::pulls out ULT out of pack::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Activates universal translator aspect of tricorder. ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <lifeform> ::stays put, still clicking::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> You think that might be a language?

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> I might have been right about my theory, but about the defense mechanism, might be wrong

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Or a threat display.... One way to find out.

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> <MXO> I can't get a proper language syntax, can you sir?

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG> I don't know. I'd say this clicking is more of a warning than a language.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <HOPS> No, no. One should always be cautious when encountering a new lifeform.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <lifeforms> ::click in answer back and forth::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <Tac> Not yet. I'll let the computers chew on it, though.

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::listens to all the lifeforms click::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG> ::Looks around at all the clicking lifeforms::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <ALL> Well be careful, whatever you do. And don't step on any.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> <CO> But it now definetly looks like its a defense mechanism. Even if its not a langauge per-sey, Im sure its trying to warn us to stay away

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> <MXO> Do we have any reason to believe that these creatures are hostile?

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> These circles were traditionally considered holy. Some are associted with ancient gods, or visitors from the heavens.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <HOPS> ::considers: A warning or a greeting?

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS><CO> Id say its a warning

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::the clickings makes him think of the old fashion morse code::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> ::glances at the MXO:: <MXO> Perhaps we're on sacred ground? They want us to move away?

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <Tac> No reason to presume hostile, but they did vanish when scanned. They don't like people with scaners?

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> A possible guess, sir.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS><MXO> Or it might be a defense mechanism to technology

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> We might try moving off, and see how they respond.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <ALL> Ok, everyone move carefully and slowly out of the ruins.

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> ::Backs up slowly::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::slowly backs up::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Moves with the CO ::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Slowly moves away::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> ::tip toes to the edge of the ruins::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <lifeforms> ::continue to click::following the AT::as though herding them::

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> ::Backs up slowly::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: wathes the little ones ::

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> <MXO> I think they're following us.

    Lt.Col_Hideki_Nakamura has left the chat.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> Hmmmm Has the tricorder been able to translate the clickings?

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Looks at the tricorder ::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG> They may be small, but they do outnumber us. . .

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> ::looks again at ULT:: <CO> I'm getting a few things here. "Sacred" and "Holy"

    [Muon_Quark] ACTION: Suddenly a voice can be heard coming from the ruins. As the AT turns back to the ruins, they see a holographic projection of an old woman.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <lifeforms> :::clickityclick:::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> And those are concepts that imply sentience.

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> <MXO> I think we're dealing with an intelligent lifeform here.

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Turns:: Wha. . .?

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> ::turns around at the sound of the voice::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::looks at the ruins ::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Looks to She From the Circle ::

    [sTSF_Shadow] <lifeforms> ::stop clicking when the woman appears::

    [Muon_Quark] HOLOGRAM: Greetings and welcome visitors.

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> :: Resets her translator to deal with the old woman. ::

    Just_Watchin has left the chat.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> <HOLOGRAM> Hello

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <HOLOGRAM> Hello. We are from the United Federation of Planets. My name is Captain Quark.

    [Muon_Quark] HOLOGRAM: Welcome to Istanula. Please enjoy your stay.

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> <MXO> ::raises an eyebrow::

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> ::Thinks to himself, what's there to enjoy here?::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG> Our stay?

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::comes up with a thery::

    [Muon_Quark] HOLOGRAM: And please don't feed the animals.

    [sTSF_Shadow] <lifeforms> ::move towards the AT::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC><MXO>maybe the lifeforms think that the woman is holy

    [Muon_Quark] HOLOGRAM: ::grins evilly:: Because you are their lunch..... ::laughs:: Muh ha ha ha ha

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> "Don't feed the animals?"

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> <MXO> According to my ULT, the beetles want to sacrifice us to the woman.

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> <Hologram> We were not trying to feed them

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG> Run!

    [sTSF_Shadow] <lifeforms> ::::swarms of them emerge from the ground and attack the AT:::

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> Lets go!

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> Oh damn.... let's get out of here. Now!!

    [Cdt_Sisson] <HOPS> ::Turns and runs to shuttle::

    [Cdt_Yoda] <CENG>::Fires phaser into a cluster of them::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>::starts firing at the lifeforms::

    [Ens_Joy_12] <MXO> +Defiant+ Emergency beam out.

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> ::Turns and runs::

    [Muon_Quark] <CO> Arrggggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!! ::falls under a swarm of beetles::

    [Cdt_Spitfire] <CSEC>CAPTAIN!!!

    [Cdt_Jack_Stephens] <TAC> :::Goes back to rescue CO::

    [Muon_Quark] ACTION: Everyone is eaten for lunch by the cute little lifeforms>

    [Muon_Quark] =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\=

  16. One of the other topics turned into a "How do you play your Vulcan character?" thread so I figured it would be good to start a new thread here.


    So Vulcans real and imaginary, sound off!  How you play your character?  How do you deal with the lack of emotions?  How do you deal with Pon Farr?  Mind melds?

    Hm . . . an old thread, but an interesting one nonetheless . . .


    I have played several Vulcan characters, and I tend to model them after Spock, the ultimate Vulcan, in my mind. He was, after all, the first.


    Only after much practice and watching veteran players did I succeed, and I measured my success by other players' responses to him. I found it difficult to play without emotions, but how I dealt with it? All that was internalized, so I'm not really aware of how it was accomplished. Perhaps that is the key - internalizing your character so the product appears natural.


    Pon farr . . . a very personal thing that should be dealt with privately.


    Mind melds . . . used infrequently and when all else fails - because of the dangers involved for both individuals. Younger players tend to forget these minor points.