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Posts posted by SydneyRichardson

  1. 1. Shakespear's Macbeth


    6. Dr. Seuss's Horton... hears a who I want to say, but it might be the other Horton one...


    8. Moby Dick?


    13. Gone with the wind


    14. Edgar Allen Poe, can't recall what piece (great)


    16. The Giver, and I should know the author!


    19. Hamlet (also by Bill)... of course when I read it the first thing I thought was Omlet... sigh..

  2. Syd stood in front of a full length mirror, slowly French braiding her hair. She had on her dress uniform, ready to hop onto a transport and go to the Ball. Well, not too dreadfully ready perhaps.


    "I don't want to go," she told her reflection. Her reflection didn't want to go either. With a sigh she twisted the hair at the nape of her neck into a bun, and pinned it tightly. She closed her eyes and whispered, "There will be people there. Lots and lots and lots of people." Folding her hands behind her and standing up as straight as possible she said aloud, "I don't do people. Not now anyways."


    Behind her Rebecca scoffed. "You never did people. You've always been a freak."


    Turning to her, Syd calmly said, "Thank you."


    "You're welcome," came the reply, Rebecca not even looking up from what she was reading.


    Darcy bounced on the bed. "Is everyone on your ship as handsome as Jack?"


    "He's older than you, you should call him Mr. O'Neill or Ensign O'Neill." Gennie sat on the ground pawing through a box of earrings. "Are you going to wear any of these tonight, Syd?"


    Syd sat down. "I'm not going."


    "I like the pearls!" Darcy jumped off the bed and started digging in the box too.


    "Don't touch!" Gennie shoved Darcy.


    "Don't hit me!" Darcy shoved Gennie.


    "Don't yell at me!" Gennie gave Darcy a harder shove.


    "Fine, I'll go!" Syd yelled.


    Rebecca sat there smirking. “You never did tell us about the other guys on the ship Syd. Do you have a boyfriend?” Her tone was mocking, Syd noted.


    “You girls can spend the night here if Mom says it is okay,” Syd took the pearl earrings from Gennie, “and don’t wait up for me, I don’t know when I’ll be back.”


    Darcy scowled, “Don’t we even get to say hi to Jack?”


    “Jack is not my date for tonight. He… went off to see his Uncle’s grave or something, I’m not even sure if he’ll be there tonight.”


    “Then who’s your date?” Darcy poked her annoyingly as she headed down the stairs, “Do we get to meet him? Huh? Huh?”


    “I don’t have a date tonight,” she told them, giving them each a hug before walking out the door. “I’m going stag.”

  3. The screen had read Death: 3:14 pm, pacific, Robert O'Neill... Jack had stumbled out to the back to say so to Syd, but instead of getting the words out he just had her come in. He poked the computer screen further, scrolling down the black background colored note he received from the institute. "Oh, no... They lied to me..."


    Syd had been quickly dusting dirt and tears off her face as she walked in. She plopped onto a fluffy looking chair near where Jack sat looking at the screen. Feeling kind of grumpy about not getting to stay lying in the grass, she asked him tersely, "What? Who lied about what?"


    "A doctor Tratos told me he would have at least a year before the illness consumes him... It's been six months... I never should have left... No..." Jack quickly stood up and began pacing around the room, tugging at his hair.


    Popping up, Syd asked, "Who? Who is it that died?" Quickly biting her lip, she hoped her silly sounding questions did not irritate him. She looked at this strange man pacing around in her office area and wondered what she was supposed to make of it all. A quick thought process reminded her that all she knew about him was that he worked on the Agincourt. Not much to go on.


    Jack gawked stupidly at her and sat on the floor. "My uncle... "


    You're thinking too much. The guy has got a problem, try to help instead of wondering who he is, she thought to herself. Syd sat down on the floor in front of him. "Is there anything I can do?" she asked, her eyebrows knit with sudden worry.


    He placed his head on his knee. "I don't know... I've no more family here... I don't know... what should I do?"


    Don't ask me! She thought to herself. I don't even know what I should do! But to him, Syd nodded resolutely. "You should come have dinner with my family. Dad can give you advice on getting affairs in order, 'cause that's not something you think about doing when a loved one... passes on." She chewed on her lip before adding, "And mom will make sure you eat something."


    Jack looked at Syd, while searching his mind about what to do. Of course his mind didn't help since he had no clue what to do in this case, except to be very depressed. "If you think I should ... Then I will ..."


    She stood and helped him to his feet. "First though, I think you better change. I don't think my parents would take me bringing an Ensign home very well." She smirked. "Uh, that came out wrong. All I meant is change into civilian clothes and don't mention your rank unless pressed." Syd motioned for him to follow her as she walked to a room he could change in. "Were you close to your uncle?"


    Jack nodded to Syd, holding back all the memories he and his uncle had, and all the memories missing about him and his parents. Bummer it hurts. "He was the only one I had left ... that was family."


    She gave him a quick hug. "I'm sorry you had to find out like this." Then, pointing into the room to her left, "You can change in here." Jack went into the room Syd was pointing at and took off the yellow uniform, then pulled on his T-shirt with a strange logo on it. Syd paced up and down the hallway, whistling while trying to concentrate on Jack's problems instead of her own.


    Stuffing his uniform components into his luggage bag, he walked out of the room. He sighed.


    "Hey!" she said as he walked out, "We may not be coming back here, so let me show you something real quick." Tugging at his sleeve, she led him to a room filled with swords, knives, and spears. "You're a security guy, right? Go ahead and have a look around." Syd smiled, hoping that looking around this room would help some. As they walked into the room she felt how painfully obvious it was that she had no idea how to help him.


    Jack stared at the weaponry and felt strange. He looked back at Syd and watched her braid swing from side to side. Then a heavy thought hit him. "I'll be good, I swear. If I am being a nuisance, getting in your hair, I'll leave ASAP. But, you don't need to show me ... you know ... your ... 'tactical' capabilities."


    With a laugh she told him, "Oh, no, I didn't bring you here to intimidate you by any means. I just thought you might like them..." She felt silly for showing him these now. Sighing, she said, "Yeah, so let's head out then I guess." Syd headed towards the door, wondering what her parents were going to say about the uninvited guest...

  4. anyone know a Romulan to English dictionary that i could see?

    I would suggest to google for... I use this one whenever a Romulan is part of the SGV's... we should all thwap NDak for rarely using his UT (but only if we want to die...).


    Actually, I like it when the Rommies talk their lingo... it gives me little phrases to scare "normal" people with.

  5. I am a wronged woman… I am the wrongedest woman ever… - Anna Kalman in Indiscreet


    Sydney had been taking things step by step.


    First steps included being debriefed, visiting Sickbay, and going to the Science bay and her quarters to water her babies.


    Next steps included eating something, taking a shower, and having her roommate take her two swords and three knives and put them in a safe place before her next work shift.


    Syd had been snubbed by young men because of her personality. She had been snubbed because of what she would and would not do in a relationship. She had been snubbed because of random injuries given to individuals by falling out of trees on top of them. Somehow though, she was not ready to be snubbed by a coquette.


    Alright, well perhaps she was not a coquette, but if she had nothing to do with it all then that would put Jamie at fault. Killing your superior officer seemed worse than killing a lower-ranking engineer to Syd… she shook her head and reminded herself that’s why she had her sharp objects put away. But there were the garden shears…


    She had heard from Ralph that a friend of a friend of one of their coworkers said that a certain nurse had said… well that could be just a rumor right? Half Romulan though… could that be more appealing to Jamie?


    They were looking at some shore leave very soon… she would have a few words with Mr. Kroells before they left the ship, perhaps…


    Jamie was walking down a corridor when Sydney came up behind him and said, “Sir, may I have a word with you please?”


    He turned and answered, “Sure, what’da need?”


    She clasped her hands behind her back, and looked at him innocently. “A word with you, like I said… I was wondering what your plans for shore leave were.”


    “Uh...I wasn't really planning anything. Earth doesn't have much appeal to me. I plan on heading down the St. Paul, but I'll probably be on the ship most the time...”


    “Do you think you will be able to find time to... visit anyone?” Syd asked, almost interrupting him.


    He rubbed his chin, pondering. “Well...I have an Ice Climbing Session with Smith in the Holodeck. Then me and Danny were going to get some reports finished up... Oh, I was gonna have lunch with Kairi too.”


    Syd dug her fingernails into her hands behind her back, wondering at the audacity of this man that he could say something so casually to her face. “I see. And how is the latest model of your Ensign fetish doing?” she asked, smiling sweetly.


    Jamie blinked, completely shocked. “Excuse me?”


    Leaning in closer, Syd asked, “Tell me, have you told her of all your adventures? I hear she's half Romulan, she might enjoy what you have to say.”


    He pulled back slightly. “They were not ‘adventures’ Ensign. You are treading on very, very thin ice here.”


    Holding up a finger she said, “One, I've been promoted to Lieutenant, junior grade, in case you missed the pip.” Then another finger, she added, “Two, I care very little about what ice I am treading on.”


    Scowling at forgetting her promotion, he spat out, “You don't trust me one bit do you? You can’t even contemplate for a second, that she's a friend that I just happen to be having lunch with... No, of course the first thing you think of is how I might get off to the fact that she's part Romulan.”


    She took a mock contemplative pose. “I see, so a friend you can eat in public with, but someone you tell to ‘wait for you’ you completely ignore. Perhaps you give large parties for those you hate?” Syd gave him a knock on his forehead, “Do you think, Jamie, or do you just roll dice to decide what you’re going to do next?”


    Jamie quickly grabbed her wrist, the same fire burning in his eyes when Kamala was killed. “Do not question my actions. You want me to go up to the bridge, and tell everyone what we've been doing? Will that make you feel more secure that I'm not sleeping around with someone else!? Is that what you want!?!?”


    Angry tears welling up in her eyes, she quickly yanked her wrist free from his hand, “We've been doing nothing, Lieutenant. And that, perhaps, is what we should continue to be doing. I'm leaving today to go to my home near New Kansas. If you have time for lunch with me, look me up.” Quickly spinning on her heal, she began to walk off.


    He stood there, afraid if he moved he'd do something he'd end up regretting, “So...that’s all it was to you then? Nothing! If that's what it meant to you, fine by me!”


    She stopped to kick the wall before moving farther down the corridor. Why didn’t she stick to plants, she wondered? Stupid people.

  6. Jamie was lying alone off to one side of the spacious brig when Syd came over to sit next to him. "I don't know what to do to make Mr. Prell calm down," she admitted to him, resting her head on one hand.



    "Give him time. It's the shock of Kamala's death? nothing you can do."



    "You certainly did not get too upset about his death." Cringing at how that sounded, she added, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."



    He shook his head. "Don't be. It didn't shock me because it's not the first time I've done it."



    "Be careful of what you say," she told him quietly, almost pleading with him. "They're probably listening in on this room."



    "Personally, I don't care if they do hear me. Maybe it will give them a little shock," he snapped at her irritably. "And, seeing as how they're in control, and can make this station disappear in the blink of an eye, they can do whatever they feel like."



    "A quite negative response indeed," Syd said as she scooted around to face away from him.



    Jamie sighed and asked, "What is it?"



    She smoothed hair back before answering. "I'm worried about you. If they decide that you killed him, that you wanted to kill him... they could execute you. Frankly, with the attitude you have right now, they're not going to have many doubts about your feelings towards them, towards him." She looked at him over her shoulder. "And for some reason, you don't seem to care about all of this. It's scaring me."



    Looking towards her he insisted, "It was in defense. If they can't see that, then they can go eat it. My personal feelings didn't cloud my judgment, and in case you've forgotten, I'm quite an actor. When the time comes I'll be able to act like I regretted it."



    Syd moved her gaze away from him. "I suppose I have forgotten?" she said ruefully, almost to herself. Her fingers slipped down her braid and brought its tip around to chew on.



    "I'm sorry," he said with a sigh. "It's just that? I'm finding it more difficult to act 'human' then I thought I would."



    Running the tip of her braid along her upper lip, she admitted quietly, "I have no idea what you're talking about. You're human, why would you need to act human?"



    "When I was on the Iron Claw? they surgically altered me to look Romulan. Acting like a human was what got me killed in the first place."



    She scooted back to face towards him. "You didn't tell me that before..." Then, scrunching her eyebrows in confusion, Syd added, "I don't know what to say to you."



    He looked up towards the ceiling, obviously suppressing an emotional response. "Don't say anything. There's nothing you can do. All I need is time, plenty of it."



    She gave him a short nod. "Ah, I understand. There's nothing I can do, and you need time. Alright..." Syd got up to walk away, waiting to see if he would stop her. When he did not, she walked over to another side of the brig and sat down.

  7. Sydney was sitting on a floor inside of a station that wed the organic and mechanical together. Her eyes sparkled as she looked over scans, giving a delighted “No…” whenever some random engineer asked her if she were done yet. Her fellow Agincourtians gave her odd looks as she hugged a random console out of fascination.


    Even though her professors, parents, and peers had tried to explain the mechanical workings of a space station to her in terms that she would be able to process, she had never been able to grasp so much as she did whilst looking over how the organic areas communicated with the nonorganic. Whatever material this matter was, it was a splendid conductor. It almost seemed happy to have the electricity running through it.


    When the engineers asked her what would happen to cause it to conduct incorrectly, she got side-tracked into what kind of matter it was, what it liked to eat other than electricity, was it plant like at all in the very least, and how did it transport the electricity instead of grounding it out at some point of the ship? That is when they had found the vascular-type tunnel system that transported the energy… That is when Syd decided it was more complex than just simple electricity. It was more of a fluid. With another delighted “No…” she continued looking at the scans…

  8. Dear Zara,


    Greetings and salutations! How are you? I hope this letter finds you well, as usual.


    In response to your last letter, Dr. Thomas sounds wonderful! And yes, I am behaving myself. I’ve not pulled any stunts, as you put it. Yet. Actually, the whole trip to the starbase went quite well and everything was calm in the science bay on the way to our next mission. Sort of. As for our mission, we saved the lives of lots of Klingons! Isn’t that wonderful? Yes, I thought so too. I almost forgot! While at the starbase I got a Klingon Blade Tree, which is growing quite quickly. Alright, back to the Klingons…


    During the whole “Save the Klingons” mission, I got to know some of the medical staff a lot better. They seem kind of tense, though, so I’ve decided to make them some cookies or something and take them to sickbay. I’m not sure what Dr. Shoeny likes. I should ask Dr. Levy before bringing something for the whole sickbay staff to munch on.


    At this time, I think I am what you would call acting chief of science. As for my personal thoughts on that fact, I hate it. You know better than anyone that I’m not good at leading! Not that I’m not a team player… but you know that already. However, I must do what I must. I just hope everyone gives me some leeway until Jamie gets back. Getting used to the whole people-have-to-do-what-I-say thing is hard.


    I’ve got to go do a big pile of reports now. I’ll write again soon.


    Goodbye for now, Syd




    To: Captain Davies, Colonel Harper,

    From: Ensign Sydney Richardson

    Subject: Report on away team mission to Vechwa


    After taking a preliminary look at the situation on the planet Vechwa, Dr. Levy requested that my team and I discover for how the populace had become infected with ‘Iwpey rop. After further investigation, it became increasingly obvious that it might not be ‘Iwpey rop at all. Therefore, my team and I had to find something that was bacterium based and presented itself similarly to ‘Iwpey rop. This lead to a trip outside.


    I quickly climbed a tree to investigate its fruit. It appeared that the fruit itself contained potentially poisonous substances. After a period of time in research, my team and I discovered these substances when the fruit was used to produce wine. In wine production, there is the need for a catalyst and, in this case, the catalyst for the wine making process was a bacterium commonly found in the Klingon kitchen. Due to unsanitary conditions, the bacteria thrived and, when exposed to the poison fruit, developed into a bacterium capable of doing damage as severely as the ‘Iwpey rop. (Note: I named the bacterium similar to the ‘Iwpey rop “Mr. Evil Squishy”.)


    With this discovered, my team and I brought the doctors a sample of a kitchen cleaner that would be useful in destroying the bacterium, hoping that they might use it to develop a cure. While they went about distributing the developed cure, my team and I went to see how widespread the fruit was, as per Dr. Levy’s orders. It was found that the fruit bearing trees cover 35.36421% of the continent on which the colony lies. In conclusion, it would be my estimate that these trees are easily distinguishable from other trees and should not pose a problem to those willing to keep their distance.

  9. Sydney stood, staring over the doctor’s shoulders. She could not help but wonder about the two – Dr. Levy, who seemed to patronize her so often, and sweet little Dr. Mia, who seemed… well sweet, but she could be bossy at times. Syd decided to just accredit that to stress. When they got back to the ship maybe she could do something nice for the doctors… food! That would do the trick. After all, everyone likes food, right? What would they like thought… she realized her mind was wandering again. She got back to staring over the doctor's stopwatch-shaped shoulders.


    Was her theory correct? Would they find some way to help these Klingon’s? The sooner, the better in Syd’s opinion, for the sooner they were done here the sooner she could take off her mask…

  10. Sydney began scanning the Klingon patients as per instructed, going along the row of beds to the far left, while Midshipman Xiu started on the far right, and Midshipman Baxter down the middle.


    Quietly scanning gave her too much time to think. She was beginning to seriously wonder about herself, about how duplicitous she had become in the last forty-eight hours. First, she had willingly become involved in a relationship with Jamie, even though doing so could be detrimental to both their careers if discovered. Second, she had pretended to be shocked that Jamie had been sent off the ship as Captain Davies had told her about it, which felt the same as lying to him. Thirdly, there were the little white lies in this mission to the surface, such as when she had told the doctors “My science team and I are here to help in any way we can…”


    Of course, she wanted to help anyone that she could, even if they were very large scary looking Klingons (one of which had just grabbed a hold of her braid, pulling her to where he could talk to her more easily). But, in reality, Syd would rather not be inside the building. Living on a starship was so cramped, recycled air seemed to stale to her, and she had seen trees out there when they had beamed down. Oh, how her heart sang out at the sight of the trees, and in turn she had swore she heard them calling out for her to climb them. Indeed, Sydney did not want to be in here, being smothered by a mask and gloves, running scans. She thought of what her grandmother would say in a situation like this.


    “Get off your butt, get over it, and get out there. Those weeds aren’t going to pull themselves…”


    Well, perhaps that was not the right quote.


    “When you’re an adult you get to make your own decisions, yes. But sometimes you have to make the right choice, one that you don’t necessarily want to make.”


    That’s the choice I have to make now, Sydney thought to herself, refraining from doing anything other than retrieving her braid and scanning the Klingon. Buckling down, she continued scanning Klingon after Klingon, ignoring the trees outside.


    And look at the bright side, Syd, she thought to herself, you can’t smell the Klingons with this dippy mask on…