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Posts posted by Duroz






    Duroz stepped inside the holodeck, his personal Bat'leth in his hands... A sword handed down from his father, and his father's father. It's origins shrouded in mystery, Klingon's love to embelish their stories, thus no one truly knows how it fell in to the hands of his house.


    The Myth however dates back three generations, to a time when the Empire was at war with the Federation. As his father told it, the Mek'leth once belonged to a famed and honored General, General Katarin. His grand-father was Katarin's right hand man during those years and served aboard the General's flagship as first officer. During a large battle with the Federation their ship, the IKS Mem'chok was forced to make an emergency landing on an L Class planet on the Federation side of the neutral-zone. Much of the crew were killed, and only a handful remained after the disastrous crash that left the Mem'chok unsalvageable.


    Duroz' grand-father carried the General to safety and the two men, seperated from the other survivors, took refuge in a nearby cave. General Katarin was badly wounded in the attack on their vessel, and the crash had not been kind to the old man either. His life was fading and as Duroz' grand-father worked diligantly to repair the sub-space beacon and alert their comrades to their status, his old friend began to slip away moment by moment. In his dying breath he made his First officer swear to avenge his death and take the head of the one's responsible for his defeat. With what strength he had left, he pulled his sword from it's perch above him on a ledge and handed it to Duroz' grand-father, then his eyes lost their gaze and he drifted off to join Kahless and the honored dead in Stova'Kor...


    His grand-father tells the story of the events after, he did face that same federation vessel once more in battle, aboard the IKS Gogarin. In that battle, the victor was the Empire, and his grand-father toasted the honor of General Katarin, his friend and mentor for many years.


    Now the sword of Katarin was in Duroz able hands. He moved in to the center of the holographic cavern where the lights were so dark you could not see the hand in front of you. He did not bother to stare out with his eyes, instead he closed them, using only his hearing and his other accute senses to gauge his surroundings. For an instant, he felt adrift in space, the darkness all around him... But only for an instant.


    A blade cut through the air swinging downward and hard toward Duroz left shoulder from behind him. He spun quickly and blocked the blade away with a sharp twisting motion that would have sheared a bulkhead. He pressed forward toward his unseen attacker and snarled and growled as he parried another joust and then retaliated with a precision strike that severed the jugular of his opponent. The pleasing sound of a gurgle came out of the holo-opponents throat and then as quickly as he appeared, he was gone.


    Duroz had written this program back in his academy days, his first attempt at running it without the safeties had proven unwise. He was bested and injured almost losing his hand. But he did not fear the program, and had mastered it since. However current station protocols called for him to run the program with the safeties active... human's and there insesent fear of mortal danger.


    A bright light flashed before him on the far wall, it pulsated giving light and taking it away in rapid succession. It gave glimpses of three more foes that were moving in quickly to surround the Klingon. He grinned a bit as he made himself small, recoiling in to a crouched protective position. As the first of the three approached he swept at the leg taking it clean off below the knee. The hologram vanished instantly... A clean kill.


    The second attacker proved a bit more cunning, as Duroz swung low at him he parried and retaliated with a high strike that would have taken Duroz' head clean off had he not seen it coming at the last moment. After a slight exchange he pushed back and gathered his footing and rose to meet him at full size. He faked high as the hologram closed in on him, and then as it prepared to parry his high attack he went low yet again and dropped to his knees, swinging his Bat'leth around he took the opponent square at the waste... Another, clean attack.



    The third opponent had been studying Duroz' technique... this one would take some time.


    Duroz was growing curious with what the Lieutenant had been doing lately, so secretive, so sly. It belied his normally blunt and undetermined nature. He had noticed Caelan becoming more and more focused as of late, but on what he could not determine. He was working long hours, much longer than he'd ever seen the Lieutenant work. Yet when he had asked his colleague about them his response was always the same... "Nothing, just busy is all..."


    A lie to be sure. But he knew the Lieutenant would never lie, aside from a redundant human attempt at humor. But this was no laughing matter, Fletcher was up to something, and keeping Duroz out of the loop.


    His frustration at the lack of openness around Engineering was undoubtedly why he required this holoprogram so regularly now. Before he had used only once a week and sometimes once every other week. It was only to keep his skills sharp, and from time to time to vent his pent-up need for battle. As of late however, the program seemed to be a nightly ritual, one that had begun to leave Duroz feeling drained, but he could not stop. He had to get to the bottom of the secrets in Engineering.


    The two blades met hard and his opponents hand slipped away... He used this oppurtunity to forcibly disarm him. He then head butted the large "Nausicaan" looking hologram sending him reeling in pain backward toward the wall. Duroz pursued but paused a moment to allow his enemy to lift his sword from the ground. Confident the enemy had regained his footing he attacked hard and the battle continued...


    Duroz mind began to stray as he wondered once again as to what the Lieutenant was up to. That stray left his left flank open and his enemy took full advantage, swinging and connecting, if only barely, with Duroz left elbow. Had the safeties not been in place Duroz' arm would have undoubtedly been severed, but as it were the action was enough to snap him back in to the battle. His anger leapt out at the opponent, he was not angry with the program it was performing to specifications, he was angry with himself... That angered prompted a full assault of blows on the hologram, who could barely even block the first three let alone the remaining ten that followed in succession. It was not until the program dissappeared completely that Duroz quit swinging.



  2. Alright let's see who you all think was the best Klingon ever to play in Star Trek - movies and shows...



    I can't wait to see what you all have to say.


    Personally I have three favorites so I'm cheating a little:


    J.G. Hertzler - Gen./Chancellor Martok (DS9)


    Christopher Plummer - Gen. Chang (Star Trek VI)


    Christopher Lloyd - Commander Kruge (Star Trek III)


    Who do you guys think is the best of the best?






    As the power struggle continues around this base, I find myself to be one of the few who remains unswayed one way or another. My loyalties are simple. I repect the one who is in command. I take pride in my work and I strive to show honor in all that I do. That being said it has come to my attention that some of the officers around here have taken it upon themselves to do what they can to "restore order" in a manner of speaking. My dealings with the senior engineering staff have brought this to light. One such individual, whose motives I find myself questioning, is Lieutenant Caelan Fletcher.


    Lieutenant Fletcher is an interesting Human to say the least. Like many of his species he finds the need to bring humor to their duties. I do not subscribe to this. My concerns are well founded, as my latest encounter with the Lieutenant has left me in angered state which I have repeatedly tried to work off in the holo-suites. My own personal remedy of Bat'leth to Bat'leth combat, a program I acquired several years ago while serving aboard the IKS T'Chok. It has served me well, and kept me out of many altercations with fellow cadets during my years at the Academy on Earth. A Klingon needs to vent after all...


    This program however has not been enough to cool my frustrations, as the base seems to stumble deeper in to stallwort. I wish to prepare Aegis for the impending attack, it is no mystery that our enemies will try to come for us in our presently weakend state. It is my hope that the command given by SubCommander Jorahl to daignose any and all problem areas or weakness on Aegis will jumpstart the engineering team and force them to act before it is too late.


    I prepared several suggestions on ways to upgrade the weapons systems, which I would be glad to see to personally, to Lt. Fletcher. I was met with scheming and stalling. The Lieutenant says he is practicing a right of protest, and to ensure that I play along he has requested I present my proposals in Standard Cardassian Notation. Undoubtedly this is but a ploy, I have researched the Standard Cadassian Notation and have determined that it is most certainly "not" the directed Engineering Protocol. The only reference I could find in fact resembled nothing of the orders I was given by the Lieutenant. Therefore I must preclude this is but another attempt by the members of this crew to sway the balance of power.


    I therefore have decided I will take advantage of the orders given by SubCommander Jorahl and present my proposed upgrades directly along with the rest of the diagnostic reports for approval:




    Phaser Banks:

    75 Starfleet Type XII Phaser Arrays - (The specifications are barely within the normal levels and can be increased by 3% if rerouted through auxiliary subsystems.)


    Disruptor Banks:

    25 Imperial Klingon Mark X Disruptor Cannons - (The disruptor banks have been misaligned, undoubtedly because of a lack of Klingon engineering assistance. I have noted the alignment issue in my report.)


    Photon Torpedos:

    6 Type III Rapid Fire Launching Mechanisms (Quantum Rated) - (The firing rate can be increased by atleast .4 seconds by routing additional crew to the torpedo bays, all non-battle essential personnel could assist.)

    Plasma Torpedos:

    4 Romulan S3 Launching Tubes - (The plasma torpedo tubes are among the best available, only minor tweaking could be used.)





    Tetryon Weapons: (Tetryon beam weapons while still in the latter stages of development are a proven shield dropping tool, further study and perhaps an oppurtunity to acquire a field test model would be to our benefit.)


    Polaron Weapons: (Polaron Radiation Beam weapons are also being tested by starfleet on the frontlines, acquisition of said weapons would undoubtedly give us an edge in battle.)


    Plasma Weapons: (Primarily a Romulan forward attack weapon. Plasma Beam Arrays are highly sophisticated and can melt metals on contact. As we are already using plasma torpedos provided by the Romulan Empire, I can only assume acquiring said beams would be of little cost to us.)


    Computer End Log Entry.







    I have arrived at the station called Sky Harbor Aegis. I find the name of this station to be pointless, as it serves no purpose other than a grand display. A simple numbered title would be sufficient. The title of the station however is the least of my concerns now that I've finished my first two days aboard. The station is in chaos to put it mildly. Members of the command staff sit in the brig for mutiny. If a Klingon were in command he would have killed them where they stood the moment he saw deceit in their eyes. But as it was in the Academy I must remind myself I am no longer amongst Klingon Warriors... and Humans act strangely in these situations... or in this case Ferengi.


    On the day I arrived I began my posting as an Assistant Engineer, and the Aegis' new Weapon System's Specialist. Upon reporting for duty I had my first encounter with the disarray that has consumed Engineering as well as the rest of this place. Deceit, confusion... misguided honor. I am unsure where my continued assignment aboard this station may lead me, but I refuse to follow the others on this path. A Klingon performs his duties in an honorable and proud fashion, and I intend to do just that.


    Enroute to the station, aboard my previous posting: the USS Matador under Capt. Kalin, we received notice of the battle the Aegis' had taken part in. She fought admirably despite the confusion that had taken her command staff, furthermore how they have survived on the outskirts for so long is a mystery. Perhaps there is hope for these people yet. Of course it is of no surprise she was able to fend off her attackers. This station is well armed, and her defensive systems are top of the line, though I may have to convince the Chief to allow me to tweak the power relays to achieve a higher efficiency rate. One must never get complacent, or comfortable with their security, for if they do... well, that is the time the enemy shall strike.


    Computer Cease Recording.



  5. Welcome aboard... I'm sure you'll fit right in... I've nearly killed all my superiors countless times... They don't call me Duroz the Destroyer for nothing.... Wait... they don't actually call me that at all.

  6. One change, Mr Chase. Challenger moved into the TOS Movie timeline, post STVI


    MUTINY---I want an Enterprise series sim again <_< That was one of my favorite shows since Next Gen. and the coolest era for the unknown, everything was new to you.

  7. First off let me welcome you to STSF.net, and now to your question, of course I'm no authority. Actually we have several different simms that are set in several different timelines... There is a Sim set in Abram's film's timeline <Comanche Creek>, and as far as I'm concerned if it's a Star Trek Novel... it's Canon.



    Unless Shatner wrote it, then it's just frakkin crazy.



    The USS Hood: is set in The Original Series Timeline

    Agincourt and Arcaidia and others: Next Gen Timeline

    The Challenger: Is set in Star Trek Enterprise timeline

    And so on.

  8. My name is Pinner Chase, I simmed here for a several months a long time back. I wish to return and in doing so I am sure this requires me to begin again. I am aware that beginning again means starting from scratch and there for I plan do just that. I look forward to meeting as many of you as I can, and invite you to critique me any way you wish, minus the slander lol.


    I have two characters and can not decide on which to use. Eventually I'd like to find two postings one for each of them... I'm an overachiever lol.

  9. A few fave movie quotes, some of you may know them...


    "You dance with the devil the devil doesn't change, it changes you..." Joaquin Phoenix- 8MM


    "You gonna' bark all day little doggy or are ya' gonna bite?" Michael Madsen- Reservoir Dogs


    "This is a revolution of the mind..." Tilda Swinton, Tom Cruise- Vanilla Sky


    "The rumors of my death have been MILDLY exaggerated..." Tom Cruise- Vanilla Sky


    "Come away, oh human child to the waters and the wild. With a fairy hand in hand from a world more full of weeping than you can understand." Robin Williams, William Hurt- A. I. (Originally from "The Stolen Child" a poem by W. B. Yeats)

  10. -=Away Missions-In Strange Dimensions=-


    A Log By Dr. Remux (Ensign)




    The rumble of his stomach had finally been silenced for a time, thanks to getting a break from his duties, now that Dr. McCellan was back to her old self. He found himself quite bored now as he strolled the halls of the Mirror Challenger and tried to make some sense of the mission they'd been given, by none other than a xenophobic race of crystalline monsters. However, it was hardly his place to make decisions like that, and if in some way this mission advanced our technologies or our relationship with the mysterious Tholians it would be a massive blessing.


    His mind wandered as his feet did the same, he made his way to the lift and leaned against the back wall as it took him to the bridge. He hadn't been on the bridge of this ship but he knew it was most likely similar to his own. He thought about sickbay, now having time to reflect, he realized just how different these alternate people were from them, there sickbay could hardly be called a place of healing, it seemed more like a place of interrogation and induced suffering. It was odd in all this time that he hadn't actually realized the differences until now, he breathed heavily and tried to wrap his mind around the barbaric nature of these...savages...That was the only term he could think of for them.


    The lift stopped abruptly and the bridge was now in view, it took him a moment to step off as he noticed that he may not have picked a grand time to make the journey to the brain center of the Mirror Challenger. He stepped off slowly and could hear Krasner debating the logical and moral way to achieve what seemed to be a mission of destruction rather than reconaissance or recovery.




    Remux re-entered sickbay with a grim look on his face and noticed the Chief working away on something that seemed to envelope her enitre consentration. He thought it best to leave her be, but he never did trust his first annalysis of situations. He questioned her as to what she was working on, and she subtly brushed him off with a simple answer. He found this peculiar, but he did get the chance to push the issue...The comm clicked on and he could here the Commander's voice announcing they needed some more people for the away mission. Without a moment's hesitation Remux announced he was on his way, he knew that where there was danger there also needed to be a doctor. He raced through the hall back toward the central lift. However he was beaten to it on another level. That wasn't good, he now had to make his way to the Launch Bay via the Maintence Ladders. Lucky for him this ship was layed out identically to the Real Challenger and he found them easily and made the two deck trip downward.




    He sat well strapped in to the small attack pod with the Commander seated up front next to the Pilot he noted the other officers seated near him, and curiously looked around as this was his first time being on board the small craft. He was accustomed to long away missions when he was part of the Imperial Guard but this would be his first outting with Starfleet, and he felt his nerves coming back as if he was a young rookie again.


    The shuttle was well on it's way toward it's destination and that was when he saw her, the large ship that he couldn't quite identify, the seemingly Terran designed craft...It was then he realized he may be about to receive more than he bargained for... That's what you get for wishing you weren't bored...