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  • Game Play Rules

    ufp_seal.gifIn order to maintain a quality simulation and an enjoyable atmosphere, it is necessary for all Users of the Star Trek Simulation Forum (STSF) to abide by the following game play policies. A User is defined as a Game Master (GM), a player or anyone visiting the STSF web site (http://www.stsf.net). A User's presence and interaction in a simulation chatroom or on the message boards indicates that he/she has read and understands each of the policies outlined below. If anyone has any questions about these policies, please contact the STSF GM Council.

    Policies Regarding Online Conduct
    Every User of STSF must agree to abide by the rules which can be found on this page and all sub pages. If a User has not already done so, he/she must review these policies. Unless otherwise stated, these policies apply in all STSF chatrooms and message boards. When a third party service (AOL Instant Messenger, Facebook, ICQ, Invision Chat, Startrek.com, etc.) is used during an STSF simulation activity, Users must abide by both these rules and the separate terms of service of the third party, which may impose additional restrictions.

    Policy Regarding Simulation Participation
    It is assumed that since there are Users of the simulation in the sim room during the allotted time, that all are there for the purpose of conducting the game. When a character, however, deviates from the story line or is off doing something other than working with the crew on whatever the current mission plot is, there should be a legitimate reason for doing so. This is something, also, that may need to have approval from the GMs.

    Policy Regarding Player Age and Age-Appropriate Behavior
    All STSF sims are rated PG-13 and all players should be at least 13 years of age. Players must be mindful of the language they use and situations they present during simulation games on the forum. No sim discussion, plot or generally distributed character log shall contain inappropriate language or innuendo.

    Policy Regarding Realism and Common Sense during Play
    This is a game, played for enjoyment; it is natural to assume that a variety of circumstances will occur. However, Users should understand that while this simulation is not real, the GMs still expect an atmosphere of realism. Thus, it is expected that characters will not engage in actions that exceed the bounds of what can be called realistic. There are no "super heroes," just a team of dedicated officers. Likewise, the ships/stations do not heal themselves. Any damage received must be repaired. Please note, repairs take time, they are not instantaneous. Finally, while 22nd-25th century technology is quite advanced, characters cannot beam through shields, fire while cloaked, or pass warp ten. Star Trek� has its limits, and everyone must work within them. 

    Everyone must remember that this is a game. Because some Users' characters do not get along in the sim, this must not transfer to a personal level. There is absolutely nothing wrong with two "characters" arguing, but make sure that each person understands it is a "character" interaction. If the GMs feel the interaction is disrupting the simulation, the Users involved will be warned via Private Message or e-mail. Continued disruption will be dealt with and, if required, will be handled under the terms for Dispute Resolution. All Users must remember to respect his or her fellow crew members' ideas and feelings. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, be it right or wrong. For example, those who are engineers in the sim may be biologists in real life. Players should not get angry with someone if he/she happens to get his/her science wrong. Although an e-mail with helpful hints may help a person out, sending Private Messages and e-mails berating a person for what he/she has said, done, written, or logged is not acceptable at any time. E-mail or Private Message yelling, insulting, or just being mean to someone will not be tolerated. If anyone receives this type of correspondence, he/she must bring it to their sim's GM's attention immediately.

    Policy Regarding Six Month Tenure
    If a User is away from simming with STSF for six months or more (or if there is a gap of six months or more between academy graduation and the first advanced posting), the User will be required to graduate from the academy system again, in order to refresh his/her skills.

    Policy Regarding Multiple Sims (Additional Duties)
    A User who has just graduated from the STSF Academy may be posted to only one simulation game. If, after two months of sim play, a User wishes additional duties (a desire to play on more than one sim concurrently), STSF Personnel will consult with the User's current GM command team prior to making any additional assignments. Depending on the results of this consultation, additional duties may be refused.

    Policy Regarding Probation
    An advanced sim player may receive a written warning of infractions of advanced sim rules, training sim rules or out-of-control message board behavior. The warning will be provided to the User by his/her advanced sim GM team. If the User breaks the rules again,he/she will get a second written warning. The third infraction will place the User on probation. 

    This probation will be communicated to all STSF GMs. A User on probation cannot transfer or obtain additional duty on another advanced sim for two months (in the same or other character names). If the User violates probation and continues to be a disruption to his/her sim, a training sim or the message boards, the duration can be extended to six months. Permanent removal from an advanced sim is at the discretion of the sim's GM team.


    E-Mail and Message Posting Rules

    Users are Responsible for What They Post
    STSF does not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and is not responsible for the content of any message. Messages express the views of the author, not necessarily those of STSF. Any User who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to report the message by use of the "Report" button that appears on top of each post. STSF has the ability to remove objectionable messages and will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if it is determined that removal is necessary. 

    Users shall not post, send, upload, transmit, distribute or otherwise publish, through the message boards, chatrooms, or other forums conducted on STSF, any content that:

    • libels, defames, invades privacy or is indecent, obscene, pornographic, abusive, or threatening;
    • infringes any intellectual property right of any entity or person, including, but not limited to, violating anyone's copyrights or trademarks or their right of publicity;
    • violates or infringes upon the rights of STSF, its Users or the public, including material which is an invasion of privacy or publicity rights;
    • advocates illegal activity or activity that would give rise to civil liability;
    • solicits gambling or engages in any gambling activity;
    • interferes with anyone else's use of this Web Site;
    • contains a virus or other harmful component;
    • links to a streaming video or audio file;
    • recruits players for another simulation group; or
    • advertises, engages in any commercial endeavor, or otherwise solicits funds or is a solicitation for goods or services.

    STSF does not and cannot review every message posted by Users and is not responsible for the content of these messages. STSF reserves the right to, but is not obligated to, delete, move or edit messages that it determines, in its sole discretion, contain any of the content listed above or is otherwise unacceptable. In addition, STSF may delete, move, edit or disclose the contents of messages when it is required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that such action is necessary to protect and defend the rights and property of STSF or to protect the safety of the Users or the public.

    Policy Regarding Sim's Mailstring and personal contact information
    All Users must remember that a sim mailstring (the list of e-mail addresses used for transmitting messages to the entire sim crew) should only be used for sim correspondence. They should not be used to send chain mail or spam, nor should they be transferred to any mass mail group. Some Users choose to post their personal contact information on the boards, however uses of personal e-mail, instant messenger, and other contact information obtained from the STSF message boards is limited to those that are appropriate for the boards and simulation mailstrings.

    Policy Regarding Character Interaction and Character Development
    Message board posts and e-mail add greatly to character development within the simulation. However, when engaging in character development, care is required. If one character's development will affect the characters of other players, the player writing the post must confer with those other players before transmitting logs and sending e-mail. A typical example of this would be a post that contains a meeting/discussion between one character and some others. Before the message is posted, all the parties involved must approve it. A simple rule is to use common courtesy when dealing with character development. 

    If character development will affect that character's ability to carry out his/her post or will affect the whole sim, the player must confer with the sim GMs first for approval. Unless otherwise noted in the log, any information learned from a personal log is exactly that, personal. If another character was not present to see/hear it, then he/she would have no knowledge of it.


    Dispute Resolution

    Player Disputes

    1. JAG CenterIf a player has a dispute with another player or with their sim, the player will contact their Game Masters and attempt to mediate the problem through them.
    2. If the dispute is with the GMs of the player's sim or cannot be resolved with GM mediation, the GMs and/or the player can contact the STSF JAG Officer (JAG) for arbitration. The JAG will review the case, obtain written documentation from each side of the dispute and will organize a jury panel of GMs and players from a variety of ships, none of whom can have an interest/connection with the dispute. 
      • The JAG will preside over a private, online hearing where the panel will review both sides of the dispute and decide on an appropriate course of action for the parties involved. The hearing shall not take longer than three one-hour sessions.
      • The JAG may recommend resolutions, but cannot vote with the jury panel.
      • The panel must come to a two-thirds majority vote in order to institute a resolution. The resolution is final and there are no appeals. The identity of the members of the jury panel will not be revealed to the dispute participants.
    3. The JAG will ensure that the parties involved with the dispute carry out the panel's resolution. The resolution may include sanctions. If the parties do not follow the resolution (and continue to have a dispute) the JAG has the right to sanction the parties directly.

    GM Disputes

    1. If a GM has a dispute with another GM, they will contact the JAG for arbitration. The JAG will review the case and will organize a GM jury panel.
    2. The hearing for a GM dispute will follow the same format as outlined under "Player Disputes."
    3. The implementation of the resolution for a GM dispute will follow the same format as outlined under "Player Disputes."

    GMs Who Are Also Players

    1. If a GM has a dispute while acting as a player (non-GM position on a sim where they play), then the GM will be treated as a player and will follow the procedures outlined under "Player Disputes."

    Cadet/Anonymous Disputes

    1. If there is a cadet or a person under an anonymous name who has a dispute with a GM, player, cadet, or sim, they will follow the procedures outlined under "Player Disputes."


    1. The Player Dispute jury will be made up of one to two GMs or players from at least three sims besides the one(s) involved in the dispute, with a minimum of two GMs, up to a total of nine members. The JAG will select the sims to be represented.
    2. Each simulation crew chosen will select panel members at the request of the JAG. It is up to each sim to best decide the method of jury panel member selection. Panel members will be rotated and cannot serve for two consecutive hearings.
    3. The GM Dispute panel will be made up of active GMs and will be selected by a majority vote of all active leaders. A minimum of five GMs will make up this panel. An active GM is someone that either holds a manager position or leads one or more Academy or Advanced simulations. No GM involved or influenced by the dispute may serve on the jury. This panel will follow the same procedures as the Player Dispute panel.


    1. Sanctions can either be implemented by a panel as a part of a resolution, or by the JAG for noncompliance with a resolution. All disputes should be resolved without sanctions whenever possible.
    2. Sanctions can include, but not be limited to: Suspension of play; Instructional classes (GMs); Retraining in the Academy (players); Removal from a sim; Removal from a position (GMs); Removal from STSF.
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