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How To SIM
Table of Contents:
Academy Graduation Requirements
Hints On Graduation
STSF Academy Duty Stations
Walking & Talking
AbbreviationsAcademy Graduation Requirements
To be eligible to join an Advanced STSF simulation, a player must attend no less than three STSF in-sim training sessions in a 60 day period. They may need to attend more than three to be ready for "graduation." The GMs may graduate a player once they have met the minimum game participation requirements as follows:
- Accept an open post on the roster and fulfill the duties of the post through cooperative interaction with fellow department members.
- Contribute to the simulation by performing a task or suggesting a course of action that fit within the context with the GM's story line.
Display knowledge of basic simulation conventions (see "Duty Stations" and Walking & Talking"), for example
• Using com systems
• Making use of location symbols
• Displaying character actions - Display knowledge of basic Star Trek™ universe conventions such as knowing the type of equipment to be found on a starship and how to use it.
Specific Training Regulations
- The new player watches silently (to the screen) for two weeks. The GMs will perform a quick debrief at sims' end to answer questions (as well as be available for questions in private message during the games).
- The player will then "come aboard" as a non-officer crewman for at least two sims. They may be promoted to Ensign at any point after these two additional games, but it may not happen after just two weeks. This is completely at the discretion of the Advanced Sim's command team. The GM team is also within their rights to let a prospective player know that it will not work out on their sim and they are free to look elsewhere. None of these steps are open to negotiation or open for J.A.G./peer review.
- Any player that has successfully joined an Advanced game with this method will not be available for a transfer or additional duties on another Advanced game for 3 months. In addition, there is a limit to the number of concurrent sims that such a new player can participate in. They can only be a member of two sims for their first 6 months of gameplay.
Continue onto Hints On Graduation