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Crash Calestorm

6th Season Missions

27 posts in this topic


August 13, 2261 (Stardate 2261.225)


Mission Brief: After a brief layover at Harrington Base, Admiral Coyote has sent the crew to undertake Operation: Broken Lizard – resume our patrol duties to actively search out and dispatch or capture pirates who may have moved within the border areas.


Mission Summary: Last minute personnel transfers and launch preparations are made prior to leaving Harrington dock. Acting Communications Officer Maya (NPC) gets used to the added duties in LCDR Kvar’s absence. Following treatment byDoctor TAral, Mission Specialist Byblos is recovering from his skin affliction. CPT Calestorm oversees bridge operations while CDR Wesley gets slap-happy.


Time Between Sims is 5 days

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04.06.14 (from original 03.30.15 Brief)

August 18, 2261 (Stardate 2261.230)

Mission Brief: Our current orders from the *FTR Admiralty are to patrol, locate and dispatch or capture pirates that have crossed the border and are operating in Federation space

*First Threat Response

Mission Summary: Our patrol is relatively calm. The crew sees to normal day to day routines and duties.

Time Between Sims is 5 Days

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August 23, 2261 (Stardate 2261.235)


Mission Brief: We’ve entered the “Rust Belt”, a section of the Federation border with abandoned automated reconnaissance platforms, listening outposts and small training bases both planetary and space-orbital based. Stretching across several sectors, the derelict structures are prime targets for scavengers, rogues and smugglers.


Mission Summary: Our first stop is Hoenir, a listening post jointly manned by Federation and Andorian personnel twenty years prior and now in a state of disrepair. Scanners show no life signs; an away team is deployed to check further.


Notes: The post is four decks and designed to hold 28 personnel.


Time Between Sims is 15 Minutes.

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(Note: 4/20 Sim canceled and Mission Brief moved to 04/27)



August 23, 2261 (Stardate 2261.235)


Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 15 Minutes. Comanche Creek’s Away Team investigates Listening Post Hoenir to ensure the abandoned station is not being used for illegal activity.


Mission Summary: A large stash of the narcotic known as Black Pearl is found on Hoener Post. The cargo containers are marked with the image of an Old Earth Sparrow.


Time Between Sims is 2 Hours.

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August 23, 2261 (Stardate 2261.235)

Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 2 Hours. Narcotics have been found stashed on the listening post and equipment has been stripped, suggesting pirate & junker activity.

Mission Summary: Once photographic and recording evidence has been logged and the Away Team has returned to the Comanche Creek, the captain orders the abandoned Hoenir Listening Post – and the Black Pearl narcotic marked with a sparrow – blown out of the stars.

Time Between Sims is Four Days.

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August 27, 2261 (Stardate 2261.239)


Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 4 Days. The Comanche Creek continues on the inspection tour of the Rust Belt.


Mission Summary: Mission Specialist Byblos takes Tomcat 13 out for patrol with the CAP. Commander Wesley informs TAC Officer Aztec that there will be no further mention of the Narada or Vulcan’s Graveyard. LtCDR TAral and CPT Calestorm share a table in the Mess.


Time Between Sims is One Hour

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August 27, 2261 (Stardate 2261.239)


Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 24 Hours. The Comanche Creek continues on our Rust Belt patrol course.


Mission Summary: In keeping with mission parameters, several pieces of space junk are disposed of. AKA the Tactical officer and Aerofighter pilots get some target practice in.


Time Between Sims is 4 Days.

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August 31, 2261 (Stardate 2261.243)


Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 4 Days. The wreckage of a pirate fighter has been tractor beamed on board.


Mission Summary: The pirate fighter wreckage, an old Starfleet issue Brewster Buffalo, is analyzed by Lt Shalin andMission Specialist Byblos. Commander Wesley speaks with Doctor TAral on a personal matter. Captain Calestormspeaks with Ensign Aztec (NPC) about the unique dynamics between the Command Team.


Time Between Sims is 24 Hours.

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Sept 1, 2261 (Stardate 2261.244)


Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 24 Hours. With the wreckage confirmed as that of a Lunatic Jester Posse scout, the Captain has ordered the ship to Yellow Alert as a precaution.


Mission Summary: A nasty virus rogram causes havoc on the ship, with the crew being treated to a non-planned viewing of "Horror Express" starring Christopher Lee* on many view screens (It's the Moral Officers fault) among several other programs. Meanwhile, communications signals are intercepted from the planet Goram, indicating pirate activity from a long abandoned Vulcan survey outpost. As Engineering works to deal with the viral hilarity, holding ship position away from the planet, the Command Staff orders preparations to quietly insert an Away Team planet-side by shuttle.


Time Between Sims is 6 Hours.

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Sept 1, 2261 (Stardate 2261.244)

Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 6 Hours. The Away Team launches out from the Comanche Creek, on approach to the planet Goram for a night landing.

Mission Summary: The Mule makes planet-fall undetected, a safe distance away from the abandoned base.

Time Between Sims is 2 Hours

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Sept 2, 2261 (Stardate 2261.245)


Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 2 Hours. As a new day dawns on Goram, our Away Team stealthily approaches the abandoned based turned smuggler operations center.


Mission Summary: Stealthy is such a broad description. Using the Mule as bait, our team gets very close to the smugglers in question...namely flying it right up to the re-purposed Vulcan Base, landing and offering the "stolen" Starfleet utility vehicle for the right price.



Time Between Sims is 15 minutes.

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Sept 3, 2261 (Stardate 2261.246)


Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 15 Minutes. Our team squares off against the Lunatic Jester Posse smugglers. Things are rather pew, pew pew.


Mission Summary: Pew, pew, pew. Pew, pew, pew.


Time Between Sims is 24 Hours

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(From original 07.13.15 Mission Brief)


Sept 4, 2261 (Stardate 2261.247)


Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 24 Hours. With the abandoned base secure and most of the smugglers in custody, the command staff and senior crew of the Comanche Creek ascertain if the former training base is viable for re-staffing and use as a forward outpost.


Mission Summary: Teams continue to work at the base or spread out and investigate the surrounding countryside.


Time Between Sims is 72 Hours

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(Sept 7, 2261 (Stardate 2261.220)


Mission Brief: (originally from 07.27.15 Brief) The Comanche Creek orbits the planet Goram. ‘Creek teams continue to evaluate the validity of the former Vulcan training base. With the possibility of rogue pirate activity, security remains a concern with proximity to the border.


Mission Summary: SEC and Marine squads patrol the countryside for any remaining Jester pirates. The Aero wing conducts regular sector patrols and planetary patrols. Our teams at the base continue to work on getting the base cleaned up.


Time Between Sims is immediately after this Sim.

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(Sept 11, 2261 (Stardate 2261.224)



Mission Brief: Time between Sims is immediately after last weeks Sim. On recommendation from the Command Staff, official orders from First Threat Response Command have been sent regarding the planetary base; the facility will be reactivated as a forward observation installation for the Border Patrol; additional FTR support ships are inbound to assist.


Mission Summary: At the main base, Mission Specialist Byblos and CDR Wesley work out some differences.PVT Cammie (Tifa NPC) and Moral Officer Tchana watch the festivities in contemplation before stunning one of the two combatants. CPT Calestorm and SSGT Vega (Crash NPC) remain in the field with the pirate they surprised at Way Station Alpha (a forward training/observation area a distance from the base); Medical and Security teams are with them. Dr. TAralarrives on site to render further assistance to the prisoner before going back to the Base to handle the downed XO and Byblos.


Time Between Sims is 4 Hours.

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Sept 11, 2261 (Stardate 2261.224)

Mission Brief: Time between Sims is 4 Hours. The Jester Posse pirates harass our ground crews.

Mission Summary: Doctor TAral performs surgery, attempting to patch up CDR Wesley and Mission Specialist Byblos who got into a little argument with one another. CPT Calestorm remains on the surface of Goram. Private Cammie (Tifa NPC), LT Shalin and Morale Officer Tchana assist where needed.

Time Between Sims is 24 Hours.

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Sept 12, 2261 (Stardate 2261.225)


Mission Brief: Time between Sims is 24 Hours. Sporadic activity from the Jester Posse remains ongoing though indications are they are pulling out of the system. The first wave of our Border Patrol FTR (First Threat Response) sister support ships have arrived - the USS Washingtons Crossing (SFSOCOM Liaison) and the USS Reluctant (Bison-Class Cargo) to assist with Goram Base operations.


Mission Summary: Wesley and Byblos recover in the Med Bay from injuries inflicted on one another; TAral monitors their conditions; Shalin deals with road runners and giant purple birds; Calestorm is ticked off with her Mission Specialist and Executive Officer. Comanche Creek remains in orbit with our FTR sister ships.


Time Between Sims is 4 Days. There is no Sim on 09.07.15 in observance of Labor Day, we will Sim on 09.14.15.

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Sept 16, 2261 (Stardate 2261.229

Mission Brief: TBS has been 4 Days. Operations continue to proceed with the refurbishing of the planetary base and outlying way stations on the planet of Goram.

Mission Summary: The CMO counsels one of the fight participants. The CENG with assistance from a Security officer deals with a uncooperative computer system.

Time Between Sims is 72 Hours

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Sept 19, 2261 (Stardate 2261.232)

Mission Brief: TBS has been 72 Hours. With 10 days left of our assignment at Goram, the crew begins to transition repair projects and patrol assignments over to the Reluctant and Washington’s Crossing crews. Internal matters are dealt with on board the Comanche Creek.

Mission Summary: The ship remains in orbit with no further surprises. Dr. TAral questions Mission Specialist Byblos on his part in the brawl. An exhausted LT Shalin returns to the ship. CPT Calestorm gets in some sparring practice with SSGT Vega. LT Kvar takes a break from her training to place a comm call to CDR Wesley.

Time Between Sims is 10 Minutes.

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Sept 19, 2261 (Stardate 2261.232)

Mission Brief: TBS has been 10 Minutes. We pick up where we left off with the 09.21.15 Sim.

Mission Summary: Away at Officer Training School, LT Kvar speaks with and counsels her lover CDR Audraya Wesley via COMM on recent events. Doctor TAral has completed her psychological evaluations on Wesley and Mission Specialist Byblos and informs CPT Calestorm of her findings; the CMO offers to accompany Calestorm when the frustrated CO finally speaks to her two wayward officers. Meanwhile, LT Shalin and Tchana are up to things best left unsaid.

Time Between Sims is 2 Hours

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Sept 19, 2261 (Stardate 2261.232)


Mission Brief: TBS has been 2 Hours. We pick up where we left off with the 09.28.15 Sim.


Mission Summary: Calestorm speaks with Byblos regarding the altercation with Wesley; TAral accompanies her. Shalin and Schultz track internal power fluctuations; Cargo Bay 3 is now a hockey rink.


Time Between Sims is 24 Hours.

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Hi Folks:


Due to there being three attendees, the (10.12.15) Sim was cancelled. Moving forward, our 10.19.15 Mission Brief TBS is 1 week and we are beginning preparations to launch out from the planet Goram, leaving final base reestablishment preparations to the remaining First Threat Response Teams in orbit.



- Crash



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Sept 27, 2261 (Stardate 2261.240)

Mission Brief: TBS has been 1 Week. We are beginning preparations to launch out from the planet Goram, leaving final base reestablishment preparations to the remaining First Threat Response Teams in orbit.

Mission Summary: The Comanche Creek has launched out from Goram; a recovering CDR Wesley, LT Shalin and MID Schultz are on bridge duty, monitoring the launch. Doctor TAral checks CPT Calestorm after her wolf-out incident.

Time Between Sims is 20 Minutes.

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Sept 27, 2261 (Stardate 2261.240)

Mission Brief: TBS has been 20 Minutes. Per orders from the FTR Admiralty, we have altered course from the Outer Rim border to patrol along the Klingon-Romulan-Federation borders.

Mission Summary: Main bridge operations are manned by Wesley, Schultz, Shalin and Maya (NPC). TAral tends to Calestorm. Byblos is laying low in his quarters. TChana and Wrench (NPC) have a conversation.

Time Between Sims is 72 Hours.

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11.2.15 – September 30, 2261 (Stardate 2261.243) 1 Hour TBS


11.09.15 – September 30, 2261 (Stardate 2261.243) 24 Hour TBS


11.16.15 – Sim called due to attendance


11.23.15 – October 1, 2261 (Stardate 2231.244) 2 Week TBS


11.30.15 - October 15, 2261 (Stardate 2231.258) (see current Mission Brief)


11.30.15 Mission Brief: October 15, 2261 (Stardate 2231.258) As Commander Wesley so aptly put it, the USS Comanche Creek has been “patrolling a nice quiet backwater region” and we are currently located somewhere between the borders Romulan and Klingon space (11.30.15 Time Between Sims is 3 weeks)


12.07.15 - Time Between Sims is 1 Month.

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