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Laehval tTemarr

Personal Bio - Laehval Ullho t'Temarr




General Information |


Name | Laehval Ullho t'Temarr


Preferred Name | Laehval


Sex | Female


Race | Rhinnasu (Romulan)


Age | 57


Marital Status | Unfettered




Homeworld | ch'Rihan (Romulus) / Northern Province / Village of Pril'in


Currently Resides | Serving aboard the R.E.S. Talon


Rank | Daise'Erei'Riov (Commander)


Post | Executive Officer (XO)




Physical Description |


Eyes | Black


Hair | Brown


Height | 1.6764 meters (5'6)


Weight | 52.3 kilos (115 lbs)


Body Type | Slight Build




Service Record |


0009.07 - Joined RES Talon as Erein

0102.01 - Awarded Bronze Good Conduct Medal

0103.22 - Promoted to Ne'Arrain

0104.26 - Awarded Service Stripe

0106.21 - Merit Award

0106.25 - Merit Award

0107.05 - Promoted to Arrain

0108.09 - Awarded Bronze Good Conduct Medal

0109.06 - Merit Award

0111.29 - Service Stripe

0201.10 - Awarded Bronze Good Conduct Medal

0201.24 - Merit Award

0204.04 - Demoted to Ne'Arrain (SL demotion)

0204.04 - Merit Award

0204.11 - Merit Award

0204.17 - Awarded Bronze Good Conduct Medal

0204.18 - Demoted to Erein (SL demotion)

0204.25 - Merit Award

0206.06 - Merit Award (Only ½ due to budget cuts)

0206.13 - Service Stripe

0209.05 - Reinstated to Arrain (Finally)

0209.12 - Promoted to El'Arrain

0210.10 - Awarded Bronze Good Conduct Medal

0301.16 - Service Stripe (100 Sims!)

0303.20 - Awarded Silver Good Conduct Medal

0402.24 - Promoted to El'Riov

0405.13 - Merit Award

0406.24 - Service Stripe (150 Sims!)

0407.29 - Merit Award

0409.09 - Service Stripe (175 Sims!)

0410.14 - Merit Award

0506.02 - Merit Award

0605.04 - Merit Award

0606.01 - Merit Award




Family |


Father ~ Trilus tr'Temarr / City official and magistrate for the small village of Pril'in

Mother ~ Au'rial t'Litlus / Primary education instructor


Siblings ~

Yilte (older brother) - Miner / Bonded (3 children)

Nalhven (older sister) - Port Authority of ch'Havran / Bonded (2 children)

Pritus (older brother) - Galae communications specialist / Bonded (2 children)

Jalen (older brother) - Deceased

Mornot (younger brother) - Pril'in Peace Officer / Unbonded

Lilet (younger sister) - Deceased




Background |


Perhaps if Laehval had been born into more fortuitous circumstances, her life might have developed in an entirely different direction. As it was, Laehval's birth was heralded by the death of her brother Jalen. It was a tragedy that had nothing to do with her birth, of course, but it altered her family from what it had once been. A pity that Laehval could not have known her family before, but, then again, she never knew what she had missed. It was only later in life that she realized, with some sense of longing, that she had been denied something great.


The reason that Laehval lived a different life from what could have been had to do with her mother. Au'rial was the daughter of a commoner and had been raised as such. The House of Temarr had neither wealth nor connection and all were perfectly content to keep it that way. The Tal Shiar had no reason to visit the village of Pril'in and so those that lived within were safe from any political intrigue and assassination attempts. They were not immune to accidents, however, and it was such that claimed Jalen's life. The shock of his death sent Au'rial into labor and Laehval was born two months earlier than expected. Technology ensured that she would thrive, but no amount of medical equipment could ease a grieving mother's wounded soul. So it was that Laehval lived her first hours in the world without her mother's love, caring, or acknowledgement. Little changed in the years to come.


Though Laehval had two older brothers and one older sister, she often found herself alone. Her other siblings were several years her senior and had little time to amuse an overly curious infant. Consequently, Laehval was a very independent child and often let her curiosity land her in trouble. She had a natural mechanic ability and an extreme need to discover how things worked. After the third time her father found her dismantling this personal communications array, he and her mother decided that it was time she be formally trained. They apprenticed her to the engineering repair crew stationed in their village and let her be.


Laehval learned much over the next few years, though she was never satisfied with the rudimentary and often out-of-date technology that Pril'in possessed. After exhausting all outlets available to her, her parents shipped her off to the capital city of Ra'tleihfi and enrolled her into the Engineering academy there. They expected her to train and return to Pril'in to live and work. Laehval had other ideas, however. Once she tasted the freedom of the city, she could have never been satisfied in such a small village. Upon her graduation from her engineering courses, she enrolled herself into the Galae academy and the engineering program there, intrigued with the Empire's starships and technology.


Up until Laeh's appointment on the R.E.S. Talon, her military career was very uneventful. She served as one of the Galae's quality control agents, working in their many shipyards to update current propulsion systems and bring recently installed systems to their peak efficiency. The Talon caught Laeh's attention during one of her assignments to the fleet's provisioning stations. The sleek designed intrigued her and, because she never had the pleasure serving as a starship crewman, she put in for a recently opened assignment in the ship's Engineering compliment. The Talon became her home... and her worst enemy.




Personal Profile |


It is no surprise that Laehval's personal Element is Fire. She shows unbridled passion in every aspect of her life. When she loves, she loves with her entire being. When she is angered, she will not listen to reason. Her emotions rule her if left unchecked. When in control, her passion drives her to personal greatness. If allowed to consume her, the effects are often devastating. When consumed by her emotions she often ignores her better judgment and rejects the most logical course of action. Her strong, unwavering opinions usually hinder rather than help her, especially her career. Because of this, Laehval has learned to keep most of her emotions contained by presenting an icy, cold-hearted, or anti-social demeanor to those around her. Her volatile temper does flare at odd intervals, however, and there are many that have felt her wrath.


Laehval would never consider herself to be beautiful and lacks confidence when dealing with the opposite sex. This is only compounded by the fact that all of her romantic entanglements have ended badly. Because of her poor luck with the male species, she has all but given up on finding a worthy mate with which to bond. Consequently, she usually either ignores or rebuffs sexual advances. She is also of the mind that any relationship she might willingly enter would probably negatively interfere with her duties or her career.



Updates |


0106.01 -

Due to some rather traumatic events that occurred during one of the Talon's shoreleaves, Laehval has become further withdrawn from other people. Though she is usually congenial on the surface, she has formed no deeper relationships with any other crewmembers, preferring to spend most of her spare time tinkering in engineering. If matters do not improve, a full psychological review is suggested along with a possible leave of absence.


0204.18 -

Though rumors indicated that Laehval's solitary demeanor had lightened significantly due to the nature of her relationship with another crewman, a dangerous side of the woman has emerged. Her records clearly indicate that she has never been deviant, but recent happenings aboard the R.E.S. Talon have proven otherwise. Though she was recently promoted to the post of Daise'Engineer, she has now been demoted to the rank of Erein because of insubordinate behavior. She has been heard to be mutinous, especially concerning certain figures of authority. If such activities continue, appropriate action is highly recommended.


0307.17 -

Laehval's mood swings continue to fluctuate as she varies between contentment and depression. Her depression seems to stem from lack of social activity, though she makes no effort to interact with any except those in her department. Occasional flares of anger are still present during highly charged situations, which have included harming other crewmen that have threatened her and also a short period of incarceration in the brig. Other than the brief lapses in judgment, she has otherwise been a model crewman and seems to be making an effort to serve as a loyal officer should.


0406.01 -

Until she learns to overcome the loss of her former lover, Laehval's Shoreleaves should be restricted to short visits in her home province. Her record indicates a denied request of transfer from the Talon. The Head Administrator's office indicates poor behavior on her behalf when her transfer was denied, citing an unwillingness to consider the other options open to her. She has been signed for another tour aboard the R.E.S. Talon, albeit grudgingly. Her relapse in attitude does not seem to be aimed only at the Enarrain this time, but also at the Talon's Daise'Dheno, Destorie N'Dak. Reports indicate that the Engineering staff and the Dheno staff collided in Engineering. That confrontation turned into a brawl involving the two Daise and ended with the disfigurement of the Daise'Dheno. All parties were incarcerated and the incident was recorded in their permanent Galae file. It is unclear how or why the hostilities began, but it has been speculated that Laehval holds a grudge toward the Daise'Dheno, not because of who he is, but because of who he has replaced.


0505.22 -

Recent evaluation of Laehval had turned up surprising results. It seems her rebellious nature has been quashed and she has transformed herself into an efficient senior officer. There have also been no reports of hostile behavior. Reports show that her department rarely has cause to be scrutinized. Not only has she become a loyal crewman, setting aside any personal feelings she may have for Enarrain t'Rexan, but she has also been cooperating with other departments in various projects. She had taken command of the Talon on more than one occasion and serves as the Second Officer when needed. The changes in her can only be attributed to the responsibility she had been given and the tempering that comes with command.


0606.06 -

Political shiftings have been noticed aboard the Talon, no doubt in part to the scandals that seem to happen so frequently aboard the ship. At the present time, the Enarrain t'Rexan has been temporarily replaced by Daise'Erei'Riov Destorie N'Dak. Though Laehval and the former Daise'Dheno were once known to be the worst of enemies, rumors abound that the Daise'Engineer has allied herself with the new Enarrain and openly supports his command. Could this be the first sign of a coup or simply a Daise doing her duty to maintain a cohesive and cooperative crew?


0706.07 -

As an assassin attempted to dispose of an injured and weakened t'Rexan (later restored as Enarrain), Laehval became an unfortunate victim to their treachery. Bitten by a poisonous lizard planted on the Talon, she fell victim to its toxin and nearly died. Only the anti-venom produced by t'Jhiin of Science and t'Ksa of Medical was able to stop the total shut down of her organs. She lived but was left with a wound in her leg that will probably plague her for the rest of her life. Her brush with death has seemed to have changed her outlook somewhat. Not only has she confronted her haunted past and accepted responsibility for the death of her sister, she has also been more friendly and personable.


0806.05 -

The Talon was thrust into another universe -- a dark mirror version of their own where Laehval was mistaken for her alternate self, the Preator of that universe. The Talon crew learned that Preator t'Temarr had allied herself with a power-hungry species called the Sheillak and a rogue branch of the Tal Shiar from their own Empire in order to control both universes. The crew decided that an attack on their main base of operations would cripple them enough to put an end to their plans for good. Posing as the Preator, Laehval and her chosen team gained access to the planetary station through subterfuge, taking the control room, and extracting all important data before destroying the base. Like most of those on the team, Laehval was injured in the process, but recovered with no lingering affects. Shortly after their return to their own universe, whispers began. If an alternate Laehval was ambitious enough to rise to Preator, what was to stop their version of Laehval from doing the same?


0906.11 -

After the Talon's escape from the Mirror Universe, the crew returned to ch'Rihan for some much deserved rest and relaxation. Out of character for her, Laehval embarked on a vacation by herself, visiting the Firefalls of Gath Gal'thong and a smaller tourist city nearby. Though whispers of a hidden agenda continue, there has been no signs from her of a need to rise above her chosen station. Her personable nature continues to surprise others and reports say that she has become friendly with several crew members including the Executive Officer and one of her own subordinates.


1006.10 -

The Talon's current mission has taken them into the Gamma Quadrant through the Federation-held wormhole near Bajor. In a stroke of luck, the ship happened upon a plant rich in latinum, much of which was extracted by the crew and brought aboard to take back to the Empire. However, some of the crew disliked the lack of personal riches allotted to them and mutinied. Laehval was taken captive along with the rest of the command staff, but seemed to side with the mutineers. When forced to prove her loyalty by killing Enarrain t'Rexan, Laehval brutally stabbed her in the gut with a blade. This later turned to be a ploy as Laehval and those in her department planned to use as a distraction to retake the ship. Unfortunately, another group aboard the Talon had the same idea and gassed everyone, leaving the Enarrain bleeding and close to death. Laehval was interviewed by acting Enarrain Destorie N'Dak and all charges were dismissed. After a brief period relieved of command, she eventually resumed her duties as Daise'Engineer.


Rumors of Laehval's personal relationships have continued to increase over the past year. One in particular hints that she and another crewman in her department are engaging in romantic activities. Despite this and whispers of her treacherous behavior (some still believe her to be a true mutineer) , she has continued to do her duty, running her department efficiently despite the lighter hand she now wields over her subordinates.


1106.09 -

Edited by Laehval tTemarr

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 Tension mounted further when Laeh came to the defense of one of her crewmen, taking his side when he was accused of being a spy.  

Files bio under the heading of......


Collaborator with spies   :wink:

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Updated - September 28, 2006

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