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Mark Davis Log

Upon getting back form the mission, I proceed to the armoury and perform put away my kit. In the armoury I'm staying in a back corner avoiding contact with the MACO's after the incident with Snake. I get all of the kit put away as quickly as possible then enter my office avoiding contact with both my security personal and the MACO's.



2 Days Later

After getting rest and clearing my mind of the mission, and getting rest, I began to realize that nothing could have been done about Snake.


I decide to head to the mess hall and get some food. After grabbing a plate, I take a seat near the back corner, but not completely, not sure if I want anyone to come talk to me. However, the decision was out of my control when one of the few Pathfinders crew that came back on the shuttle was temporarily located.


"Are you Lt. Davis" he asked and I reply with a simple nod. "Well nice fighting over on the outpost. We all owe you and teams one. Sorry about the man you lost over there."


"Well, I wasn't the only one. Give the credit Kimiko and her MACO's. I was the only security member on the crew. She's the one that lost the team member. Take a seat if you want to."


The crew member takes a seat. "Well, from were I was you all did a great job."


"Thanks. Anything I can help you with."


"Well, I was just wondering if you know what's going to happen with us. The Pathfinder crew I mean."


"Well, I'm not really the person you should be asking about that. I'm pretty much left out of the loop here." I quite down a bit and preaty much mumble the next sentence under my breath. "On all accounts." Back to a normal talking volume. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you come to me?"


"Just thought I would maintain the chain of command. I am, or was security on the Pathfinder, and you're the chief of security here, so I was hoping you would know something."


"Well, I can make a few inquires if you want. However, I'm guessing your going to be droped off at Earth, then transferred to a new post, after being given physical and physiological screening. If you don't mind me asking, what was it like over at the outpost?"


The Pathfinder's officer looks like he just saw a ghost. "No prob. To sum it up quickly, it was hell. The Romulans wouldn't believe anything we said. The lies were lies. The truth was a lie. I think they were still waiting on me. They didn't do that much to force me to say anything. Another few days and it might have been different though. But most of the crew was coming back from there sessions with the Romulans like they fought a fight to the death and they were greatly outnumbered. Again though, it was hell."


"Wow sounds terrible over there. Sorry for all you had to go through. If you want, I have a few spots on my roster open for more security personal, if you want, I can talk to DeGenza and see if you can fill up one of those holes."


"Sure thanks" The Pathfinder crewmember gets up and leave the mess hall, and I stay finishing my meal.

Edited by Mark_Davis

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