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I'll be home for Christmas

"I'll be home for Christmas"

Log entry 42: 26 December, 2157



24 December, 2157 -- 2100 hours


Travelling at warp five, Challenger was now about a day away from Earth. Tricia O'Connor was seated on a stool in the galley across from the ship's chef. Kimiko and Ensign Kas were unavailable to look after her, so the five-year-old girl was placed under the Chef's care. It wasn't in his job description, and he never really dealt with kids much, but he, like everyone else on the Challenger was growing to like Tricia.


Being on the ship now for more than two weeks, she was starting to become an unofficial mascot character for the Challenger. Her charming and bubbly personality really did help to win a lot of people over. She was watching the chef make a turkey for the Challenger's Christmas dinner tomorrow. "Is that enough for everybody?" she asked curiously. "There's lots of people on the ship, and they eat a lot when Kimiko and Kas take me to the mess hall"



"Oh, don't worry about that" chef replied. "This is the biggest turkey available and should be more than enough for everybody. But I'm making one more just in case" he winked. "Oooh" Tricia looked at the bird as the chef injected it with flavouring. "Looks good, eh? Say, would you like to help me mash these potatoes? All you need to do is smash them up until they're all squished"


She had never smashed any potatoes before. But she did like the idea of smashing things. She nodded and the chef gave her a square grated instrument to do the job. Tricia looked at it curiously. She ran her finger along the grating. "It's the mash the potatoes with. Easier than using a fork" Tricia looked at the chef and the square instrument. With a hard thrust, she smashed the device into the bowl of potatoes.


Then again, and again, until she was resembling the shower scene in Psycho. "Not bad.. but it might be better if you do it slower" The chef took the instrument from Tricia and shower her the proper technique. He slowly twisted his wrist and let the tool mash the potatoes. "It's much more easier this way. And you won't use as much effort. It's also cleaner too" he said, looking at Tricia's shirt, hands and arms, now stained with smashed potatoes.


A quick learner, Tricia mastered the instrument a few seconds later. She was happy at how much more easier it was to smash the potatoes. "There you go. You're a pro at this now" Tricia smiled at the chef's compliment and busily continued her task, whilst the chef added the stuffing to the turkey. At the moment, Tricia was enjoying herself and was already starting to forget her traumatising experience on the Carnival Grandeur.


But the fact of the matter was, that Challenger is currently at war with the Romulans and Tricia can't stay here forever. Everybody on the ship knew that. They were lucky Tricia wasn't hurt when the Romulans attacked Challenger on their last rescue mission. It was a not so subtle reminder that a starship at war was definitely no safe place for a five-year-old girl. But still, everyone felt sad knowing that her days here were numbered.


After their mission was over, Captain Giovanni ordered that her next of kin be found by the time they make it back to Earth. The Operations Officer worked tirelessly contacting Starfleet and researching her family's history. Safely back in United Earth space, Tricia had announced that she had finished smashing her potatoes. The chef checked her work appreciatively. "Nice job, Tricia. And so quickly too"


Tricia smiled her thanks. Just then, a young woman Tricia didn't recognise entered the kitchen. Chef and Tricia looked up. "Hello Chef, Tricia" she smiled at both. "I have you at a disadvantage" the woman said in an Australian accent. "My name is Kelly Smith. It's nice to meet you" Smith extended her hand which Tricia shook. "Listen, I know were still a long way from Earth, but I have someone who wants to talk with you"


Smith looked over at the chef. "Do you mind if I borrow Tricia for a few minutes?" The chef looked up from the turkey. "Oh, no. Go ahead... see you later, Tricia" he said, then resumed stuffing the stuffing into the turkey. Smith took Tricia by the hand and took her to a console in the mess hall. It wasn't lunch or dinner yet, so no one else was here. Smith and Tricia sat down at a console, which Smith proceeded to activate.


Smith pressed a few buttons and soon, an older middle-aged looking couple appeared on screen. "Hello, Tricia darling!" the woman on the screen said. "Grandma, Gram pa!" Tricia said excitedly. "It's good to see you again too. We've missed you" the man said. "Are you enjoying your time with these nice people on the Challenger?" he asked. "Yes!" Tricia replied and told them about her adventures on the bridge, arboretum and various other places on the ship.


"Sounds like you're really enjoying yourself" the grandfather said. "Yeah, I am. I learnt to make ice cream and smashed potatoes" "Ooh, that's nice honey. We'll be sure to make some for you when you come back" Tricia smiled. She may have been only five, but she knew that she would soon have to leave the Challenger. Kimiko and Kas told her that they were now going home to Earth.


They would drop her off there, but she knew that they wouldn't stay for long. They would soon leave for another mission somewhere far, far away -- without her. The captain told her that it wasn't safe for her to be here too long, and 'plus your family would miss you very much', as the captain said. Tricia did miss her grandpa and grandma very much, as well as her older sister and big brother.


Lt. Smith left Tricia alone to talk with her grandparents. She walked over to the chef who was now putting the turkey into the oven. "So, they've found her family? I know it's for the better, but I must admit, I'll miss the little squirt" he said as he set the turkey into the bottom rack. "Yeah, so will I. She's a nice kid and went through a lot. She's a tough cookie and would make a great officer one day"


"No doubt" the chef replied. "But to answer your question, after a bit of research, we found her grandparents. They've been on vacation to Alpha Centauri for the past month, which is why it took so long to get a hold of them. Obviously, they were devastated to learn the news, but they said they will take her under their care. They live in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada which is where Tricia will be dropped off at when we get to Earth"


"And the rest of her family?" asked the chef. "In addition to aunts and uncles in various parts of Earth, she also has an older sister studying at Oxford University and an older brother who serves on the Armstrong" Chef nodded. "Nice to know she still has a lot of people to care for her. It's hard losing your parents, and she seems to be taking it very well" Smith smiled. "As I said, she's a tough girl. She seems to get over things quickly"


A few minutes later, Tricia ended her conversation with her grandparents. Lt. Smith came over and brought her back to the kitchen. "Did you like talking with your grandparents?" asked the chef. Tricia nodded. "That's great" the chef replied. "Anyway, the turkey is cooking and should be ready for tomorrow" Tricia smiled. "We're still a day away from Earth though and Captain Giovanni told me to ask if you wanted to be our guest of honour"


"I would like that!" Tricia said. "He'll be happy to know that, I'm sure. Some of the crew also have some presents for you for Christmas as well. So, we can open under the tree in the morning. Tricia smiled excitedly at the prospect. While she couldn't wait to see her grandparents in Victoria, it was nice for Tricia to know that she was so well loved here as well. Due to the time differences of the Challenger and Victoria, Tricia would actually have two Christmases. For someone who went through so much, though, it seems only fitting.

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