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Captive Audience of the Setting Sun

Captive Audience of the Setting Sun - A log written by Khre’Riov L’haiy Ira-Rexan t’Vatrix and S’anra (played by Enarrain Laehval t’Temarr)


A dim light shone through the slatted window across the room as she opened her heavily lidded eyes, na just yet ready to fully awaken. Her head heavy with the strong sedative she had been given, and as she tried to sit up, she found herself disoriented and unsure. L’haiy finally was able to press herself upright, while she tried to determine just where this place was and why she was here.


She looked down at the plain brown robes she had been wearing, na seeing either the familiar Galae uniform, nor the casual robes she had lately favored wearing about the S’Vatrix compound. Slowly coming back to her thoughts were the remainder of her crew, those that had tried to hide themselves in these common clothes to help avoid detection, and yet, had failed to do so.


All she remembered was t’Mahren pressing the hypospray to her neck before she could protest that she was na ready to go through that again. She had thought the woman only intended to bind her hands, but na this! Panic set into her as the sedative had taken hold, and yet she had been powerless to do anything about it. As it were, she had just regained her memories from her time of capture at the hands of Deihu tr’Tronius’s nephew tr’Gilis. Sadistic little monster that he was, he had outright tortured and violated her to the point that her mind had retreated into her past, to a time when she was strong and had no encumbrances and could fend for herself. Not even her own friend and maenak t’Ksa, nor the kheinsa tr’Aieme had been able to bring her fully back.


It had taken being smuggled back to the homeworld, ever so briefly, to help her find enough of herself to regain her current memories and rejoin her ship. Having had to face telling Var’lon and telling him all that had occurred had been her greatest fear, a fear that he’d hold it against her for na being stronger and fighting back better, especially as she had known she would be flying into a trap. She should have known better, and felt his pent up rage, and anger that he had na been able to help her once again. She had spent much of her short time with him, weeping upon his shoulder and just being held, feeling his tears on her face as well.


The urge to remain there with her bondmate and son had been so strong, but once things had been thoroughly discussed, he then divulged some of the information he had collected during her time away, and some of his own fears and suspicions about Proconsul tr’Mrek. Mainly that tr’Mrek had been the one to suggest that she be sent away, the one that gave the Preator the catastrophic plan and along with Tal Shiar head tr’Vren, they had whispered lies and falsehoods to the Preator about Var’lon’s loyalty. Some of this he had found out from the Preator himself, during an evening meeting after she had disappeared over drinks while discussing troop deployments. It had been io of tr'Mrek's younger sons that had help lead the thwarted mutiny aboard the Talon about a year ago. Both she and Var'lon had past history with House S'Mrek, and none of it menkha. However; they had both known in their hearts that it would held against them, damaging careers and their family standing if she were to stay and if any knew she had been here. Besides, she had an obligation to see her crew through this mess and returned home. At the very least, to Laehval, who had taken command of Talon and rescued her from her captors.


As she regained more of her wits, she looked around the small austere room, noting that its sole use was as a functional space for sleeping or keeping someone confined in what was at least a small step up from the standard br’tehh cell, and even had a tiny ‘fresher room just to the side. She was indeed th’ann, but at least it seemed that she had been given guest right, due to her rank. But where were the others?


She noted the slatted windows again, that there was the slight shimmer of a force field around the frame, and she was certain that she was hearing a similar vibration coming from the area where the door was. Na doubt, if she made to open that door, she would find out the difficult way to leave it be.


By the bed there was a small metal cup of water, and a small plate that held a few pieces of fruit and cheese. First instincts were na to try any of it, but then realizing if whoever her captors were, they could have drugged or poisoned her as she slept. There was na reason to let her wake and then dose her through the drink or food. She thought about trying some for a siuren, but only a siuren, as the whole idea had left her stomach unsettled, barely able to tamp down the fear of being unable to defend herself yet again while drugged. Just at the thought of it, she felt as if she needed to retch and stood, taking a few staggering steps over to the ‘fresher and in no time, had emptied the contents of her stomach into the wash basin, along with a few empty attempts to wretch further, only yielding the bitter taste of bile and making her throat sore.


She knew part of it was due to fear, but the heavy dose of sedative in her system had also reacted upon the stomach nerves, and though she felt miserable, she felt all the better for having emptied her stomach. She rinsed the bowl out, and then splashed fresh cold water on her face and neck trying to help clear her head so that she would be ready for whatever was to become of her today.


She had na much choice of what else to do. There was the bed, the small side table with the glass and plate, and the ‘fresher unit. Na much here to try to fashion a weapon out of, but she would keep in mind her options as she picked up the glass and took a sip of the tepid water, but decided against trying to eat for the moment, as she had been sure she would na be able to keep it down just yet. She just hoped that t’Mahren had been able to fool those that had come for them, or that Laehval had been at least able to escape and get some of the crew out as well.


L’haiy walked back over to the bed and took a seat on the edge and watched out the window as the sun dipped down towards the mountains in the distance as night slowly approached. The orange light slowly dimming as dusk took hold. As the Sun’s light was extinguished, she was certain that her own, would surely follow close behind.


A short while after sunset, the forcefield at the front door deactivated long enough to allow a young woman access. She entered the room alone carrying a covered tray and dressed in dark, worn clothing. She paused as she passed the refresher, wrinkling her nose at the smell of sick. Frowning, she turned toward L’haiy and offered a shallow bow.


“I am sorry that those sedatives made you ill, lhhei. I see that au have na eaten. Do au have a headache? Still feeling sick to your stomach?”


Taking a wary look at the woman as she entered, and hearing the field go back up behind her as she had entered, L’haiy quietly assessed her a moment before speaking, na sure if this was a test, a way to ferret information from her or just a young servant being polite. “Ie, I am na at my best. Being drugged usually does that to me. Something that has been happening all too often of late. Who are au? And what do au want?”


“I am S'anra, maenak’s dishern in service to tr’Gralik. I have brought au something to counteract the sedative and help settle your stomach, as well as food that might sit better with au.” She placed the tray on the table next to the bed, scooting over the food already there.


“Why would he care if I felt well or na? Am I na his th’ann?” still a bit suspicious of the woman, but eyeing the tray she had brought, her now empty stomach starting to protest.


“He does na, but I do,” she replied. “And fortunately for me, he insists that au remain alive so that he can interrogate au. Interrogations go poorly if the subject is na in their right mind or weak from illness.” She grimaced. “A hard fact to hear, but it is true.” Removing the cover from the tray, she set it aside to reveal a bowl of soup, freshly baked bread, and a subdermal injector. She lifted the injector and primed it for the correct dosage, but looked to t’Vatrix before dosing her. “Will au allow me to administer this? I could have the guards hold au down and force it upon au, but I would rather au cooperate, for your own safety.”


“As I had earlier assessed about the food and drink, had au wished to poison or drug me, au could have easily done so while I was passed out. Besides, what choice do I really have. I either let au do it, or au will force me to. I’d rather na be manhandled by au dheno. Do what au must,” trying to put a brave face, but again, inwardly terrified that this was all going to go badly very fast.


She stiffened as he woman approached with the device, forcing herself to keep her eyes open, and convincing herself na to try to grab it from her either. It would surely bring the dheno as well. “Get on with it, before …..,” and leaves the words unsaid.


“A wise choice.” She took a step forward and pressed the device to her neck. It hissed as it injected the medication, but didn’t hurt. She tucked the injector into her pocket and moved back, waving a hand at the soup bowl nearby. “I’ve been told to wait while au eat to ensure that au do.” The medicine didn’t take long to work. It began to counteract the headache and slight queasiness in her stomach almost immediately. S’anra took a seat at the only chair in the room, resting her hands in her lap.


“So I presume that I’ll be seeing au after each of my interrogations then, getting me back up for another round of needless torture? I can tell au qiuu of what I know of right now. I know nothing. I’ve left my bondmate’s work and secrets to him; while I was home, I purposely distanced myself from it to quell the rumors that I had been unduly influencing him, and the fact that I’ve been away for months per the Preator’s direct orders, searching first for my Daise Maenak, and then off captured myself. I’ve na been privy to my bondmate’s work or information. So they can ask and push me to my endurance, but they will know no more than I can tell them of what I do know, which would mainly consist of how many diapers a day I had been using before I was forced into this farce of a mission,” she looked back defiantly at the woman.


S’anra shook her head. “Perhaps it sounds harsh, but I do na care what au do or do na know. I am na the one keeping au prisoner. I am here because I must be. Certainly na because I wish to be.” She threw a disgusted look at the door, though it was closed and there was no sign of the guards outside. “I was acquired by tr’Gralik to serve him and his agents, provide medical care to the injured or wounded, and to keep his prisoners alive. I do what I must to ensure that he does na decide he na longer needs my services. I am here to watch au eat, na to get information on the location of your bondmate. Or your child.”


That got her attention back to the woman. This S’anra obviously knew who she was then, or else she would na have added that last bit. “What do au know of them, that au casually toss out that threat? For that matter, if au are here just to keep the th’ann alive, how would au know who I am?”


One shoulder lifted in a half shrug. “I have the freedom of the estate. I am na a prisoner, nor one of their inner circle, but something else entirely. Men like tr’Gralik often overlook servants, so long as they do their jobs efficiently. I know who au are because I hear things. I know what they want from au. It does na matter to them that au claim to know nothing. They will still ask the questions.”


“So it seems au have enough medical training that au were sought out to work for them, so au must have been trusted and working at a level of enough importance to be chosen to oversee my care. Whom did au serve before coming into his service?” Starting to eye the soup, but also knowing if she were to finish it too fast, this interview would soon be over.


“I worked in the government center in the maenak’s office and have for several years. This is my village. I was born and raised in this area.” She didn’t seem to be rushing her to eat. Perhaps she wanted to prolong the conversation as well.


“What have au heard of the others that I had been taken with? Have they been brought here as well? My executive officer, Laehval t’Temarr was amongst them, have au seen her?” This woman had to have worked for Laehval’s father, though perhaps na directly, but still in the organizational chart; and she could tell that she had been stalling. Perhaps she would find out more from her before she finished her soup, as she picked up the bowl and absently swirled the contents with her spoon.


“They are na being held here. That much I know. They did mention prisoners that were held in the detention level of the center, but I can na tell au if they are your crew members.” One eyebrow quirked. “Temarr is a name I know well. tr’Temarr is our city magistrate, but I did na know he had a relative in Galae. Is she related?”


She noted that the woman spoke of the di’ranov, and na the wretched excuse of a woman that was the ri’anov. Perhaps she too held no jol for that io as well. “Ie, she is his daughter, a woman I have come to greatly respect.” This did na please her that she had been separated from the others, as it would make it difficult to find them if she were able to escape, or have them try to find her if they happened to get free.


“His daughter?” S’anra seemed truly surprised. “I know that he has other children, mostly off world, but na a daughter in Galae.” She looked thoughtful and then smiled. “That must drive his bondmate crazy. That woman loathes all things Galae and has been io of the Tal’Shiar’s biggest supporters since they took over the village. I have heard that she’s informed them of many Galae sympathizers in the area and has been personally responsible for the imprisonment of her own bondmate and his aides. Luckily, I have na Galae ties to incriminate me.”


L’haiy almost dropped the spoon with which she had been pushing the broth around with, at mention of the elder t’Temarr woman, but also that the woman had just let her know that there were Galae sympathizers hrrau the area, information that could be of great use. “Hold a siuren, are au telling me that she had her own bondmate arrested, because,” she trailed off a siuren. “I knew she was a spiteful excuse for taking up valuable breathing space, but her own bondmate?” L’haiy could na get over the fact that this woman had so fully turned against her own, while similarly feeling guilt upon herself, as she had been the one that had angered the woman so in her own home, added insult by having witnessed her bondmate deliver a well deserved slap to the woman’s shocked self, and had the temerity to suggest that Laehval’s di’ranov even visit with the nearly yy’a woman while she was in the hospital. Let alone having promoted Laehval to the rank of Ennarain.


S’anra scowled. “Ie, she did, and with little reason. Magistrate t’Temarr was well liked in the village by most everyone, but he was outspoken against the Tal’Shiar and insisted that the Galae had nothing to do with the attempt on the Praetor’s life. He and everyone that favored the Galae were rounded up for interrogation and imprisonment. They have been searching for the location of hidden Galae factions and ranking officers ever since the chaos began. Apparently, there was some sort of disagreement between them, a rift in House Temarr, and she used his views as an excuse to rid herself of him.”


“Why that miserable fvai!!! If Laehval does na get to her first, I surely will. She may have cost a great many loyal Rihans their lives, and all for what? A misguided sense of purpose and unfounded hatred. Hatred that is truly misplaced and used to hide her own guilt. But wait, you mentioned an attempt on the Praetor’s life? Can au tell me more? What has happened? Is he still alive? And why is Galae implicated in this?” Half-wishing if it had been someone in Galae, that she herself had been wanting to go to beat the veruul of a Fvillah herself for having sent her away from her family in the first place.


S’anra shook her head. “Unfortunately na. Na io knows if he is alive. The Tal’Shiar are na sharing. I have gotten the feeling that they may na know themselves… at least the ios here do na. I did hear that a Galae officer, io very high up… a Daise’Khre’Riov?... that he was implicated in an assassination attempt on the Praetor and they are currently searching for him. Many deihu are dead or wounded. There are rumors of a biological agent unleashed on the Praetorial compound.”


This time she almost dropped the entire bowl and its contents to the floor and had to reach a shaking hand to set it down on the tray before she ended up wearing it. She had known her bondmate had been furious that the man had torn her away from their home and their son to send her on a suicide mission, but there was na way, that after going along with the veruulish plan in the first place, that he would have ever endangered their son over the futher insult to her person. Var’lon was much too smart to make any type of stupid move against the Praetor, even though the man was a veruul, and relied too much upon other veruuls for his information, namely tr’Vren and tr’Mrek.


If Var’lon had been the one to do this, he would have made sure that both Val’ron and herself had been safely away first. Though, na sooner had she been sent back to Talon, had the Teronix torn away at maximum warp in response to a priority message and headed back towards the homeworld. She had known immediately something had been wrong when they had so suddenly left, but na to this magnitude. Oh Elements, what if the things she had told him had set him off, set him off so angrily that he was looking for retribution for what had been done to her. Elements say it was na so!


“The Daise’Khre’Riov au say?” as she tried desperately to keep her voice neutral and swallowing hard so as na give up her fear to the woman, “ Was he na io of the Praetor’s top advisors? And who in their right mind would release a biological agent in the capitol? What of the Deihu? ” Her mind raced with the new information, having more questions to ask and na receiving any answers just yet. It could na have been Var’lon, could it? It made no sense, if he wanted to yy’a the Praetor, he could have just pulled an ie’yakk and done so months ago before she had been deployed; the man’s own guard only half reported to him anyway, being loyal to tr’Vatrix whom was much more popular with the people anyway. Na, he had been biding his time, if she could take it, so could he. He’d never throw away an advantage to do something like this? He was too much of a strategist to do so.


They were interrupted by someone banging on the door. S’anra jerked and glared in its direction. She shook her head as she looked back. “Unfortunately, I can na say more. I must go. Eat a few bites so that I can say you have eaten without being a liar. If I linger any longer, we will both be punished.”


Quickly picking up the bowl so as na to lose this new source of information, she quickly drank most of the cooled broth from the bowl and handed it back to the woman. “Hann’yyo for the medication, it was…..most helpful.”


She nodded and took the bowl and tray, but left her with the fruit, cheese, and bread. “Eat more if au can. Au will need your strength for the trails ahead.” Sighing, she collected her things and turned toward the door, obviously conflicted about her duties. “If I am able, I will see au again. Perhaps with more information about what’s going on outside these walls. Menkha luck. Au will undoubtedly need it.”


“Hann’yyo S’anra for au kindness, and the food,” and left unsaid, also the chilling information that she had just been given. She knew now, that she must find some way to slip free of her captors and make her way home to make sure her family was safe from harm. She watched dejectedly as the dheno gave her a sour look and re-secured the door.

Edited by KhreRiovtRex
fixed typo

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