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How Things are Moving

A joint post between Lieutenant Smith and Captain Sieben


Lieutenant Benjamin Smith approached the office door and tapped the doorbell. He hoped Captain Sieben was home.


Seiben was and punched the comm button. "Yes, please come in" he replied.


A clearly frazzled Smith entered. "Captain Sieben. Lieutenant Benjamin Smith, reporting as ordered. Sir."


Seiben looked up at Smith. "Ah yes, I just heard from Foreman Bailey that you are to head the Challenger project" he recalled. "I know it's a bit of a step down from what you're used to, but I appreciate your help"


"Thank you, Captain." Smith replied. "It's been quite a while since I've been outside the command center. You get used to one thing, and then used to another, and then it gets hard to switch back. I've really become to enjoy working in Operations."


The Captain nodded. "You certainly can. Speaking from experience, I know it's difficult to switch fields. But this'll probably just be termporary" Seiben's gaze drifted. "You know if you enjoy Operations so much, then maybe you ought to consider moving into active duty?" he suggested.


"I've considered it. But most of the positions available are as assistants. I like my job here too much. Meeting all the people that come in and out. I even thought about transfering to Challenger. But I'm faced with the same problem. T'Preshk and I were in the academy together. I think she might be the only tellarite in Starfleet these days. But she's one heck of an OPS Officer."


Seiben recalled his memory for that particular officer. "Ahh, yes. I'm aware of her. She seems to me like a great officer. I'm inclined to agree though at Operations spots fill quite quickly" he said frowning. "But I'm sure with luck and perserverance one will come up"


"But theis seems to be a good job too though" he added


"Yes. I wanted to make sure we were on the same page with the construction schedule." Smith asked.


"We should be" recalled Seiben. "So far, progress is going along as well as can be expected. No doubt you've been informed of our progress thus far?" he asked.


"I have been." Smith replied. "I'm intrigued at alot of the new systems onboard. I don't get to do much exploring from my desk job."


Seiben agreed. "Well, that makes two of us, Mr. Smith. Some of the Challenger's new features are new to me too, such as the 'wake homing torpedoes'. That's something we certainly didn't have on any of my old ships"


"It's absolutely intriguing. Anyways. I need to get out to the spacedock and see how things are moving. I'll be sure to meet with T'Preshk, when she arrives. I know it's important that the OPS officer knows their ship like their hands."


"Of course.. let me know if you need anything else, eh?" said Seiben


"I will report soon, sir. Thank You." Smith exited the Captain's office.


Benjamin was pleased. Captain Sieben would be great to work with.


Sometimes he felt like he was losing something not being in a starship.


Maybe transfering to Challenger would be the right thing to do.

Edited by MisterSmith

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