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Charlotte Matsumura

Pendulum, Part 3

Pendulum, Part 3

Virginia Lewis (NPC)

CDR Malcolm Alexander (NPC)




Ginny Lewis switched off the holoprojector, looking to the clock beside it. Bright red numbers announced it was one-thirty. It had been some twelve hours since she last saw her fiancé, some twelve hours since he'd promised to leave Operations...for her.


A knot twisted in her stomach. Consumed by her own fear, she had used it and Mal's own raw emotions to manipulate him into that vow. It was an effort she wasn't proud of, even if it hadn't been with malice aforethought. She only knew how much she cared for him, and how much she feared losing him. Poor excuse, she thought, but powerful motivation.


Regardless of her motivation, Ginny knew that forcing Mal out of Ops before he was truly ready wasn't fair to him. Once Ronin recovered, once the initial reports were done, and once the dust settled, Mal would be fine; he would want back in. Could she live with that knowledge knowing that he'd never say anything? As an attorney, she knew lesser problems ended marriages. Something this essential would blow theirs wide open. It was an unpleasant thought.


More unpleasant was the thought of being like Elisabeth Matsumura – always waiting, and never sure when or if her husband was coming home. It wasn't that Ginny didn't like or respect Liz – quite the contrary, really. She just firmly believed there was something in Liz's personality that made her better suited to that life, and she knew she didn't share that same trait.


Her eyelids burned, and tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. She couldn't live with Ops, and Mal couldn't live without it. The knot in her stomach tightened with the realization of what had to happen.


Another minute ticked by, the numbers now an indistinguishable red mass in the darkness. In that moment, the apartment door opened, a swath of light bisecting the room. She watched as Mal entered, ordering the lights to half. He spotted her on the sofa and stopped cold.




The lawyer read the panic in his eyes, the way his mouth gaped as his mind scrambled for the right words. His reaction told her he'd reached the same conclusion she had...and the knot in her stomach suddenly turned to a knife through the heart.


"You can't leave Operations."


Mal shook his head. Apology, love, and pain radiated from his eyes; his lips were drawn taut. "No. And I –"


"And you can't ask me to wait for you."


Again, Alexander shook his head. "It's not fair to you. Not if you don't, well, want to."


Ginny swallowed. There was relief amidst the pain – relief in the realization that he truly loved her, even if they would be parting ways. It was a small comfort, but later...later it might provide a foundation for friendship. For now...


Slipping the engagement ring from her finger, she crossed the room and placed it gently into his palm. Her fingers curled around his as she closed his hand around it. "Goodbye, Mal. And good luck."


"Thank you," he managed. His voice was rough when he spoke; she couldn't look him in the eye. He leaned forward and kissed her lightly on top of her head.


Without looking back, Virginia Lewis stepped out of the apartment, leaving her former fiancé alone in the dark.


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