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Cptn Corizon


Corris Sprint played with a stray lock of hair absently as he read over the sensor logs he’d finally gotten access to; a few feet away from him Sogh’a (Senior Lieutenant) BroHngh, the stations chief tactical officer read the same with furrowed brow.


“I spoke with the Governor,” BroHngh offered as he flipped through the information. “He’s concerned enough to be diverting some of his resources to this…”


“Not surprising,” Sprint said. He’d known the Governor for many years and assumed that the young Sogh’a was putting it mildly when he said ‘concerned.’


“I wonder…”


“Klingons wonder?”


They chuckled lightly, in spite of the situation. “Occasionally, we have our moments of genuine intrigue,” BroHngh said with a toothy grin. “I wonder if there’s a pattern to these… happenings.”


“We’re working on that right now,” Sprint said. “Admiral T’Pran and Columbia are going to head towards one of the sectors with several of these happenings and see if they can determine if it’s a natural phenomena or not…”


“There’s any doubt?”


“It is possible…”


The Klingon looked dubious. “I suppose it could be coincidence that a half-dozen stars across three sectors that all just happened to be inhabited by Al-Ucardian bases just happened to all explode in the same manner.”


Sprint’s brow furrowed. “I don’t disagree, however…”


“However,” the Klingon said with a scowl. “The Federation isn’t willing to admit that their new friends are fiendish beasts who are wantonly killing billions to send a message.”


If Sprint were a diplomat, his response would be more tempered and neutral, however he wasn’t. “Something to that effect, yes.”



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