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Cmdr Ridire


Aidan stares dumbstruck at the viewscreen for a good ten seconds as his brain registers what is apparently going on. A fleet of Romulan Warbirds had appeared..and were helping the four Starfleet ships against the stolen Klingon bird of preys? His mind runs through several possibilities to explain what’s going on before deciding on which is the more likely one..and the orders he should give in response.


Turning to face Shamor he says “Order our ships to not..I repeat..not open fire on the Romulan ships.” He frowns slightly and then adds “And open a secure channel to the lead Romulan warbird and request that they attempt to force the Klingon ships into a tight formation and to stay at the far end of their weapons range. Also inform them we will be trying to disable the birds of prey. And finally…prepare to open fire with the modified torpedos and relay that order to our ships as well. We want live enemies to interrogate..not dead enemies to dispose of.”

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